Fun for Half Term Week 25th onwards !

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Condado de Alhama forum threads
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16 May 2009 12:00 AM by ledspain Star rating in Llanelli and garden .... 20 forum posts Send private message

Hello Everyone,

We've been reading everyones posts in envy over the last six months, since we last visited, looking forward to coming over for a week starting Monday the 25th May, with our six year old daughter and my mate with his children.

The last thing I want to do is spoil anyones plans for a quiet week, but we are wondering if anyone who will be in residence for this week is up for a few sociable, family , fun filled events.

I am looking to arrange some simple events from early ( 8am ish ) jogs , to lawn darts for kids , boules ,  football games , touch rugby , cricket  , rounders , netball , or anything else anyone can suggest , or has available.

I am on Garden 11 , but don't want to restrict things to one garden , if anyone else is interested , or has any ideas , please feel free to post a reply.

I will be over on Monday 25th, and look forward to meeting up with a few of you who have posted over the last few months. Also feel free to suggest some evening get togethers, to make new friends, at a location other than the surgery , as i don't think I can wait an hour for a beer / red wine or a sangria ! 

Also looking for any ideas for the LIONS first game on the 30th???

Leights , Elaine and Megan



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16 May 2009 1:41 AM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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Am out 21st to 26th............. hope you have  a good time, you sound like the fit family who used to be part of an advertisement on TV, wish i'd listened to em meself



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16 May 2009 7:31 PM by pamingham Star rating in JARDIN 4. 96 forum posts Send private message


Think you are confusing Condado with Butlins? 





This message was last edited by pamingham on 16/05/2009.

This message was last edited by pamingham on 16/05/2009.

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16 May 2009 7:40 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Why should someone who goes out of their way to arrange some activities for their kids be shot down like that Pam?

Aren't the gardens designed for families? snobbery springs to mind.



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16 May 2009 8:15 PM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

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you can bring your activities (and beer) down to naranjos 7, but you's must leave by midnight otherwise i will be the one looking like the cat with the rifle

anyway best of luck with them, because kids happy = happy parents

cheers ant

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16 May 2009 8:31 PM by ceadjp Star rating in Hartlepool. 50 forum posts Send private message

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My nephews, age 9 and 6, and their friend Eve, 7 will be staying  in Jardin 10 and will be around from Wednesday 27th May - I am sure my sister and her friend would be more than happy for them to join in with the activities you mentioned.

I will let them know to look out for you and your family.



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17 May 2009 10:58 AM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Ledspain.

You have some great ideas for the kids - hope you get a good turn out cos happy kids = happy parents.

We don't have sprogs but if you are watching the Lions on the Sat (think it' also the same day as the F A cup final) we'd be happy to share a taxi to Campasol or wherever to watch some sport & have some beer & make a day of it.

We're out 24 May - 1 June and are in Naranjos G4 N258.

P.S. When we were out at the begining of the month we'd arranged to meet up with people through EoS which iwas great but it was a bit hit & miss cos we didn't know what eachother looked like. I'm not suggesting a red carnation but it may be as well to think about how we can identify eachother!



Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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17 May 2009 12:16 PM by Galwegians Star rating. 64 forum posts Send private message

Hi Leights, Elaine & Megan.


We are also in Jardin 11 but do not have any small children.  Our smallest is 20 and really is quite large!  We will be out the same time as yourselves and hopefully we will see a big turnout of children.

Ray & Ethnea

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