Unexplained charges

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20 Oct 2009 12:00 AM by lewjesdan Star rating in west sussex. 132 forum posts Send private message

lewjesdan´s avatar

Hi all,


Its been a while as we have been in hibernation! please can anybody shed some light on these 2 charges i have received through Cam Bank ;; DESCUBIERTO CTA. CORRIENTE 167 euros and COM.RECL.DESC 33 euros?????????????

Have tried emailing the Bank but to no avail  any clues


 Adios Pete n Ange

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21 Oct 2009 9:28 AM by sharonw Star rating in Coin, Malaga. 281 forum posts Send private message

sharonw´s avatar

Hi Pete and Ange

Descubierto cta corriente is overdraft on your account and the com recl. desc I am pretty is an overdraft fee!








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27 Oct 2009 1:57 PM by mrlwin Star rating in Toledo&Naranjos 7, 5.... 52 forum posts Send private message

Hi Pete,

Descubierto cuenta corriente 167 euros is something the bank has paid for you when you do not have enough money to pay, as maybe you were not expecting this payment and have not fund for this. Maybe the electricity connection fee from Iberdrola?????

COM.RECL.DESC 33 euros: it is the commission the bank is going to charge you for claiming to you whatever way you receive the communications from the bank (letter, etc),

Normally a 30 euros commision, must be related to your mortgage. In your deeds you must have a clause how much will the bank charge you, in case you do not pay the entire mortgage in time, no matter if it is one day or 20.

If for example you need to pay 500 a month and you have in your acount 450, they wll charge you this "comision reclamacion descubierto" 30 euros plus the late interest rate of the amount you owed.

I hope the information is clear for you as it is quite difficult to me to try to explain these words  in English



Maria Jardion 7 N557

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