The Comments |
Am sure we all went through the pros and cons of buying on CdA.
I look back at the glossy brouchures, designs, CGI pictures and eloquant language used by PW to describe CdA and think ....... if only it had been that exact then i'd now be 100% satisfied ......... i put my deposit down just before i went to Oz to watch England in the Ashes - having decided i'd done the bits of the world i wanted to see, wasn't using the caravan anymore so wanted a change. Had spent 10 days earlyier that year in Trevalez, Granada & Malaga and decided i wanted somewhere away from a hectic tourist resort so i started to look and wrote out a list of everhwhere i'd looked (included Turkey, Greece, Spain & Egypt) before choosing what fitted most of my criteria............. it was CdA.
I didn't buy to turn it for a profit and I didn't buy to rent out, but i'm gettin mithered to do so - i may give in. CdA isn't quite as described in the brochure but a lot of it is, on a scale of satisfaction i'm an 8 out of 10, and love to get out there as often as possible simply to enjoy the peace, the views and the weather, can't say The Clover / Restaurants / Oasis bothers me at all - am happy to sit on my terrace with my own food and beer and the odd bit of passing (or stopping) company ......... the place to me is a chilled getaway from the hectic pace of UK life and right now i'm delighted with my purchase - it can only get better ........... the list :-
1) Over 30 years then cheaper than having a caravan in North Wales or The Lake District and something to show for it at the end.
2) Guaranteed sun from March to October (maybe not every day but you'll get some each month)
3) Half-way between mountains and the beaches
4) Not a typical tourist area
5) Pretty undeveloped, so hopefully any future development undertaken knowing the mistakes made in the past
6) New airport being built - Plenty of other airport options - only 5 hours door to door.
7) Great road network
8) A pool outside my front door and gardens maintained by someone else
9) Cheap running costs (£500 a month including mortgage - £200 without mortgage)
10) Glass half full problem solved by walking to the fridge, not queuing at a bar !
11) Ongoing development on site
12) Each phase completed - not having to look at a building site from my apartment
13) Great initial value - £100k v £250k for same style/size apartment as one in Cabo Roig where i'd stayed before
14) Golf - i don't play, but an incentive to start
15) Somewhere for my kids to use (when they 'mature') with their kids/mates etc
16) Make new friends (........... or maybe not in some cases)
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Same here - I even went to Oz for the Ashes too - 'nuff said!
Taught me a valuable lesson though - get hammered but learn to enjoy all the other aspects involved - and, boy did we! Losing out is not the end of the world. (Mind you being Scottish helped (for once - lol) - I don't think the Aussies thought we were serious about supporting England!
Fiona and I are unhappy that our Condado dream isn't working out as expected but, hey, most aspects are fine and we expect to see an upturn in apartment occupation, shop / cafe / restaurant outlets in Al Kazar over the next year and, if, as expected, our (my) main interest - the golf - flourishes, we'll be more than satisfied with our choice.
Condado is truly international (our neighbours on Naranjos 7 are Swiss, Irish, English and Spanish) and this is exartly what we'd hoped for. We have a good feeling about Condado and its future, though there may be some bumpy times ahead.
God, I sound like "just call me Dave............................"
Fiona will kill me,
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Hey Shampers well said ...... the vast majority of us love it on Condado and yes we have our little gripes as well, nothing is 100% perfect but I'm sure thing will improve.
I found it very amusing that someone who has bought on Camp Arsehole (as it is affectionaly known) is telling us that we have bought into a sh@thole - made me laugh out loud!!!!
Not at any time I have been at CDA have ! ever had to run to save my 10 year old Daughter from any idiots that were scrapping, a visit to Camposol and that is exactly what I had to do. Very poor and dangerous behaviour and it was not the first time!!! Plus the fact making me run is just not on......!!!!!
I think I am trying to say that I consider CDA a far safer environment than other places
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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Have told myself I wont post on here again because its not what it was- but I have to put in a vote for Condado, fed up with it being slated. We're really happy with what we have on CdA, excited each time we visit., like the places around the resort. Its not what the glossy brochures or the PW gents promised- but they said you cant have huge sky satelite dishes and there's one 5 doors away- a touch of 'buyer beware' and the 'off plan rule' I suspect coupled with the credit crunch. Anyway we love the place- the facilities will develop in time or not at all, and meanwhile its all a little trimmer than expected. But, stand on that roof terrace late at night and good grief its perfect.- it all depends what you wanted to get out of buying there.
This message was last edited by Jann on 15/05/2010. This message was last edited by Jann on 15/05/2010.
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We are also delighed with our purchase on Condado - have visited 13 times now since Sept 2008, and have had most of both our families out there at some time. Everybody loves it without exception- my sister is there at the moment on her 4th visit as she enjoys it so much.
Yes - some things are not all finished to the brochure spec but when I am sitting on my huge roof terrace (one of my main reasons for choosing Condado) enjoying a bbq and a few beers with family I am happy as can be. I even enjoy visting the Clover - its now our first stop for a couple of beers on our arrival night. Yes, would love to see some progression of other parts of resort but am willing to be patient and if it does all go belly up tomorrow, I will still have had at least 2 years of happy memories at Condado.
PS Jackie, missed you again at Easter - our next visit is May 27th - June 2nd so hope to see you then?
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Well said Shampers,
We completed on our apartment at Condado in August 2008 and have never had any doubts about buying a place in Spain.
Last year we had 8 trips out and nothing can beat a barbecue with a few drinks on the terrace with friends.
Like you we didn't intend to rent out but we are now finding out that more and more of our family and friends are asking if they can come out and use the apartment. Those who are using it aren't complaining about the lack of facilities but enjoy going out and exploring the area. We're still having great fun exploring the area ourselves and find the forums a great way of discovering these new places.
The best thing we found is that we have made some really good friends in the last couple of years
Shampers - hope to see you for a few drinks in the summer.
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Hi Everyone,
I totally aree with you all(this is becoming a habit) and just love visiting CdA and the area. The different pace and attitude to life is just brill and lying by the pool doing sweet F A is even better. The views we have are just breath taking looking over the golf course with the mountains in the foreground. A five minute stroll to get one drink and I'm plastered is also Very Good. Have made lots of new friends and meet lots of nice peeps on our many visits to CdA. So really what else could a person hope for.
A contented owner
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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"I agree with dave" where have I heard that just recently. I agree with all the last posts, came out last year 8 times and 2 this year 3rd will be for the AGM and can't get enough of the place. Cup defiantly overflows.
_______________________ Jeremy & Valerie
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Spooky ...... only just got to see all the replies........ in between the boxing !
But come on, why did you buy on CdA, what really attracted you ?........ and the things that haven't been completed, well were they really the things that made your mind up to buy anyway ?
Once I'd narrowed down my area, i visited all other developments and towns both seaside and inland in the area (try finding them with the new roads) and CdA stuck out a mile as everything needed, great value, location, build phases, running costs etc
the key to me was it didn't matter if something else didn't get done, as the Jardin where i was buying had to be built as a 'whole' unlike other developments where Villas/roads were unfinished in the area you were buying
If i don't leave my garden at all (not dissimilar to a hotel area but peaceful) then it's finished, it's peaceful, it's great ........
and yes i need to see more of my fellow buyers (i'm poor at that) as well, but given the job i do, I'm just glad to hide away in peace when i go on hols at the moment as it restores some sanity to my mind !!!!
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Hi Shampers, we'd looked for ages right across from El Rompido on Costa de Luz up into the hills beyond Jerez and around Medina Sidonia, along Costa del Sol, Estepona and Nerja area and again into the hills around Competa and found many great properties. Often they were too expensive, too remote or needed too much work, or were excellent for us but wouldnt have suited the family at all. Even toyed, for about 5 minutes, with Bulgarian properties. Eventually we started listening to the Polaris World adverts, came over for a visit, liked the concept, liked the prices and here we are. The golf course was the main attraction, the apartments suited everyone in the family, Oasis a definate tick in the box and the area had lots to offer. The bonus was to be the various shopping area's.
But it hasnt quite come out the way the adverts suggested, however we have a viable though smaller resort and hopefully over time the resort will develop further although may be in different ways than the original PW plans. As for local shops/bars/restaurants we do have Camposol on the doorstep and like it or loathe it I imagine most people have used it. Puerto Mazarron is about 15 minutes away and has developed greatly since they improved the promenade- some of the other properties I previously looked at were isolated and you had a 40 minute hair raising trip up and down a mountain to the nearest shop/restaurant. Beautiful, but not what we wanted want to spend most of our holiday doing.
Now they seem to be putting the pro shop near hole 1 the main improvement I want on CdA would be to get something sorted for the sports zone. It doesnt take long for empty buildings/areas to look neglected and whilst people may be able to use the courts its not a good look if the gates and locks have to be mangled for them to do so. I know there's other things- like the land around the golf course but I expect it'll all be done in little steps now.
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I bought because it seemed like great value and it was not a typical high-rise resort. I am disappointed that the prestigious villas haven't been built and that we have no Oasis - but, at no point, have I doubted that PW gave it their absolute best shot and with a great amount of vision. Sadly, world events have led to this downturn and we can't blame PW. As far as I know, and unlike many other developers, they have not left a single buyer without either a home they have paid a deposit on or offered them an alternative property - well done for that I say. Of course, I would LOVE to see the Foro full of attractive shops etc but I'm sure over the next year or so it will come.
I do have to say though that one of the best things about buying hasn't involved the aesthetics of the place but the amount of fantastic new friends I have met and who will, I am sure, be friends for life. A great, happy, supportive and honest bunch of folk. There's nowt better than hanging out in the evening at a BBQ having a rare old chinwag and watching the sun setting over CDA. Arlene.
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I bought at Condado for the sunshine ,the affordability, the mountains and of course the promise of what Polaris were offering. We stayed at the Mar Menor resort in a villa when we came out on a sighting visit and were really impressed with the no maintenance and level of service and support that was on offer. Although we have been unable to visit our apartment very often we are planning to stay for a couple of months over the summer and to read about the community spirit and number of satisfied buyers is very heartening and allows me to a relax a little and look forward to a great summer. We have generally been very satisfied with everything from our initial purchase, snagging , furnishing and brief visits to the resort and are quietly confident that the resort will continue to build on the progress already made. I have no regrets!
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I am absolutely delighted with my purchase. The main reason why we purchased is still there.
We wanted a place where our 4 children can mix with children from different cultures and speak different languages. We wanted them to be able to make friends and play without constantly worrying for their safety. At home I don't allow my children out of the estate. In Spain my eldest (11 in November) is allowed all around the resort (as long as he keeps clocking in with me, although he is never gone for long, as he has many friends in the garden). My middle 2 enjoy visiting the next garden where there are swings. We enjoy pushing the youngest (in his stroller) around the resort, enjoying the views and sunshine.
We have fantastic neighbours and something which is sadly lacking in the UK (Our garden has great community spirit). We know most of our neighbours and always stop to chat, everyone on our garden seems to be enjoying their purchase. One of our neighbours offered to babysit, another bought my youngest (5mths) a welcome to Spain gift, when we were last there. People borrow drills, drop neighbours off at the bar, get you things from the shop, leaves you their leftover shopping at the end of their visit, we have a true community spirit, where neighbours socialise with one another. I only know of a couple of fellow residents on our garden who actually visit the bar on resort, the majority use the facilities on Camposol.
All of the children know one another and play great. They make great use of the football pitch, swimming pool, their bikes, scooters, tennis etc. My children absolutely love it!
Whilst we watch the kids play, we enjoy the pool ourself or sit on the terrace soaking up the sun. Neither of us are golfers, so that didn't appeal, however since my hubby quit smoking he is toying with the idea of taking the sport up!
With 4 kids the restaurant and Bar is out for us, we like the kids in bed early or they end up so grumpy the next day, but we enjoy nothing more than sitting on the terrace and opening a bottle of wine (especially from the winery at Mazarron). The children enjoy "family fun nights", they take it in turn to choose the evenings activity either a film, singstar, a board game etc.
If we want shops we head to Mazarron or Camposol. If we want to build sandcastles we take the short drive to the beach. If we want to go to the bar, then we remember life without kids (lol), if we want shopping malls then there is Nuevo Condamino but I shop enough in the UK, I like to give the "plastic" a little breathing space on holiday. Every now and then we take a trip to Benidorn too, so the kids can use their spending money on the arcades, trampolines, crazy golf etc, then we return to our santuary.
I'm never happier than when my children are content, there is nothing worse than "I'm bored" or "can I have money for this", "what are we doing today", Condado allows my husband and I to sit back relax and enjoy! In the UK we lead such a busy lifestyle, so when we visit Spain it's so refreshing to not have a schedule to keep to.
I'm not worried about the lack of shops, bars , golf courses etc. Worrying can not change things and I'm sure that once Spain see their "green shoots" whether it be Polaris or another invester company, they will see an opportunity to make money and will once again continue with the plans. The plans may change, but hey "everything for a reason", it may be better, but even if things do stay the same, I'm happy! The paper loss, well thats just what it is and at the ripe young age of 30, we plan on having our apartment into retirement, maybe then I'll want the bars and restaurants, but until then...........
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Nice to see some positive views on the resort.
My reasons are similar to a lot of whats been said.
Firstly the sun. It had been raining for what seemed to be 4 years in Ireland when we made our decision.
Secondly the golf course...a decent length course rather than the shorter ones at a lot of the resorts.
Thirdly a pool and a playground on our doorstep to keep the kids happy all day.
Fourth a place where there would be some locals to add to the mix of the "outside" buyers.
Lastly the whole Oasis thing and size of the resort and the CDA plan was amazing. Especially the height restrictions in the Jardines.
We have got all but the last one so we are happy with our purchase...could do with some cheaper green fees but overall its a great place to spend time. Looking forward to summer.
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Afternoon All
Its great to read so many positive comments by pragmatic people who appreciate that while not everything at Condado is what we brought into, there is a great deal that is very special here and that includes people on it, as is clearly evidenced by all the amazing people on EOS - dont know what we would have done without it
We brought wanting a quiet place to escape to, that didnt cost an arm and a leg to buy or run, as we dont have kids we didnt want to be in one of the gardens so chose a penthouse, we are delighted with it, long sunny days and tranquility. Being close to El kazar is a huge benefit and we love wandering over to the shop, restaurant and bar and exploring the local area.
I personally am very grateful for what Polaris has achieved, they could have stopped dead when things were bad in early 2009 and left me with nothing for my payments - BUT they pushed on and delivered the appartment I paid for.
I am not worried about what was promised and has yet to materialise, as that can come in the future when the world shakes itself straight again - as long is the sun is shining and I continue to have water + electricty - count me as one happy bunny !!
We are over next week (volcanos permitting) and cant wait
Life dont last for ever, enjoy what you can while its it front of you.....
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Hi everybody. It's great to see so many positive postings. It was all getting a bit bleak on here.
I hope Debsie ? (sorry for spelling) has read these and is now feeling more positive!
There is nothing better than sitting on your terrace on a warm quiet evening with a bottle of wine (or two).
Going out on 13th June for a couple of weeks and can't wait. So if anybody is passing down Jardine 10 one evening and you see a fat old bloke and his Mrs. probably with a bottle of wine each, Stop an say hello.
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MMmm sorry- was rather distracted by the idea of a glass of wine. Mind you, its just as likely to be a little fat missus (me) and her bloke on their terrace with a vino or two... three....
Thinking about sitting up on the terrace during the evening just makes me want to be there, lots of sleeps and counting....
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