The Comments |
Hi all
Can anyone give me the latest on what happens at the entrance gates?
I'm arriving Friday evening, heading for the supermarket (oh ok Happy Hour), and was just wondering if the cards are in place yet ?
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Hi Jackie,
Don't know re the cards, haven't heard anything or had a reply from RPM on the matter 
We are also arriving Friday night, probably a bit late for happy hour but will be in the Clover 9ish. 
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Hi Phil
Looking forward to meeting you and many others. If I don't reconise you Phil it's because I'm not wearing my shades 
Do you know if there is any live music this weekend? Music or not the Clover is going to be rocking on Saturday (and I promise I won't be nauhgty 
I can't wait 1 more sleep as they say!! 
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Friday night is live music, usually little rock band (who are a little too loud for us old uns!) but tomorrow i think it is Ritchie T (guitarist) who wont blast our ears out!
It's usually OK outside though you can hear the music.
Look forward to seeing you Phil - did you say it's your round?
Barry & Sue
This message was last edited by barney111 on 15/10/2009.
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At the moment the security person on the gate asks for your name and (if you have it) your passport number, asks the address of your apartment and takes a note of your registration number. I don't know about anyone else but I have no problem about being stopped everytime I go through the gate if it means tighter security!
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I for one have no problems being stopped each and every time at least then we know that Security are being observant 
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We too agree that any kind of security, even if you have to produce passport etc is a good idea.
We are hoping to start renting out our apartment in the new year.
How will we be able to inform security .
If our renters just have to give an address & show pasporst then I dont think that will be a great preventative measure.
But for us it will be fine.
Any ideas or news re renters will be appreciated
Jan & ham
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Hi Jan
We were originally told that the owner would have to send an email to RPM saying who would be staying in the apartment and on what dates. I presume that these details would then be passed to security.
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Hi Ashleigh
How Ya Doin.
We are over again in December. not sure if it will be the first or second week yet. Hopefully the first for 10 days.
When are you over ?
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Hi All,
We were over last week for 7 days and were not stopped once by security on our way in or out of any of the gates, although did see security patrol in their vans around the resort. So I personally feel that the security still leaves a lot to be desired.
Carol Anne
Graham & Carolanne 
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Hi Jan
Yes im great .. I go over next monday for 5 days and then the 16th december to the 11th january !!!
sooo exited to seee evryone who is out. If i dont see you , have a lovely christmas.
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Hi Everyone,
Just got back from sunny Condado and no nothing has changed with regards security. Arrived approx 7pm on the 9th Oct and was duly waved through and this continued for the rest of the week. We were not challenged once for the whole eigth days, exceptionally disappointing especially since we were told that things had improved. I too would like to be confronted and asked to prove that I am a resident, but I just don't think it is going to happen. I really do think it is the language that is the problem, not so much for us but for the guards, they probably don't want to embarras themselves.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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I think the card scheme is still in the pipeline. Any president should be able to confirm that. When we first arrived Martyn made a point of stopping and gave his name, apart no. and got his passport out for details. We weren't asked, but he was just making a point that they should be asking for this info. Although, as they still didn't check our name against any owners list, it was still a bit pointless.
What was interesting was that, if you tried to go over to La Isla, it was like trying to get into Fort Knox. So it seems they have free passage into ours but not vice versa. That's not a dig at them by the way, just the way security works.
_______________________ You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow
Martyn and June xx
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Good evening all
Having read both the good & the bad re gate security I was wondering if it depended on which gate you were entering or leaving through.
When we were over in June & was showing a friend around Condado & left by the gate that serves Los Narajos.
We were stopped then & Ham had to produce documents etc, but each time we used the gate for the Jardines we were not stopped once.
Was it just a coincidence I wonder.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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