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Just as the title suggests really!
Just wondering if you all think it is ok to leave the garden furniture outside on the ground floor terraces of Jardines? We will be visiting around once every 6 weeks or so.
Thank you!
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I would bring in if you can, i have a friend that got his garden furniture taken or chain it up, i have a place on la torre and allways bring them in, it also keeps the furniture clean.
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Hi FickleFairy
We have still to buy our patio furniture for ground floor penthouse. One of the things concerning us is whether it will get stolen. (Horrible thought I know but these things happen).
We are on block 1 and we feel sometimes a bit remote from everyone and it is also very quiet down that end of Condado which also concerns us a bit.
On the way to Mazarron as you come to a roundabout one way takes you to Bolnuevo and one road across the river there is a shop that sells bathrooms and tiles etc they also sell very heavy stone tables and chairs which I really like for the patio.
Last time we were out we went into the shop and sat on one unfortunately they are haemarrhoid inducing cold so that was the end of that!!!!!
We will keep on trying.
Jeremy and Jane Price
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Hi All,
I have left my garden table and chairs out in the garden for the last 2 years in Jardins, no one around the Jardins have had any garden furniture taken.
_______________________ Margaret
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Hi wandering woman. Bear with me i am new to this. I have an apartment on j1050 and i have had a massive polaris umbrella taken from upstairs terrace. I dont know how they got down the stairs. I certainly wont be buying expensive ones again and wont be leaving them out. Carole
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I am sorry to hear about your umbrella. I am also on jardin 10 and have a huge polaris umbrella which we have chained to the upstairs wall as during the high winds these umbrellas have been known to take off. Perhaps this is what happened to yours?
We also had a smallish square glass topped table outside our front door on our upper apartment. The first time the glass smashed we thought maybe the workmen had dropped something on the table. We then bought replacement glass and in the high winds last October when my sister was there the table actually blew over and the glass smashed again. We have since replaced this with a different type of table altogether. This may be something to bear in mind when purchasing furniture.
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Rob at Fairways got the glass for us from a place in Mazzarron. It was quite expensive (I think about 60 euros) and our new table I got from Bricohouse in Camposol which is an all metal one cost around 80 euros, albeit I had to get new chairs (from N'aura) because the original ones didn't match.
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Hi fortuatly for us nothing on our terrace has been taken though we do lock away cushions & sun beds. & Carol takes our smaller table & chairs into the apartment
We did havesome one use our BBq though. The cheeky beggars even used the coals. Didnt clean up afterwards & didnt replace the coals.
Needless to say Carol got us a chain & padlock.
Every thing else is Ok with no further problems.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Hi All,
I certainly wouldn't leave anything moveable lying about, neighbours of ours got their hose pipe pinched and some ornaments have sprouted legs and walked, but hopefully with the added security this sort of thing should stop.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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i lost a table of the back patio, but believe it or not it was found and had to collect it from the old community office, it was all cleaned and like new.
they could not explain how it got there, but i was glad to get it back. strange perhaps some one borrowed it but why leave for security to pick it up.
first explanation when i noticed it gone was there had been strong winds and it may have blown away, a round 4 foot metal table with solid glass top, not the usual object flying over a four foot wall and off down the street!!!!!!!!!
nick naranhos 8
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We thought someone had taken our glass off the back terrace although we are very high up (jarden 7) and they would have needed a ladder to get in. We then found the broken glass in our neighbours back terrace, it had blown off over the gap as we are on an end and into their's. We now have it weighted down with a pot with catus in.
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Think during the high winds I'll stay indoors,
Don't fancy getting impailed by a flying cactus then get gullotined by a flying glass top. 
p.s. I leave mine bike chained upstairs even though it's only from Carrefour.
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Just got back from Condado. When we arrived on Saturday 17th July some lovely person had knicked our hose. Half of me was seething the other half laughing at the pettiness that this is what some "neighbour" could do.
When we informed Carol our keyholder she informed me that one of the people she keyholds for has had their patio furniture stolen.
So sorry folks yes our neighbours steal from us. We will now not buy any decent patio furniture but something small we can bring in when we leave.
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Chain it up or store in the apartment, make it difficult- we have done since day 1. Mark or tag items- dont have a 'holiday head' with regards to your property.
Not sure of the implications but I read on the community site that there will be less lighting in the Jardin's as a cost cutting method, if this means in the actual Jardin's, car parks and interior road it therefore follows that you should make sure that your property as secure as possble
This message was last edited by Jann on 22/07/2010. This message was last edited by Jann on 24/07/2010.
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All furniture should be stored in apartment. All it takes is 2 minutes to put it away and take it out. We have put a lock on gate, which will not stop them coming in, but makes it just that bit harder.
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i recieved a pm from Chris & Alison (rockstarphotograph) on the 20th.
They had very kindly called round to our appartment & had checked the roof terrace.
They were concerned that the lid to the large storage box did not seem to be sitting correctly & the sides were open slightly too dispite it being locked.
So I was able to get in touch with Carol who checked every thing for us.
It is very reasuring to know that some owners are kind enough to check things out for you when they are over.
Maybe it would be a good idea for people to offer similar services so to speak to their fellow Jardin owners.I know both Ham & I would happily do it when we are over.
I know that some Property Managers do regular visits to their clients propertys but they cannot be everywhere all of the time
so a little friendly help would go along way
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Our table was a victim of the wind, the glass was lifted out of it and shattered on the floor, kind neighbours cleared it up for us, anyone have any ideas where we can go to get a round glass replacement top?
Lesson to everyone turn glass tables upside down and weight them down.
Lindsey & Martyn
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