I am out next week, and having been caught once, was checking the DGT site for speed cameras (they very kindly provide a listing by Region). A new one has appearred on the MU-602, at about 10km from the start (near the Chicken factory), I think it is heading towards Condado from the A30 road (ie. on the way to the resort from San Javier Airport).
Others I am aware of that impact visitors to Condao.
A7, about 10km short of Alicante airport, heading towards the airport (I am aware of that one to my cost!!
), also on C-3319, heading for San Javier (just passed the Polaris head office), and also one in either direction on the A7, around the IKEA, Stadium area.
Anyone else aware of any Camera's likely to impact residents, or visitors to Condado please post.
Happy (fine free!) motoring to all!