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Roda Golf And Beach Resort forum threads
The Comments
16 Jan 2010 12:00 AM by sugarmummy Star rating. 315 forum posts Send private message


During this time of doom and gloom Ist high time we talked of the good things happening at Roda.

As frequent visitors we can talk from expierience, so here goes

The golf course is nearly always in top class condition with green fees cheaper than most of the other corses in Murcia.

After a few teething problems Collados De Roda are now providing excellent food and much improved service.

They  say location location is important. There is nowhere better placed than Roda for quick access to the beach, shopping / supermarket and of course the airport.

David & Gill Phase 2

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17 Jan 2010 10:38 PM by Rayoconnor Star rating in Dublin. 123 forum posts Send private message

I agree, we need balance on this forum. Yes there is a lot to moan about, but the bottom line is despite ths issues we really enjoy our 4-5 visits per year. Also my renters have in general been very positive. It especially suits families with young kids as the place is so safe and generally very clean and as long as you have a car close to good facilities.

The course is always in very good condition, although Im still waiting for the invention of the floating Golf Ball....

One thing I would like to see is families getting together more. I was over in late october, during the 'Indian' summer, temps where close to 30C, so you could use the pools. The place was quiet, but kids where in the pools. We walked along all the p3 pools, and there would be 1 or 2 kids in each pool looking bored. We got ours to make friends and they had a ball. Once they have other kids to play with they have a lot more fun.

My tuppence worth.

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22 Jan 2010 9:26 AM by BentAndersen Star rating. 11 forum posts Send private message


We totally agree that the resort is a fantastic place. And close to one of the best promenades we have ever seen. We always feel relaxed and totally secure. Only thing we miss is the commercial centre and hotel. Then it would be just paradise. Any news on the commercial centre ?

Bent, phase 1



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22 Jan 2010 2:51 PM by arky25 Star rating in erskine, scotland. 351 forum posts Send private message

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i too agree that, although we could do with maybe a choice of restuarant and maybe another bar onsite, we have without doubt the best resort i have seen in the area !

i know everyone jumps on the bandwagon blaming the recession etc, but things could be alot worse.

we do have a fantastic resort, great course, great clubhouse and i personally think los alcazares is the best town on the mar menor.

the location is the most important thing. 30 mins in the car and you can see so much.


everey time i go i am happy and it solidifies my feelings that we made the right choice, and for the investors out there i would imagine that in another 5 years we will all see profits in our investments, so i guess you will just have to chill out and enjoy your property untill then.

some downside eh? a fantastic resort.


This message was last edited by arky25 on 22/01/2010.

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25 Jan 2010 10:19 PM by majormolar Star rating. 33 forum posts Send private message

We visited our appartment on phase 1 last week expecting the worse after reading many of the negative postings.We remain delighted with our purchase and found the complex maintenance ,clubhouse, tennis courts etc in  excellant.order.There are some gardening issues namely the sparse grass in front of our appartment and a dead tree but generally phase 1 looks very good.

Our main concern is one of the administration- we have experienced problems with noisy unsuitable neighbours and noticed a large satellite dish had been erected on a first floor balcony near our ground floor appartment contravening the  community rules.It seems to us the administrators are either powerless or unwilling to act but we maybe entirely wrong as we are unfortunately infrequent visitors due to work commitments.

We would welcome any comments or advice on who we should complain to or indeed praise if we have any comments or issues about maintenance etc

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25 Jan 2010 11:29 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 528 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Major Molar

I was on site last week and thought like you that it was looking good - we love Roda and try and appreciate the good things about the place.  But with regard to your concerns, could I suggest you email the Phase 1 President and the Administrator with your concerns about the satellite dish, the noisy neighbours and the sparse grass in order ot get some more information..  It is entirely upossible that  matters are already under consideration and action being taken.   However, unless the situation has been reported then it may be quite possible that no-one else is aware of some of your concerns - the dish for example?  So I am sure Marisol and her team would welcome your input on this.

Hope this helps







Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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26 Jan 2010 12:33 PM by hevs Star rating in Milton Keynes. 206 forum posts Send private message

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I still find it hard to find the plus on roda when we were promised so much but am trying hard  


Holiday Rentals Roda Golf

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