asociacion Condado de alhama email

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18 May 2009 12:00 AM by michaelwr Star rating. 96 forum posts Send private message


     did anyone else get this email and know what it is about....


Atte: Comisión Condado de Alhama,


Hello everyone:

We achieved a reduction of € 562,000.

We struggled for 3 months for the good of the community.

We have not received the expected support on the board of the community.

Therefore, the recognition that as owners, we can not elect our president, or choose our administrator. We decided to stop in today to this partnership. This is the latest collective and individual that you receive from us.


We hope, for the good of all, Polaris chairman and promoter of the community, get that every day will improve our resort and to remedy the deficiencies that still need to:

- Lack of security and perimeter sensors that follow a protocol.

- Lights do not work in some gardens and swimming pools.

- Lights off in the road outside the garden.

- Repopulated plant orange trees in the area .... Etc.


Thank you very much everyone for your support and collaboration.



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18 May 2009 5:42 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Yes I received the same email.

  • I understand it to be saying the amount of money they believe they have saved for the community over the month’s they have been campaigning.
  • They didn’t manage to get any of the top jobs in the new community so hope those that have can successfully take the community forward.
  • As they haven’t managed any of the top jobs they are disbanding so will not be sending out any more communications.
  • And finally they list some issues they think require action by the community presidents.


But that’s just the way I took it, I may be wrong???




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18 May 2009 6:57 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Phil, I believe that same.

The association was originally formed in the absence of an official committee, their aim was to organise owners and try to make sense of the original budget published by RPM back in Feb.   Over the past three months they have done a lot of work, but unfortunately as they failed to 'promote' they existance properly they didn't gain the support they had hoped for come the elections last Saturday.  Now that we have a pucker community and presidents ( well some anyway, the majority still seem to be unrepresented ) the reason for their being has been removed.  We can't have two associations, one offical and one not, so they have disbanded, which after all is only correct.

As you would say :-

But that’s just the way I took it, I may be wrong???



This message was last edited by ptan on 19/05/2009.









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18 May 2009 11:03 PM by tarapa Star rating in East Sussex & Jardin.... 85 forum posts Send private message

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I think they may have had more support if they had of come on here and the other website and made themselves known to us.

I see none of the are on the 'presidents chart' on the other thread so does that mean they have stood down from even doing that.

It could be the way it is translated, and maybe they cannot carry on now we have an official committe but I tought it sounded a bit like a case of bad losers, didn't get what they wanted so not going to do anymore.

Anyway congrats to the presidents and interested to find out who my garden president is and president in charge of jardines 7-13.


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19 May 2009 1:19 PM by Alhama Gardener Star rating in Preston and Jardines.... 119 forum posts Send private message

We did something similar on our community in the UK - we formed a "residents action group" to work with builders and builders appointed managing agents (of our management company!)....once we elected our own as the directors we disbanded....we then had to send a communication out to explain where we had got to and the transfer into the owners who were now the directors - I think you're right Tara, its how its translated


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19 May 2009 1:19 PM by Alhama Gardener Star rating in Preston and Jardines.... 119 forum posts Send private message

We did something similar on our community in the UK - we formed a "residents action group" to work with builders and builders appointed managing agents (of our management company!)....once we elected our own as the directors we disbanded....we then had to send a communication out to explain where we had got to and the transfer into the owners who were now the directors - I think you're right Tara, its how its translated


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04 Jun 2009 10:10 PM by lojnej Star rating. 97 forum posts Send private message

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