Bidet removal

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26 Aug 2009 12:00 AM by The Leonards Essex Star rating in Essex/Los Naranjos 2. 116 forum posts Send private message

I am considering having the bidet removed out of the bathroom, but someone has mentioned to me that it's a law in Spain to have one, and harder to sell when the time comes to do so.......Could be a wind up, but any info would be much appreciated!



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26 Aug 2009 8:40 AM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

Aparently so all properties built after a certain date must have a Bidet, and consequently if houses after that date are sold on they must have one to!

No reasons why you can not remove but be prepared to have another fitted if you decide to sell?



I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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26 Aug 2009 1:02 PM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

Andy from Camposol has removed lots of bidets and I can recommend his work personally, He is a top class electrician and will do just about any job.

Contact him on 617644339

Barry & Sue



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26 Aug 2009 1:06 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Steve (Endpeg) and also from Camposol, and also a qualified English and Spanish electrician,  also removes bidets.  He did ours when we first completed and did a brilliant job.....Not sure about that law of,  there must be a bidet?   Haven't I been in penthouses that don't have bidets?   Or have they had them removed too?

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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26 Aug 2009 3:15 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Cuz,

 Yes you are correct  the Penthouses were built without a bidet, useless unless you have dirty feet,  so when I come to sell haven't a clue where we  I am  supposed to put one? so would question the spanish law theory.



 Always look on the bright side of life  

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02 Sep 2009 12:33 PM by The Leonards Essex Star rating in Essex/Los Naranjos 2. 116 forum posts Send private message

Just in case you need to know, reply I have just received from my Spanish solicitor:

There is no problem if you take your bidet out. Permissions are require if major works are to be carried out.


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02 Sep 2009 2:10 PM by keninz Star rating. 25 forum posts Send private message

Hi,thats good  to hear as have just had ours taken out to give us some extra space .

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08 Sep 2009 12:07 PM by mrlwin Star rating in Toledo&Naranjos 7, 5.... 52 forum posts Send private message

Hello everybody, my name is John Anthony and I also bought an apartment in the Patio de Dona Julia. I'm in the same situation as all of you and not to do. You appeared an announcement: this Evemarina bankrupt. You can enlarge foroconcursoacreedores. com. Greetings

Hello everybody, my name is Juan Antonio and I also bought an apartment in the courtyard of Don Julio. I'm in the same situation as you all an I do not know to do. In addition, there has been a news on the Internet that still concerns me more. Furthermore, news has emerged Evemarina is in bankruptcy situation. You can see it in foroconcursoacreedores. com. Regards

Maria Jardion 7 N557

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08 Sep 2009 5:01 PM by keninz Star rating. 25 forum posts Send private message

Hi,will remember that for future ref,got mine done with tiles and floor made good for €100 and they were an exact match ,really pleased with it.

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08 Sep 2009 7:52 PM by mrlwin Star rating in Toledo&Naranjos 7, 5.... 52 forum posts Send private message

For Truffe.

I do not think from any investor to complete the work, since I have been informed that the work is carried out so far have not been paid by the developer.

Waiting until October and see how I am right

Maria Jardion 7 N557

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