Flies ?

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26 May 2009 12:00 AM by The Leonards Essex Star rating in Essex/Los Naranjos 2. 116 forum posts Send private message

Returned to the UK yesterday after spending a lovely hot weekend in CDA, only problem we had were with some small flies that seemed to get into our apartment at every opportunity!! They looked like tiny fruit flies, but were unsure how they were getting  in. Anyone seen them, know how to get rid of them ?

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26 May 2009 8:21 AM by tomea Star rating in Larvik (Norway) and .... 46 forum posts Send private message

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We had the same problem. Same flies. I guess they are not the only ones turning up when things are hotting up now. At the Brico House at Camposol they seemed have a solution for everything (ants etc.), so I reckon there is some sort of solution to the fly problem also. We didn´t have time to do anything about it last time out. Any advice is welcome.

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26 May 2009 9:29 AM by Waddle Star rating in Chesterfield & Los N.... 210 forum posts Send private message

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We too suffered at the hands of the little blighters - got sick of fishing them out of my red wine

Apparently they appear at this time of the year as the climate starts hotting up but only stay around for a few weeks before they die off over the summer. No doubt they get eaten by the mossies !

Russ & Louise Salud !

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26 May 2009 11:40 AM by Hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


We were told by a spanish couple that the locals call them Naranjos flies. cos its the oranges that attract them.

So to those living on Los Naranjos, maybe the lack of Otange trees was for the better.

We were also advise that they go after a few weeks.

Noticed that they liked wine , beer But not lemonade or coke.

Choosey little blighters.

We bought plug in`s from the supermarket on Condado but had seen them much cheeper on Campasol.

Ours are the tablet form but you can get liquid ones too.

We have a 21 bed & I bought 1 for eachbedroom & 2 for the kitchen / livingroom.

Took a bit of time for them to kick in but once they did , no fly`s. did not find any dead bodies so I am presuming the smell just deturs them from entering the room.

Have also noticed that quite a few spanish appartments have the wooden beaded curtains across the door way. maybe thats a good deterent too.



West Mids & Jardin 5

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26 May 2009 12:59 PM by maverick100 Star rating in Ireland and naranjos.... 81 forum posts Send private message

ok so thats great the mossies eat the fruit flies, so now how do we get rid of the mossies when they start to invade?


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26 May 2009 1:31 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message

You let them over-dose on your blood Mark...............................then they burst & die !!





( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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26 May 2009 2:37 PM by maverick100 Star rating in Ireland and naranjos.... 81 forum posts Send private message

well at least if they drink my blood they will die happy, they probably wont get the chance to burst they will crash into walls instead, well thanks billbo you have just given me my excuse to over consume and all for a good cause, my missus will be pleased


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26 May 2009 3:01 PM by Hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Oh my Gawd

I have justy read my last thread & realise I have made a lot of spelling mistakes.

Guess I will get told off again

Also notice that we have a 21 bedroomed apartment. We should be so lucky,. would prefere one of the 5 bedroomed Villas but I guess tey will not be built now. Just need  to win the lottery, just in case.



West Mids & Jardin 5

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26 May 2009 4:07 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Jan,

I think it is time to go back to school. Kevyn will have a fit when he sees ALL those errors.  Unforgiveable, shame on you 



 Always look on the bright side of life  

Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues


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26 May 2009 7:25 PM by Hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ali

No one will ever believe I had an O level. (Yes, I am that old) in English

I say had because I know that if I had to retake it now , I would probably only get an X

Why can`t there be a spell check on EOS it would be a great help to those of us that have evedently "lost it"



West Mids & Jardin 5

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26 May 2009 8:36 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message


Try.......... evidently.

It's easy to do a typo on here. Sometimes the keys don't register. That's my ekskuuzze anyway !!





( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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26 May 2009 9:08 PM by fozzer Star rating in Wigan. 70 forum posts Send private message

Don't worry about the flies


just wait till the frogs come to eat all the flies


then after the frogs come the rabbits to eat all the frogs followed by the crocodiles.

Ha give me flies

Tony and Dawn     http://ww...

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