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I've just been to see Olga at the sales office and she gave me the following update regarding apartment keys. Currently she still holds the spare keys for the apartments in Naranjos, as these were required for electrical installations etc. As the installations as coming to an end, all Naranjos owners will (should!) be sent an email shortly giving them one months notice to collect the key otherwise they will be past to Gesfin, no date has yet been set for when the letter will go out so she expects that owners will have until at least the end of November to collect thier key.
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Hi Nick,
Yep, if your electrics are all sorted ( Which it should be ) just go and see Olga in the sales office and she will return your spare key.
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Hi phil,
Do they not need keys for water meters to be fitted? or am I being blonde albeit dyed? as our electric was fitted ages ago and they wouldn't give our keyholder our spare key even though we sent authorisation to them and to her.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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I collected my key from PW last week, they told me that the electricity was now sorted and the water would be done soon. They said they don't need the keys for the water as the boxes are not within the apartments themselves. I am in Penthouse block 8 so I don't know if that applies to the jardines as well. Olive
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Hi Olive and Folks,
So Sorry about last post, that mysterious gremlin in my computer must have been at work again, trying to make you all feel really old, bet you were all about 2 inches from the screen trying to read the message LOL!
If PW don't need the keys for the water meters don't know why they wont hand them over to our keyholder then. Strange, but thats PW for you.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Hi Ali and all,
When I spoke to customer services at the time of the floods, Iwas told they would hold the keys till end of December. That again was only for Penthouse/Naranjos. Also that was PW's customer services where each day you get a different answer
BTW Ali, I'm now that old I read all messages 2 inches from the screen.
_______________________ Frank
Dont smack your kids. They choose your care home.
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