Has anybody had any Electric or Water charge taken yet

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28 Sep 2009 12:00 AM by T11SNA Star rating in York & Los Naranjos.... 17 forum posts Send private message

If so what will it / does it look like on your bank account statement


Dont know if this is it but Ive had a payment from my account of 160 euro's for "IBERDROLA"  Not sure who or what that is .Anybody any clues ?





Tim , Lina , Charlie & Frey

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28 Sep 2009 11:34 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

scapa´s avatar

Hi Tim

"IBERDROLA" is your electric bill the 160 euros will be the connection fee.

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28 Sep 2009 1:21 PM by T11SNA Star rating in York & Los Naranjos.... 17 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for that   : )

Tim , Lina , Charlie & Frey

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