Slipping Standards on Roda

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Roda Golf And Beach Resort forum threads
The Comments
26 May 2009 12:00 AM by valinda Star rating. 33 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

We have just returned from Roda the weather was great. But we were very disappointed with a few things that were happening on Roda, I am sure you will all agree that one of the reasons we  purchased on Roda were the Five star facilities and why we pay community charges to maintain the standard. Well we have a two bedroom penthouse in block 44 on phase two. This is just a few things that we saw while we were there, somebody in the next block to us has fitted a rotary line to the wall ! on the solarium, somebody opposite has hung a line on there solarium ! on the ground floor opposite we have a freezer on the patio! Also we had to speak to some people at the poolside who were using glasses and bottles, smoking without ashtrays leaving food  on the grass,towels were left on sunbeds overnight. Another family were using dinning room chairs by the poolside, we also had to ask some children not to lift the covers around the pool,we also noticed that  there were a lot more dogs. What I would like to ask everyone is if you are renting your property out please can you ask your tenants to respect others as we feel our five star complex is beginning to look like a council estate. I have also sent a mail Marisol Morenilla and Jill Silvester. I am sure you will all agree we have paid a lot of money for our property's on a five star resort, to have to put up with these things happening.

On a good note we were very pleased with the high standard of cleaning/service  that our key holders provide for us,living on Roda they are able to keep us updated, also anyone who has not been to Campbells you must go excellent food and great hospitality well worth a visit. Would book in advance as they were quite busy when we went.


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26 May 2009 8:30 PM by searay Star rating. 238 forum posts Send private message

i would imagine it is hard to get premium rents and premium tennants when the resort does not have 5* facalaties you expected it would have at the time of purchase , roda rents appear to be woefully low but the market will dictate the rent not the egents or owners .

i would suggest part of the problem is a lot of units were sold to investers who would have hoped to have sold on by now but have found themselfes having to accept almost any rent to try to cover costs in the hope of the market returning , the problem  is poor tennants will have an adverse effect  on the whole development  and create a downward spiral which is very difficult to reverse , check out some of the postings on la torre regarding the situation last summer could this happen on roda ? i guess if enough people are prepared to take low rents then it possibly could , i spoke to a letting agent in the area who said roda rentals were "very difficult and very price sensative " as there were so many people simply trying to chase to few  tennants and the demand for roda was just not there  which i found strange when they said there was a high demand for the local area .

perhaps if pressure were applied to calidona to deliver the 5* facalaties then the situation may be different,  who knows ?

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27 May 2009 8:49 AM by SteveandJane Star rating in Somerset and Corvera.... 481 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Roda

Surely the RULES concerning washing lines, glass by pools etc. are set by the community as well as Roda. Everybody knows them but the big question is , how do you enforce them? If I were you I would make life as dificult as possible for the don't give a damn renters and/or owners. Nip it in the bud or it will become the norm.


 Steve (Lifestyler)

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27 May 2009 10:53 AM by searay Star rating. 238 forum posts Send private message

hi steve

the problem is there are a lot of dont give a damn renters , and a lot of investers who are only to glad to get any sort of rental in the hope of covering some costs , there are units on roda for long term rent at 375 euros pcm if these people cannot find tennants and keep things ticking over then how long can they afford to keep funding a depreciating asset before they simply let it be reposessed which is worse for the resort and other owners .

i guess this is one of the problems when a lot of units are sold to investers .  

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27 May 2009 12:17 PM by Anita Star rating in Surrey / Corvera Gol.... 500 forum posts Send private message

This concerns me as I would not like the same to happen at Corvera and I agree, something should be done sooner rather than later to stop the problems escalating.   Could a 'name and shame' board be put in the Clubhouse giving details of properties with tenants/owners abusing the rules?



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27 May 2009 12:52 PM by evertom Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Calm down dear....

May I offer some balance?

I have just returned from a long weekend on my apartment on Phase 3.

I have to say it was spot on, no issues of it being 'down trodden', in fact I had a good walk round all phases and was very impressed with the maturity of the development. The properties looked fantastic, as did the bedding plants, trees and general landscape was really very good.

Yes there was the odd person by the pool with a chair, yes the odd washing is being dried and the odd balcony has been glazed to provide a sun room (for a parrot?). But I didn't see anything that would cause me any stress, in fact it added a bit of character and life to the place.

I absolutely agree that 'rule breakers' need to be addressed, but It doesn't have to be a stuffy place with no life, a good community is a mix of different people with different backgrounds, if they are just renting or not shouldn't matter.

Comments about people on council estates are not productive to acheiving a balanced resort and besides everyone is entitled to go on holiday and enjoy themselves.

Just like "posh" people need to dry their clothes.

I would suggest next time you see someone not doing exactly what you want them to, you sit down, crack open a bottle of Shiraz and enjoy the sun! .........I know i would.


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27 May 2009 2:37 PM by kroda Star rating. 106 forum posts Send private message

I am afraid I have to agree with Valinda. 

I have been trying really hard not to bring this topic on the forum, but now would like to give some credence to what Valinda has said. On Phase 1 both my neighbours and myself have been having quite a rough time.  Basically the there is a tenant who goes out 2200 and doesn't return until 0500.  Of course there will be some of you say that is none of my business.  However, it is when he leaves 2 barking dogs on the balcony who keep everyone awake.  This is totally unacceptable to all other owners.  We have tried to solve the problem amicably ourselves but to no avail.

We have in turn contacted the President and administrator.  They contacted the owner to contact the tenant.  It still did not stop.  Last week an order was going to be served on the owner by the police.  I have to say the administrator seems to be helping us out on this one.

All in all, Valinda you have my total support on the issues.  I could have bought on a less expensive resort where this behaviour is the "norm" but I definitely want this resort to reflect exactly what we paid for.  Rules are rules!  i try my best to abide by them so why can't others?

If that makes me POSH, so be it! 



This message was last edited by kroda on 27/05/2009.

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27 May 2009 2:38 PM by Anita Star rating in Surrey / Corvera Gol.... 500 forum posts Send private message

Evertom, I agree everyone is entitled to go on holiday and enjoy themselves but not at the expense of others, that is also counter-productive to a balanced resort - not being 'stuffy'.  Obviously the issues Valinda posted are of concern to her and I'm sure it would be of interest to everyone what your suggestions are to address the rule breakers (although I am quite sure they are in the minority).  My feeling from Valinda's post, Valinda correct me if I am wrong, is that she is just trying to ask owners to be respectful, or to ask their tenants to be respectful of other owners or tenants.  Looking out from a balcony at someone else's washing surely detracts from the more pleasant surroundings there are to be seen.


This message was last edited by Anita on 27/05/2009.

This message was last edited by Anita on 27/05/2009.

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27 May 2009 2:46 PM by shannon Star rating. 139 forum posts Send private message

Hello Kroda,

I think Evertom got it from Valinda s comment that "we feel our five star complex is beginning to look like a council estate."



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27 May 2009 3:36 PM by kroda Star rating. 106 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Frank

Did not see that comment, but I certainly do empathise with Valinda in the rules that are being broken.  However, I do know lots of council estates who keep their properties much better that private ones.


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27 May 2009 6:07 PM by valinda Star rating. 33 forum posts Send private message

Yes we all have to dry our washing I have a clotheshorse that I have on my veranda and I use this daily when I am at Roda,What I was saying is that I do not want to look out of my apartment at washing hanging from lines that have been erected by owners. If this makes me posh so be it...... I was not saying that Roda was like a council estate but If people are finding it so hard that they have to rent out to long term rentals for a very low income 350 euro that they ask the tenants to respect the owners and there visitors. If you feel that by asking people not to use glass by the poolside is wrong, I was only thinking of the inconvenience of having the pool cleaned if glass was broken  or the injury it could cause.


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29 May 2009 8:38 AM by evertom Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message


Fair enough and i do agree with a lot of your points.

My comments were aimed at presenting my views from last weekends visit.

I found it to be excellent, no issues at all.

My point was that washing being dried and the odd chair by a pool doesn't offend me, nor does it mean that it's looking like a council estate (some council estates are very nice...)

I think it is more damaging to rentals when posts are made that bring the place down.

I mean, seriously, if I was surfing the net looking for a holiday let and came across some of the posts similar to your one. I would look elsewhere. Surely that is more of an issue than washing on a terrace?

The dogs issue and broken glass in the pool are major issues and you 100% correct to push for some action.

But i wanted to bring some balance to the thread and i hope i have done that?

Good luck with the neighbour from hell, I wonder what he is doing all night.....?


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29 May 2009 12:29 PM by Scottebabe Star rating. 99 forum posts Send private message

Perhaps it is worth while considering some boards with pool rules....i.e no bottles, no dogs etc etc......we are on phase 3 and there is nothing like this as yet.  We do intend to rent and I would expect that our tenants will abide by the rules but how can they if they are not evident to visitors to the complex?

Sympathise to all of you with issues - I can't believe how much the noise travels in the apartments....we have upstairs neighbours at the moment who are doing nothing out of the norm, but all chairs moving can be heard at a level which would be unacceptable by UK regulation.  

I think we all would like Roda to stay presentable and appealing.

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30 May 2009 5:23 PM by kroda Star rating. 106 forum posts Send private message

I have just received a message from a neighbour telling me that they watched a woman with a bulldog allow her dog to soil on the grass just outside my apartment.  Totally showing lack of respect for others, would she do it outside her own apartment?

I know evertom, you said that we need to be careful what we put on eos as it may put renters off.  I don't care if someone is put off, maybe they deserve to have an idea of the resort they are renting in.  Maybe if we all sang from the one sheet, this wouldn't happen.  We should support our fellow owners and make this development the prestige resort we bought into.  At the moment it certainly has a lot to live up to.

I am sorry if I offend anyone but I am completely fed up with this matter.


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01 Jun 2009 1:18 PM by evertom Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message


No worries, i am not offended.

I think your right, no one should put up with dogs fouling on Roda.

It does seem to be a culture thing in Spain though, 'doggy bins' don't appear to be used.

I think on this issue, they are 20 years behind the brits.

I would go as far as to say (I will get panned for this) that I can't see the point in keeping dogs in apartments, surely you should have a garden if you want a dog?

Some people say they are for security, but those castle strength front doors seem pretty good security to me and you don't have to tread in dog Shit£ to get through them? Just a thought.....

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01 Jun 2009 3:39 PM by JGR Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

For your info, it´s by no means Spanish dog owners only that do not clean the mess after their dogs.

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01 Jun 2009 10:35 PM by Jenny Kenrick Star rating in Bury St Edmunds, Suf.... 31 forum posts Send private message


We were over at Roda mid May and during this time, we found dog faeces on the grass area immediately outside our lounge patio. We found this absolutely disgusting! We do not have a problem whatsoever with people having dogs on the development, as long as the owners take full responsibility for their dogs behaviour. Under no circumstances should dogs be allowed to ‘foul’ public areas.

Dog faeces can present serious health issues and this causes us very major concerns. We will be back at our apartment in approximatel 2 weeks time and during that time our 22 month old granddaughter will be staying with us. It is only natural that she will want to play and run around on the grassed areas in the vicinity of our apartment and the pool area. We do not want to prevent her from doing this because dogs have fouled on these areas.

Lets hope that those guilty of letting their dogs do this have a conscience and start to take responsibility immediately!



Jenny & Geoff

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02 Jun 2009 7:56 AM by shannon Star rating. 139 forum posts Send private message


I am afraid that your "hope" will not be fulfilled as most dog owners allow them to urinate wherever they want and similarly with excreting. It is not the dogs fault it is the people who own them.  How often do you see the owner pretending to be looking elsewhere pretending that their attention is elsewhere while their animal deposits its bowels or bladder onto the floor. Then they walkaway as if nothing has happened. No Jenny you wont change those animals habits or the dogs.

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02 Jun 2009 9:07 AM by SteveandJane Star rating in Somerset and Corvera.... 481 forum posts Send private message

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Do I take it that it is illegal for a community to vote to ban pets ? Obviously it would have to be a majority vote. It would be my first proposal on the formation of a Community !


 Steve (Lifestyler)

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02 Jun 2009 1:34 PM by kroda Star rating. 106 forum posts Send private message

I am glad other people feel just as strongly as I do about the "dog fouling situation".  For a while I thought I was one my own.

I would like to stress that I know a few people with dogs close to my apartment who are in no way responsible for these acts.  They are totally respectful of the resort and of the people who live there.  It only takes one or two people to allow their pets to do this which gives others a bad name.

Its the OWNERS  who should be ashamed of themselves.  A trained animal/pet will do as its owner commands.


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