The Comments |
Hi all
Can anyone comment on whats it's like Christmas and New year over there please??
We have just booked up for 22nd December to 2nd January and cant wait.
Few people have told us it's like a ghost town down places like Camposol etc - but surely there must be places to go or something going on on Condado??
Any suggestions/help/advise greatly appreciated.
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We were over for Christmas last year and went to Rumours for Christmas lunch with Avril and her family who have an apartment on the same Jardin as us. We had a great time. OK so two of us couldn't drink until we got back to CDA but the food was good, as was the entertainment and the company was great. We then went back to CDA and continued partying. Good time had by all!
If the restaurant is opened by Christmas perhaps they will be doing a lunch or something perhaps you could arrange to join others.
We were out last year for a week an had a great time. Weather was great - bit cold at night - we even had a Christmas tree and some lights wrapped around the wood outside the front door. (no it wasn't tacky it was tastefully done - not over the top) We had to make it Christmassy as we had a 5 year old who was expecting Santa.
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Hi, we were fitting out our apartment last Xmas so didn't have much time for any partying, there were more people than we thought there would be knocking around so its not too bad.
We're driving over this year from sunny Wednesbury, after seeing the grandkids open their pressies & feeding them lunch, so hope to be at CDA on boxing night for the week, so we also hope that its not too quiet.
Jardin 12
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Just reading your thread and thought I'd mention that when we were over in September Rumours was shut - it looked like it had closed down so don't rely on that again this year. There are other places on Camposol which may be open. They have their own website -
Best wishes
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Obviously it was a bit of a pain having to drive to Camposol so if the new restaurant is open at Condado on Christmas day then this would be better than having to get into a car and drive somewhere
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Hi Folks
I shall be over at the start of November for couple of weeks.Will keep you posted with any news about whos open/ clover/restaurant. Will be back over for new year so hopefully the clover will be open to bring in the new year.
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Thanks for all your replies.
Zoso - would be great if you can keep us updated.
I have just come back myself and looks like "The Steak Out" down Camposol are doing a 5 course Christmas Lunch on Christmas day for 45 euro!! Bit expensive if you ask me. Two sittings 12.30 -3pm and 3.30-6pm I think.
Dont know of anything else happening Xmas or New Year at the moment, any info off anyone would be g8t! 
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~We are over from 26th to 3rd Jan - so hoping there a few like minded party people who like to see the new year in with a drink or two. Going over for a long weekend on 12th Nov - so will keep you informed.
Tom and Deborah
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We have bought tickets for 25 euros for a great night on new years eve at the camposol golf club, its publicised as "black,gold,silver, glitter night" with live band (they play 60's and 70's) very good entertainment, with a meal too. They are always a great night at the golf club, with dancing and reasonable priced drinks too.
still looking for a venue for christmas eve so if anyone finds out whats happening at polaris let us know, we are over in november so hopefully it will be advertised in the supermarket on the notice board by then.
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Has anyone got any updates/ ideas what to do over the festive period,I,m sure there must be quite a few people in same situation, The Clover seems to be coming to life and idealy we would like to support Condado and spend our money there, any comments would be much appreciated?
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We also would like to support condado but as they are not organised yet as to get information on whats on to us non residents then you are leaving your arrangements to the last minute and risk being sat alone somewhere!!!
We need someone resident on condado to submit information on upcoming events or even polaris themselves making use of the wonderfully useless calendar they have on their website!!!
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Hi There
just got back on friday from CDA. Golf course coming on great, actually saw some people on the course playing.think they were invited pros asked to give there verdict on the course. As far as xmas and new year is concerned not much on the way of advertising at clover bar.speaking to one of the residents there he reckons that the bar will be open as usual at xmas and new year.would be crazy for Pw not to have the clover open as by all accounts there seems to be a lot of people heading over at xmas and new year.
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Totally agree !!
Would anyone on site be kind enought to enquire and let those of us who are stuck in the wet and windy uk know.
Thanks a lot xx 
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Hi Beau Brummie and all others, I will be in condado on Thursday for 10 days so I will let you all know if theres anything going on both at christmas and new year.
4 more sleeps to go, cant wait to get away from this awful weather.
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Crowd of 8 of us coming over for new year from Belfast direction.
Can't see travel to surrounding towns being an option with having to drive etc,also taxis at a premium and very expensive..
I think a few drinks in the Clover,then a party in the apartment will be the best fun.Different from the usual.
And probably pick up a few more people along the way!!!!
_______________________ John de Toot
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