Perchelles Beaches

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15 May 2010 12:00 AM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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These beaches are now signposted for those who prefer an easier drive (no traffic/no junctions etc) to the beach than Mazzarron - and in my opinion they're better than Mazarron & Bolneouvo. 30 mins door to door from Jardin 4.

Drive to the end of the motorway as if going to Mazarron, but turn right heading to Aguillas at the end. At the next Roundabout go left .....  Perchelles is now signposted from this roundabout, go through the village of Canada de Gallego, past all the fruit farms and you end up in a great big, free car park right next to the main sandy beach - always plenty of parking, 2 more beaches off to the right, short walk, plenty of rock pools, nice bay, and snorkling ok as well ........ i'll put some pics up.

There are no services tho, so take your own food and drink, loads of room on the beaches..... even in August !



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15 May 2010 8:37 PM by redcloak Star rating in Stonehaven and Jardi.... 141 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Dave - you're a star.

I've been looking for some positive comments on beaches in this area - so this is great. I'm out in June, again in August - so will try to head for Perchelles,


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15 May 2010 9:19 PM by paulhill308 Star rating in Nottingham/Jardin 2 .... 107 forum posts Send private message

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Perchelles beach is my favourite beach in the area, the smaller beach off to the right is just glorious - we nearly missed it as the road comes to an end in front of an open barrier and we were going to turn around and turn back but just nosed the car through the barrier and couldn't belive the lovely sight. We had a picnic there in December and again at Easter but it was too cold to swim so I am looking forward to going back at the end of May and finally getting in the sea.

Another nice beach is at Calabardino - its a bit of a drive with beautiful views if you take the coastal route.  For a quicker trip we nipped back up the AP7 in about 35 minutes.  Can't wait to get back  - only 12 days to go!!


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16 May 2010 3:30 AM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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My pics cover the 3 beaches (sand)........... the main one is fine, the 2nd small sandy cove off to the right is my favourite due to rock pools, snorkeling and waves (in Feb !!!!!), but the 3rd one is the best beach in the local area ...... Calblanque beats (what a beach - fantastic) it but that's a good hours drive away out of season let alone in season.

the beaches off to the left of the car park are all pebbles, have walked as far as was possible back towards Mazarron, past the swamp bits !! and couldn't find any other sandy beaches despite having a local map which shows more beaches............ so looks like a long walk from Bolnuevo up that hill where the road runs out is required to see what's available (Bolnuevo is an awful beach in my opinion and the name is hard to spell !!)

Perchelles is quicker door to beach than any other beach in the area with no parking issues ......... a chilled drive there and back



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16 May 2010 12:07 PM by shelly4steve Star rating in Southport, La Isla B.... 29 forum posts Send private message

Just been to Perchelles beach and your right, it is good. Thanks for the info.

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16 May 2010 4:12 PM by lewjesdan Star rating in west sussex. 132 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Shampers,

saw your post and wondered just where your described beaches are situated?? and tried looking for your pics but to no avail?

Any info would be muchus gratziez.





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16 May 2010 11:28 PM by geoff359 Star rating in 220 forum posts Send private message

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 cut & paste:-



This message was last edited by geoff359 on 16/05/2010.

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16 May 2010 11:48 PM by lytton Star rating in Bath & North East So.... 422 forum posts Send private message

For anyone who has been to these beaches, once you get there, how far is each beach from from one another. Is it a case of a short walk or longer. We hope to visit next week and would like to see them all.


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17 May 2010 12:19 AM by arnoldnedith Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message

 Also you should be aware that the beach to the right of Perchelles is a known NUDIST Beach. So if you go for a stroll there do not be surprised to see more than you would expect !!!!



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17 May 2010 2:37 PM by Galwegians Star rating. 64 forum posts Send private message

Speaking of beaches... we have friends going over towards end of June with two teenage sons who like watersports.  Any ideas on the best beaches for watersports and can you hire windsurfers/canoes etc.  What are the costs involved and was it a worthwhile adventure.

Just back from 4 beautiful days in Condado and counting down to next visit!

Ray & Ethnea, Jardin 11

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22 May 2010 7:18 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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Ange / Phil

Directions at start of thread, you can see Bolnuevo (or is it Mazarron) from the pebble beach. Suppose you could say the beaches are situated inbetween Mazarron and Aguilas - not sure how else to describe it.

You park in the car park right next to the main beach, the smaller cove is 5 mins walk from here off to your right, and the bigger cove is another couple of mins past that (this is where you might find a nudist, but the ones i've spotted have always been at the far end of that beach and often there haven't been any). The pebble beach off to the left of the main beach is 5 mins walk from your car as well, although you can go and park next to that as well.

The big thing is that they are nice sandy beaches, dead easy drive there and back, and they don't get blitzed by tourists - you have your own space and no-one lies on your towel



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24 May 2010 11:53 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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Put some pics up now, don't know why they didn't work 1st time round............ i blame my tools



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