Community Fees

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30 Mar 2010 12:00 AM by lewjesdan Star rating in west sussex. 132 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all

Does anybody know? when is the likely due date for the latest fees??



pete n ange j3


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30 Mar 2010 6:12 PM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

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I'm in Jardine 2 and mine was taken out of my bank two days ago


Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!

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30 Mar 2010 7:49 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

The due date was March the new Administartors are picking up the pieces if you hav enot had yours taken e mail them they may need to check your bank details as not all were handed over by previous Administrator.




I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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31 Mar 2010 7:34 AM by mgk Star rating in Penthouse 2. 241 forum posts Send private message

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Hi does anyone know what ref the new addministrators use when taking money out of your bank account?

just had e204 dissapear and want to make sure it has gone to the right people!


tel.605 832  795

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31 Mar 2010 2:01 PM by Mad Golfer Star rating in Ireland. 176 forum posts Send private message

Our fees for Jan-Mar have still not left our account - could someone please give me an email address for the new administrators?


Mad Golfer  

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31 Mar 2010 2:07 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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17 May 2010 11:45 AM by condado Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Hi there , with regard to our community fee's can some one please confirm if our new community managment team

are using the same bankers and account details to take our fee's. as i would hate to think  payment has been going

to the wrong people.

thanks. Barry.

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17 May 2010 11:57 AM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

Hello yes its the same bank and fees until the AGM on the 29th after which fees may change depending on budget votes




I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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17 May 2010 11:57 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Yes.  The bank details were handed over to from RPM to Mileniun in February.

Unfortunately, RPM wre not the most organised of companies so a number of owners details either went missing or were incorrect.  The 2010 Q1 payments were taken in March, so if anyone should find that they have not paid any fees so far this year, please contact Mileniun ( ) and check that they have the correct details.










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17 May 2010 12:13 PM by condado Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Thank you for the swift replies


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17 May 2010 9:36 PM by ceadjp Star rating in Hartlepool. 50 forum posts Send private message

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Just wondering how good the new management company actually are - our fees (or should I say our downstairs neighbours fees) were taken out of our bank account back in March.

 I emailed  ML straight away pointing out their error as our bank statement clearly showed the downstairs apartment number.  They replied the next day confirming their error saying they would credit our bank account "in the next few days".  I have now emailed them a further 3 times as we have still not received our refund but have not heard anything more from them.  We are now just hoping they are going to make the adjustment on our next payment.  We will wait and see.........


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18 May 2010 5:54 PM by snorkychopper Star rating in England / Spain. 226 forum posts Send private message

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We also have not had any fees taken since the new guys took over.....

I have been in communication with "Victor cid"  in early May

Victor Cid

Who tells me there have been problems with the bank and direct debits -he assured me that we had been paying,  but I dont know where the funds came from as it deffo wasnt out of my account - apparently these issues are being "sorted out" but it doesnt fill me with much confidence !!

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18 May 2010 6:35 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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If anyone has any concerns that thier fees are not being taken correctly then they should complete a new direct debit form, available from the community website, and submit this to Mileniun explaining that the fees have not been taken and asking them to check the bank details against thier records.

The hand over from RPM was not the best in the world and many of the records were either lost or incorrect.










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19 May 2010 12:02 AM by Marshman Star rating in Stevenage (wishing I.... 109 forum posts Send private message

I would agree with the previous posts and believe a lot of the problems are with RPM.

When I chased up ML to see when they were taking payment, I was told they had already and after a bit of digging it turned out that RPM had provided them with the previous owners details and they had taken the payment from there.

So cancelled previous DD with my current bank for the previous payments made to RPM (just in case it was assigned to the wrong apartment) and set up a new one with the form provided and within a week it was all sorted.

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19 May 2010 12:34 AM by zoso1971 Star rating. 47 forum posts Send private message

Hi There

I was over a few weeks ago and popped into the portacabin to ask about community fees. They had all my details but still had not taken any payment at the end of March. Girl in the office did mention there had been a bit of a mess when taking over from RPM. Have made all of my payments for last year so will just have to monitor my account to see when they start taking payments again.

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19 May 2010 10:15 AM by not smooth Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

I agree with Phil, Now is the time to fill in the forms and make sure you are paying the community fee for those who have slipped through the RPM net (for what ever reason) At the end of the day the fees are paid for your your ultimate benefit ie voting at AGM, gardens maintained etc etc

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19 May 2010 11:24 AM by jeremy.price10801 Star rating. 119 forum posts Send private message

We have not paid our community fees since December 2009.  We have e-mailed Ana at and even visited her in March when we were out there to find out if they had our details etc - they did. 

All we have had from her (this week) is an e-mail inviting us to the AGM on 29th May and the attachment to the e-mail just showed the agenda (in English and Spanish) and balance summaries (in Spanish only).  I e-mailed her again last week (7 days before the AGM e-mail) but have received no reply.

Has anyone else e-mailed her on this subject and not got a reply?


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19 May 2010 12:05 PM by not smooth Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

There wasa problem with my 2010 fees collection and Victor soon sorted it out very quickly with no fuss. I suggest anyone with problems should try him


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19 May 2010 12:31 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Jane

I have also requested from the Management Company copies of the finance statement in English. I intend to attend the AGM and wish to understand these statements. I like you have not so far had a response.

If I understand the statutes and Horizontal Properties Act correctly we are entitled to receive these documents in English and also the meeting must be held in Spanish and English.



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19 May 2010 5:27 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Like Jane we have emailed, visited and phoned with no luck, have now been told there is a problem with block 10s fees, whatever that means, dont want to end up having to pay hundreds of back dated euros. Will send new DD and we will try that road and see how we get on.  Can't seem to give our money away




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