We were told by a spanish couple that the locals call them Naranjos flies. cos its the oranges that attract them.
So to those living on Los Naranjos, maybe the lack of Otange trees was for the better.
We were also advise that they go after a few weeks.
Noticed that they liked wine , beer But not lemonade or coke.
Choosey little blighters.
We bought plug in`s from the supermarket on Condado but had seen them much cheeper on Campasol.
Ours are the tablet form but you can get liquid ones too.
We have a 21 bed & I bought 1 for eachbedroom & 2 for the kitchen / livingroom.
Took a bit of time for them to kick in but once they did , no fly`s. did not find any dead bodies so I am presuming the smell just deturs them from entering the room.
Have also noticed that quite a few spanish appartments have the wooden beaded curtains across the door way. maybe thats a good deterent too.