Paramount - again!!

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10 Sep 2010 12:00 AM by thekeeve Star rating in Hope, West Wales and.... 277 forum posts Send private message

 Found this on a Torrevieja forum today.  No comment from me as enough has been said in the past.


Past rumours look to have been correct!!!

A new theme park is set to create some 20,000 jobs and attract 3 million visitors a year to Murcia

The Paramount Company has announced an agreement to build a theme park in Murcia through a subsidiary company, Paramount Leasing, PLI.

The executive marketing director of PLI, Darren Kyman, has said that the agreement is to establish a large leisure park associated to Paramount productions, but noting to that the Hollywood company would not be taking part as an investor in the project, although it will have the Paramount brand.

Michael Corcoran, President of Paramount Leasing, said ‘We think that Murcia represents a grand opportunity to bring a Paramount Cinema Park to Europe, and we are eager to work with the Murcia regional government and Santa Monica Financial Services S.A. to develop this exciting project’.

First rumours of the possibility of the project started last February. The park could give work to 20,000, and is expected to attract three million visitors a year, and generate 15,000 new hotel beds. There are reports that areas of Cataluña and Andalucía were also bidding for the project.

Pedro Alberto Cruz, the regional councillor for Culture and Tourism in Murcia, has said that in absolute terms ‘it is the most important project undertaken in the region ever’.




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10 Sep 2010 12:22 PM by Lisinopril Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 197 forum posts Send private message


Doesn't say exactly where it will be located, so don't get too excited yet, the land behind La Isla was just one of the options. 


U.S. film studios Paramount, through its division Paramount Licensing (PLI) have reported that they have reached an agreement to build a theme park in the community of Murcia.

The executive director of marketing for PLI, Darren Kyman, has said it reached an agreement to establish a large entertainment center associated with the production of Paramount in the Spanish region, while the Hollywood company will not participate in the project as investor. PLI will be involved in the planning phase of the theme park which Paramount will have the brand, and provide the conceptual design of the facility, while granted a license to that used elements of his films in the operation of the complex.

Agreement with the Santa Monica Community

"We believe that Murcia is a great opportunity to bring Europe a Paramount Film Park and look forward to working with the regional government of Murcia and Santa Monica Financial Services SA to develop this exciting project," said Michael Corcoran, president of Paramount Licensing, in a statement. Bartok, Executive Vice President of PLI, highlighted the "tourism infrastructure" Murcia and the "strong support" of the regional government based on the time to reach an agreement. According to Bartok there are "ideal conditions" that will allow "first-class entertainment to the Spanish and the growing number of international visitors." Santa Monica Financial Services SA is a company depertamento Santa Monica Sports of Jesus Samper, dedicated to the sale of marketing rights, image, advertising and licensing in the field of professional sports.

The brief statement from Paramount Licensing will not give more details about the theme park development and is confined to announce that there will be more information on the project "in the coming months." For its part, is Darren Kyman was limited to confirm the report without further explanation.

Could provide work for 20,000 people

The possibility that Paramount opened a theme park in Murcia jumped to the media last February filtered by the regional authorities in response to a letter they received from Bartok showing interest in building the entertainment center there. Then said the Paramount park could work to 20,000 people, would attract three million tourists a year and generate over 15,000 new hotel rooms, while Catalonia and Andalusia said also vied for the project.

Murcia Government sources said that the first contact with representatives of Paramount was in the tourism fair Fitur (Madrid) where there was an interview with a consulting firm executive Marta GAA Ghasan Avidi associated with holding Ruwaad, working with Paramount. or Marta Ghasan Avidi GAA or Ruwaad been mentioned by PLI in his note

On March 23, Paramount Pictures Spain to step out of the news and explained that at the time the Hollywood studio had "no plans or obligation" to develop a "theme park or studios Paramount production services in the territory Spanish. " Recently, the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Murcia, Pedro Alberto Cruz, insisted on the validity of the plans to build the Paramount park in the community. "It's the largest project in absolute terms than the Region is undertaking in its history," Cruz said in an interview with the Spanish Federation of Hospitality.


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10 Sep 2010 12:34 PM by cooper130 Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

The report from "Simply Networking es" outlines that it is not Paramount but a private company under license to build Park.

I do not have enough posts to give link so if you go to the news section on "simplynetworking es" and like the article please post link for others to read easily.




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10 Sep 2010 12:36 PM by Lisinopril Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 197 forum posts Send private message

 Or you could just read tge article from La Verdad below, which is where they got it from!

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10 Sep 2010 1:06 PM by cooper130 Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

The La Verdad article is a word for word reproduction of the press agency release which was sent to all of the media by the press agency in Madrid, Simply Networking included. You will find the same wording used on all of the free spanish press.

The Simply networking articles add comment which is pertinent to the expat community, most of whom cannot speak spanish or read the spanish press, and very few of whom have the time or the inclination to sift through the thousands of non relevant reports which are also sent out by the press agencies.

Lisinopril sorry to offend just wanted to get the news out there to all, and the main thing to remember is that news is never exclusive and usually comes from press agencies out to all of the media. The agency this news article came from has hundreds of reporters and photographers who feed them the news and they in turn feed it out to the media.




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10 Sep 2010 1:23 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

10 Sep 2010 1:52 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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oh my ! I will wonder if the moaners will moan about this ?

No indication was given as to the wherabouts of the proposed leisure park, although the rumours this week have been focused around the Alhama area and the land ceded to the banks by the Polaris World construction company.
Should the project proceed, it would be a logical use of the space, with a great deal of good infrastructure already provided in the area, and an ideal location, the land sitting within what the local estate agents refer to as "the triangle" a practical and useful network of connections, which links railway, road and air transport.


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10 Sep 2010 2:03 PM by fozzie Star rating. 73 forum posts Send private message

Interesting development.

Whilst in CdA last two weeks, I was told by a Spanish neighbour that the Paramount deal was going through,  I laughed it off atthe time, as always taken it with a pinch of salt until something concrete is announced.  Still think there is plenty to overcome before this happens, for starters, Paramount themselves are not investing and are only giving their brand name.  Remains to be seen how the developer gets the investment, as I recall the struggles Disney Paris had years ago.  Lets see, but fingers crossed

Just another add by the way.  I was told that the Sports Zone has been bought (or leased) from October, and will have a food service too as the owner was looking to bring a chef in from Mazerron.  Hope this is true also, although 2 weeks of free tennis was very nice !!

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10 Sep 2010 2:07 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Well, well, well - quite a coincidence that my in laws  offered to 'buy' me out only 7 days ago. Makes me wonder what do they really know as in the past they did get a few whispers that proved very accurate.

C'est la vie. I hope that for owners who want the leisure park on the land beyond La Isla that it all comes to pass. It will bring work and improve rentals for sure. Even if its up to an hour away it could still have benefits for CDA.

I've just remembered that there is supposed to be a Chinese leisure and business park being developed in Lorca already, do you think that could affect any decsion on the site being at CdA?


This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 10/09/2010.



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10 Sep 2010 2:13 PM by thekeeve Star rating in Hope, West Wales and.... 277 forum posts Send private message

 When I started this thread, I wasn't going to comment further, but I will say this - whether you're a moaner, optimist, doubter, half full or half empty brigade, one thing's for sure, a tennis court and coffee shop are not going to resurrect our resort (?!).  We aren't going to get the facilities we all signed up for, so a development like paramount is our only hope.  It won't be to everyone's taste, but a lot of people have invested everything they have in CdA. I for one will be keeping my fingers crossed that this progresses to fruition, no matter how many doubters there are out there.


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10 Sep 2010 2:43 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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I am a prolific Doubter, Moaner and in the Half Full Brigade. I will also keep my fingers crossed. Lots of people have lost lots of money on Condado, this could be a lifeline for many people to help them recover some of the Thousands of pounds they have lost.


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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10 Sep 2010 2:49 PM by The Leonards Essex Star rating in Essex/Los Naranjos 2. 116 forum posts Send private message

10 Sep 2010 3:27 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

Great news

Was always dubious about the pro's and con's on having it on our doorstep.  But if it's between having nothing or the theme park I'm for the theme park.  Although I realise a location hasn't been confirmed.

I'll still wait until the building commences before getting too happy about it...this story has taken plenty of turns over the last year.

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10 Sep 2010 4:22 PM by michaelwr Star rating. 96 forum posts Send private message

Excellent News, and here's hoping isla inhabitants get a nice view.

Now I just need them to build this in the next 4/5 years, Just so our one year old is still too young to work out that his wish to go to Orlando had an incredibly short flight. And to clinch it I'll make sure he knows in Florida it's mainly hispanics whom speak Spanish.

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10 Sep 2010 5:10 PM by Jay05 Star rating in We are in Los Naranj.... 1464 forum posts Send private message

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Come on. Everyone's gotta be loving that.

Although probably be too noisy too busy and to positive for you know who!!

Keep the faith.


Jay & Lisa  

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10 Sep 2010 6:23 PM by PDMG Star rating in Northern Ireland / J.... 95 forum posts Send private message

PDMG´s avatar

Happy days!!........if it proves to be right.

It does seem quite a while since there has been some good news re. Condado.

I would be absolutely delighted if they went ahead with such a project.

Sod the doom & gloom, I am going to be the epitome of positivity from now on!



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10 Sep 2010 7:39 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

Just saw this on simply networking from The Murcian gov.  So at least they are saying the same thing.


Murcia Regional news, The Government of Murcia is not investing money in this Paramount Theme Park Project

Murcia Regional Govt confirms support for Paramount theme park project2010-09-10

The Murcian regional government has this afternoon confirmed its' participation in the talks to open a Paramount Studios theme park in the Region.

The spokesperson for the region, María Pedro Reverte, said in a press statement today that there are several partners who are investing in the project, only one of which is Santa Mónica Financial Services owned by Jesús Samper, who is also the owner and President of the Real Murcia Football Club.

She declined to name any of the other investors, but confirmed that they would be meeting with the President of the Region, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, in the near future, together with representatives from the Paramount development team.

She was adamant that the Region of Murcia was not one of the investors, and said that it would not be putting any public money into what is, essentially, a private enterprise project.

She also declined to give any details about where the park would be located,its' size, or structure, saying only that , " the park would be pioneering and innovative" and would be " a far cry from the traditional formula which has been tried in other locations."


The cynic almost dreads asking exactly how innovative, giving the current penchant for  Non-typical innovation in Murcia at the moment


The Concejal of Culture and tourism, Pedro Cruz, sent a communication which said that, " the government of the region understands that one of the routes which offers the most possibilities for development and the creation of employment is the development and promotion of tourism , which is destined to be the economic motor of the region."


Rafael González Tovar, the Government of Spains' delegate in the region of Murcia, said that the announcements were " very good news" and that Murcia was an " attractive" region for this type of investment. He also said that this project had the full support of the National Government.


Vice opposition spokesperson, Begoña García Retegui, said that any investment into Murcia was welcome provided it generated wealth and employment, and said that she was very keen to obtain an interview with the Concejal for tourism to " find out all the details of the investment, " as " as socialists we understand fully that we need more investment to create employment, but without taking on more costs, because the Region can't assume any more costs at the moment."


On the Spanish forums, the response has been muted, with many unsure as to whether a theme park is what Murcia needs to develop as a tourism destination, and of course, the biggest question here as well is where is it going to be.

There have been disgruntled posts from many in the North and North-West, adamant that whilst it should be going to the north to assure a more equal distribution of wealth, it will probably end up in the south.

There have been some quite interesting suggestions of where it should go, most of which are unprintable, the consensus being that although an area like Lorca, which has vast tracts of unused land would very much like this project, the infrastructure and recent negotiations following the Polaris world financial problems, favours an area such as Alhama, which has an excellent transport infrastructure and a more favourable climate than Lorca.

It's surprising how much colder it can be in the winter across different zones of the region, and as the investment is now known to be private, the park will go where it is likely to generate the largest volum of traffic, so some are saying closer to Murcia.

We'll find out soon enough..

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10 Sep 2010 8:49 PM by glesgasteve Star rating. 69 forum posts Send private message


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11 Sep 2010 9:32 AM by thekeeve Star rating in Hope, West Wales and.... 277 forum posts Send private message

 The news was reported on Spanish national TV apparently.  Seems to be going in the right direction.  Can anyone confirm this?


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11 Sep 2010 12:34 PM by Lisinopril Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 197 forum posts Send private message



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Una sociedad que lidera Samper buscará inversores para el parque Paramount
Paramount Park in Canada, which he later sold. :: AP
After six months of negotiations between the Government racks Valcárcel, the multinational Paramount has shown signs of life yesterday morning and took a significant step announced that it has reached an agreement for hosting the Region of Murcia and theme park entertainment that will focus on film offerings this Hollywood giant. The official announcement was a surprise: Santa Monica Financial Services SA, a company of Jesus Samper, owner of Real Murcia, has entered the scene and will be responsible, along with other entrepreneurs Murcia, to drive the project, buy the license, finance master plan and seek international investors for a project that will need several billion euros and will be built on an area of between 4 and 6 million square meters. It will take months to know whether the operation curdle. In that case you can reach 20,000 direct and indirect jobs, but nobody dares to give figures. All players chose sin of caution yesterday.
Questions to answer - 

New Condomina Style "?
The regional government and Paramount have left in the hands of a conduit, where are Samper and other partners, the development of which would be the largest leisure park in Europe. Disneyland Paris has cost over 3,000 million over 25 years. This operation aims to overcome. Jesus Samper intends to implement something like the New Condomina business model, where investors sought to develop the commercial, leisure and urban north of Murcia. In this case there will be no homes or neighborhoods, but hotels and equipment, and a large shopping area. So far there has transcended if built recording studio, which was one of the possibilities noted in February, when a director Pedro Alberto Cruz said the interest shown by Paramount.
The Community does not put money
The secret place
The movie studios and the regional government will underline the money. Will the capital and international investment funds who bet on the region, attracted by the prospect of business in a long-haul project. Paramount's announcement is not playing to the gallery since it listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The green light to the project in Murcia is the main asset for attracting capital. Paramount will change its brand to charge a license to market its film products, while the regional executive will give the maximum facilities to the project. All details of the operation are from now in the hands of Paramount and the new company, which will take the lead.
The location of future park is one of the best kept secret to prevent land speculation. The feasibility study has been done and several sites are being considered. The confidentiality clause that have signed all the players involved in this plan prevents them from legally providing sensitive data. This does not diminish for institutions, mayors and businessmen have expressed a willingness to accept the park in their municipalities. The investment will need to enter an area that ranges 400 and 600 hectares, the equivalent of 500 football fields, as this newspaper has learned.
It is a "private project"
Next Visit
The statement Thursday from Los Angeles, carried out by, alludes to the "strong support" of the autonomous government in reaching an agreement. It was unclear whether there will be an official line of incentives through the info, minus any liens or aid in kind and access land, as happened in 1990 with General Electric. The Minister of Presidency, Pedro María Reverte, said yesterday that the Executive will not be able Murcia money in the operation.
The private company that will boost the project will be presented in coming days. Santa Monica has three or four partners. The regional government will be present as a token gesture, as this newspaper was aware of this yesterday. He accomplished the first goal was scored since February, when Paramount announced interest in this area: Ensure that the Region is the place chosen over other sites and find a group of private investors who took charge of directing the project. In this regard, counselors María Pedro Reverte, Salvador Marin and Pedro Alberto Cruz stressed yesterday that Paramount "is a private investment project." From now on, the role of the Autonomous Community will consist of giving the project credibility and confidence for future investments. The role is in the hands of the new conduit and the leaders of Paramount Licensing, who will visit the region in the coming weeks to provide the details of the master plan.
Councillor Samper Cruz
Contact with S. Monica
The need to establish a private company to drive investment to the regional government was to seek, in early summer, the future entrepreneurs interested in Film Park. Samper Jesus was a person with whom we contacted, through its good relations with the Minister of Culture, Pedro Alberto Cruz. The owner of Real Murcia was prepared from the outset. The holding company has already put his money to establish itself as such, will fund the master plan and acquire the rights to Paramount, several sources reported.Santa Monica Financial has an important role but not exclusive of the operation, pointed out to the editor.
The role of Santa Monica has given Paramount Licensing Division in its statement yesterday, since it is the only company mentioned. The executive director of marketing, Darren Kyman, explained that the multinational will be involved in the planning phase of the theme park which will have the brand and the conceptual design of movie studios, which granted a license to employ the elements of its exploitation films in the complex.
"We believe that Murcia has a great opportunity for Europe a Paramount Film Park and look forward to working with the regional government and Santa Monica," said Darren Kyman.
Enrique Muñoz, a spokeswoman for Paramount Pictures Spain, confirmed the agreement's scope and has reneged on its March statement, saying that the multinational had no plans or commitments to install a park in Spain.

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