Iberdrola on-line billing

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30 Aug 2009 12:00 AM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message


Does anyone know which is the activation number from your paper bills that you put in to set  up the on-line billing facility.





( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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30 Aug 2009 10:08 PM by Rocketman Star rating. 43 forum posts Send private message

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We had a note along the bottom of some but not all of the bills that just said Do you want your electronic invoice? and then an activation code.

I think if you don't have the code you can ring Iberdrola and they will either give you the code or change your details for you.

Must say I think electronic invoices are great, just received one for 400.03 € for an empty apartment!, got straight on the phone to get it changed before it came out of the bank. When I was waiting for bits of paper they always used to arrive after the money had gone out and then it was a battle to get it sorted.


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08 Sep 2009 12:21 PM by mrlwin Star rating in Toledo&Naranjos 7, 5.... 52 forum posts Send private message

if you get a higher bill than what you were expecting, you can contact Iberdrola directly for them to explain to you why the amount is so high and if the bill correspond with the meter reading. CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 901 20 20 20

I don't think it is a good idea not to pay the bill, as they can stop the electricity to the apartment and you will have to pay again to them to have it reconnected. Iberdrola, as well as all electric companies are now in a difficult process because of the decision of the Ministry of Industry in Spain. The electricity bill was no problem last year. Every two months, they read the meter and sent you the bill. The minister said it is better to have the bill every month so we know exactly how much we spend every month. So the companies are still reading every two months but sending two receipts. The first month they do an stimation (whatever they consider appropiate) the second one they read the meter and give you the right receipt. For my house in Talavera one month I pay around 50 euros (estimation) the second 250 (real). There are plenty of people complaining about it, and Iberdrola is given back the money if they have charged extra.

So tell me if we know now how much we spend in electricity.....not to mention that if you do not set up an e-bill the companies will have to print and sent to you two different bills, which is great for the enviroment!!!!!


Maria N557

Maria Jardion 7 N557

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08 Sep 2009 2:13 PM by lytton Star rating in Bath & North East So.... 422 forum posts Send private message


If you pay for the estimated part and then again for the actual bill do the costs get adjusted or do you have to keep complaining to Iberdrola each time ?


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08 Sep 2009 2:27 PM by mrlwin Star rating in Toledo&Naranjos 7, 5.... 52 forum posts Send private message

Do not believe anything just say Huma Mediterraneo have told lies from the beginning to pass time and save them money and not return anything to the misguided. Try to get your money before it is too late but I think it already is.

Lawyers say all legal permits should check certain things. To be legal permission to work must be completed works of urbanization - which are not - or if it must deposit with the municipality a bank guarantee to ensure the realization of these works. Make sure in the City of Tabernas, which has constituted the guarantee because this amount is very important and I have not done so because the works were stopped for not having paid to it sonstructores done so far - more than a million euros - and have laid off employees of Huma and also owe many will not pay wages. There are other issues for which it seems very difficult that the work continues because they have a lot of money to banks and that all mortgaged.

Maria Jardion 7 N557

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08 Sep 2009 9:45 PM by lytton Star rating in Bath & North East So.... 422 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Maria,

Do you know if when you call the number you have given for customer services, do they speak English. I have heard that if you try ringing Iberdrola or Urbaser unless you can speak Spanish they will hang up. My Spanish is not very good.



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08 Sep 2009 10:47 PM by mrlwin Star rating in Toledo&Naranjos 7, 5.... 52 forum posts Send private message

HI Phil,

I got this from the Iberdrola web page https://www.iberdrola.es/webibd/corporativa/iberdrola?IDPAG=ENWEBCLICON&codCache=12524416856441705

Languages in which this service is offered

Our IBERDROLA Customer Service is available in the languages that our customers use most: Spanish, English, French, German , as well as the co-official languages of the Autonomous Regions where we have offices: Euskera and Valenciano.The default language is Spanish, but if you require assistance in any of the other available languages, you must state this at the start of the call so that you can be transferred immediately to an agent who will help you in the language you requested.

So I tried to call myself: first time I did not get any message in English, only Spanish. It is an automatic recorded message, press 1 for electricity, 2 for gas, 3, etc. Second time I did not press anything, I keep repeating "English" "English" so it went directly to an agent who said he will pass me to an English Speaker. I have to explain myself....

I know URBASER, that depends from the Ayuntamiento de Alhama, has no English Speaker. It is amazing how in Murcia, which is a region with plenty of tourist and people who buy houses from abroad, all to do with civil servants  it is just useless. I cannot believe there is not an intelligent mind thinking that consider this situation, it is really important to hire somebody who actually speak English!!!!!

Maybe they could offer me a job????, the perfect job, great timetable, great salary, no worries, not that much to do.....and living the vida loca....in Condado. Ideal!!!!!!!!!!



Maria Jardion 7 N557

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09 Sep 2009 10:37 AM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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LOL!  Go for it Maria, you have our vote


You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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09 Sep 2009 2:28 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All,

I have just managed to sign up for on-line billing with Iberdrola.  Didn't bother with telephoning them due to potential language barrier issues I would probably have had.  Instead I just sent an e-mail to clientes@iberdrola.com which I wrote in English and then used a translation site to translate it into Spanish for me asking them to provide me with my contract reference number.  They then sent this back to me which allowed me to register, and get my username and password.

Once registered you can view everything relating to your bill, the only thing is most of it is in Spanish, although it does say that they are working on putting an English version out soon.  The main thing is that I can now view my bills and see what they are going to take.  

Hope this is helpful.



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09 Sep 2009 4:02 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Simon

Thanks for that.  What information did you give in your email, was it just your address?



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 Martyn and June xx

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09 Sep 2009 4:58 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi June


These are the e-mails I sent and received from Iberdrola if you want to copy them.  I guess they got my contract reference number from my name.
Estimado señor
He sido conectado recientemente a la electricidad con Iberdrola para mi propiedad en Condado de Alhama. Infórmeme por favor cómo conseguir el acceso a mis cuentas en línea como yo no tengo ningún código ni la información para registrar con.
He tratado de registrar conectado, pero el sitio web me pregunta para una referencia de contrato. ¿Dónde encontraré yo esta información?
Simon Wroe


Estimado cliente:
Comunicarle que su referencia de contrato es ***************.

Once I got the reference number, the way in which I then registered was to log onto www.iberdrola.es then click onto the Customers tab at the top of the page, then the online office tab.

From here click on the Customer Registration, then it asks you to cick on a section if you haven't got an activation code.  From here you should be able to fill in most of the boxes, although one thing that confused me slightly was when it asked for name, first surname, and second surname, so I just put Mr in the name box and my first name in the first surname box and my surname in the second surname box, and this seemed to work.  

A username and password was then e-mailed to me and hey presto it worked.

Hope this is helpful.

Speak to you soon.


p.s.- You can tell it was me that did this and not Ali as it was a boring job that needed doing


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09 Sep 2009 8:31 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Many Thanks Simon,

Have sent email and hopefully will get same reply.  This will save a lot of hassle. 

Not in any hurry to get bills but unfortunately it's out of our hands now,  installation has already gone out, dreading the bills, if everyone elses experience is anything to go by.  Looks like they're paying for the outer ring road lol

Thanks again Simon, see/speak to you soon



You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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29 Sep 2009 9:23 AM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Cheers Simon just got mine all sorted.


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