The Comments |
Has the policy of entering Condado just changed? Or have we just met someone having a bad day?
If it has changed I need the e-mail address of the security company so I can ask all our customers that we are due to fit air conditioning to e-mail the security company or we will not be allowed on the resort, that is if our customers are here or not and that includes coming up to the gate to meet us, we understand if you are not on the "list" you can not get in!
In the past we have always logged in at the gate with all our company details and where we are working but now this is not good enough you have to be on the "list" for that day.
I am not sure if this will only apply to company vans or trades people or if it will be a problem for people who have booked rentals at the resort.
If anyone knows the e-mail address of the security company could you let me know.
Thank You
Apollo Air
This message was last edited by Rocketman on 06/07/2010.
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There is a 'new' security system on CdA organised a little before the AGM and enacted just after I believe- it has been mentioned on this and other forums.Over the last two weeks we have been stopped every time we enter the resort, at either gate. (and which is what we originally expected when we bought on CDA) The email address we have is I understand if you have people staying at or visiting your apartment you must let security know. You should also let them know name, apartment number and passport number if you are an owner so they can set you up with a security card for when the next part of the security system comes into place which should speed up your entry to the resort. I'd email and ask their advice if you are not happy sending that info in the first instance. We haven't found it a problem, waiting has been minutes only and it is only what we had expected from day 1.
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MMmmm, not sure how that works for people who aren't owners, staying or planned visitors to the resort. Although all they do is take a reg number and passport number or DLicense number. However we have seen them checking over a couple of vans and inside one white transit van- am sure some people will find this a nuisance but it was always meant to be a secure gated community.
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What about all the people who never read this or any other forum? Will they never be allowed into CDA and their own apartments? What about golfing visitors?
What a load on nonsense.
I certainly will not be emailing security to let them know I'm not there now and won't won’t be from X to Y.
_______________________ May be tomorrow.......... Always better today!!
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We have been in and out of Condado at least 3 times a week for the past 11 months, our van is checked on the way in and on the way out, we also show NIE and company registration forms and we also give the address of where we are installing, we think that this is a good policy.
We have been told that the owner of the property will now have to e-mail security to say that we (or any other person) will be going on which ever date so it can be put on a "list" for people that will be allowed in that day, again we don't have a problem with this, but I am trying to find out where I need to ask the owner to e-mail so we can be put on the "list"
Also as far as we are aware there are no e-mail facilities at the security gates, will they need 24 hours notice to get the owners e-mail to the gate to allow us in? Installations usually take a day to complete and we don't have the time to spend a couple of hours trying to get in somewhere to do our job, I am just trying to find out what system is in place at the gate so we can continue to offer an efficient service to our customers.
So if there is anyone out there that knows what is going on could they let me know.
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I'm not sure it is nonsense- one of the reasons we bougght Polaris is that they offer a secure resort and we expected CdA to be a secure resort and this is what is now in place, although there will be adaptations I'm sure when some sort of swipe card system comes into place for owners. For 'lock up and leave' properties it will give a better feeling of security. I can see if you reside on the resort its a bit of a nuisance at the moment but they do have number plate recognition so hopefully wont be a long process every time. We didnt tell them we were arriving (they only want the owners info so they can set up a swipe card system soon)and were only asked if we are owners or visitors, however I will tell them when we have people using the apartment- it will make it smoother for them. is the email address I used as I said in my previous post (5 posts down). Whilst I know not everyone uses forums there is a specific forum set up for owners that provides information and isnt a 'chat' style forum. I imagine its considered the way forward rather than mailshot and letters as its a lot quicker way of providing current information.
Obviously you cant please everyone but people have long been asking what on earth we were paying the security guards at the gates for as they merely waved people in previously, we were stopped once in two years- now they are doing their job.
This message was last edited by Jann on 06/07/2010.
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I'm all for some security. Before this anyone could come in and do as they please.
I don't think its much of a hardship to notify someone via email when you have friends or renters using your apartment. I assume they have a list of owners so that ID for them would only be required, and so they know that any emails they receive are genuine.
Still seems to be a work in progress but at least somethings happening.
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Yes, I'm sure its work in progress and has come about as a result of queries and requests for improvement. The security company has been changed and has also been negotiated at a better price so thats a benefit to everyone paying community charges.
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The agreed security procedure is as follows
For Visitors, the owners should send an email to suppling the following.
Owners name:
Owners Apartment number:
Owners Contact number:
Visitor name:
Date of Visit:
and for apartment rentals
Owners name:
Owners Apartment number:
Owners Email:
Owners Contact number:
Visitor name:
Date of arrival:
Date of departure
The following links which will create the emails.
This has always been the process, but RPM and the old secirity company never enforced them, with the introduction of the new company we are finally getting the levels of security owners would expect from a gated community.
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So what is the policy of people who may come in to use the restaurant,pub, shop etc (I know this is highly unlikely at the moment) without actually visiting anyone.
I presume the golf shop gives security the details of all golfers who are down to play that day so they can get in.
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We have relatives staying in our apartment at the moment and they have had to show ID each time they have re-entered the resort despite the same staff having checked it numerous times, and on the one time they forgot it a member of the security staff accompanied them back to the apartment so they could get their ID and produce it.
_______________________ Paul S
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My ex-wife is stopping in my place in August so e.mailed security the details yesterday, response received today.
I wish they would ID everyone everytime they come in/go out if it improves security, because the previous level of security for a gated community was pretty woeful.
Request / Response below (have removed the personal stuff)
Dear Mr. H
Your request has been already received by the security team. Thereby,
person mentioned in your last e-mail will be allowed to access to the
installations at the housing development "Condado de Alhama".
Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information or
have additional questions.
Best regards,
Carlos Alfonsín Rivero.
Owners name: DH
Owners Apartment number: Jxxx
Owners Email: xxx
Owners Contact number: xxx
Visitor name: CC
Date of arrival: xx/xx/10
Date of departure : xx/xx/10
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I was out at CDA last weekend, and the security was really efficient. Each time we returned to CDA, we were stopped at security, we had to show my passport [ owners ], we were asked to confirm my name and appt. number.
Developments in Spain are notorious for break ins. We pay for security, its a bit pointless having the guards waving at you, just because your hired car, has already been recognised by the number plate recognition system, at any of the Polaris sites.
_______________________ Mark + Sandra
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