The Comments |
The Zurich Insurance investigator who informed us of the defects on the roof of block 16 also said that the majority of the air conditioning units are not secured and will cause problems. We had tour pipe work sealed as at present we do not have air conditioning as we were told this could cause dampness. Can everyone check their part of the roof making sure the units are secure and pipe work sealed etc.
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Have uploaded a few photographs of the roof and original dampness in our apartment which we had redecorated. The last heavy rainfall a few weeks ago reignited the problem but our keyholder has informed us today that it has dried out leaving water marks on the ceiling and walls. If it wasn't for our keyholder we may not have noticed this reoccurence so would suggest if anyone doesn't use their places that often to be very vigilante their next visit just in case.
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We've had rain damage in our property as well (2 bed on Jardines). It first happened in Sept 2009 and we reported it to PW who told us we needed to claim through our own Blgs and contents insurance. We did just that, and our insurance company (Zurich) sent an assessor around. He took one look, shook his head and provided us with a survey which states that the problem is caused by a building defect, and must be resolved by the builder- NOT the insurance comapny. The survey states that Zurich have obsered the same problem in other properties on the site.
1 year, another flood (in August this year - luckily we were in the property at the time), about 50 emails to Polaris (all unanswered) various conversation with Milenium - and the problem is still unresolved. We did actually manage to speak to someone in PW customer services this week though who, although she said she would try to help, also said that PW have "no workers in CdA" - which seems to be consistent with the message others are getting.
Clearly, I'm not happy and I want to take this further. I'd already posted a thread on this forum (follow this link) -
to see what the process is for enforcing the 10 year guarentee, and the answer back seems to be very clear that the 10 year guarentee does NOT ony kick it when a developer goes bankrupt, and it should provide cover for us at any point.
I've checked back through our completion docs to see if there is mention of what company underwtrite the 10 year guarentee, but I can't see any mention of it. Does anyone happen to know the answer to that question?
I've emailed Milenium today to ask :-
1. If they can confirm who provides the 10 year guarentee
2. If they are collating a list of all owners who have reported flood damage (I know that they had a lengthy list when we went into their office on 19/08/10) so that we could get this information to the preidents to consider collecgtve legal action
Are there any presidents out there who could take this to the next meeting and seek support for a collective action? When s the next meeting?
I'll post an update from Milenium when they respond.
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No-one has posted if there are any reasons given by PW for this decision?
Given the recent news about Paramount does anyone think PW may be about to pull out of CdA completely? Do they own enough to still benefit financially from that sort of move?
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Zurich did an assessment on the flood damage and the survey report they provided (in Spainish - so some it will be lost in transalation ) states :-
"due to deficient finished waterproofing of the work, ratified by numerous other houses with similar damage, our advisable information is to claim to the Constructuroa.... due to nonexistence of vesitble from entrance to the house, the waters filter directly into the house damagng the walls and access door, filtration through the facade zone of lateral outer stairs, which lack waterproofing and lodging of water in the steps..."
Which I take to mean that they haven't provided sufficent drainage on the front "lower" terraace on the 2 bed Apt. and also haven't waterproofed the Solarim or the external steps up to the solarium and water is getting tjhrough and into the apartment that way. I know from conversations with Neighbours, our key holder and others on this forum that other 2 beds have had exactly the same problem and when we were in the apratement when the storms came (17th Auguust) we witnessed the water coming into the property via the internal wall ourselves (this would be where the water would get if it seeps in from the external stairs).
I assume that the fix would be to lift the external tiles on the stairs and/or solarium then fit some waterprrof membrance, as well as sort something out to assist the draninage on the front balcony. Obviously the 3 beds below us would suffeer from the affects of this problem. I'm not sure if those in Penthouses would have similar issues or not (the main issue I 've heard for them is gaps left on airconditioning pipes).
This message was last edited by Russ Smith on 16/09/2010.
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All PW customer services have said is that "they don't currently have any workmen on site in CdA to look at this problem" and aren't sure when they will.. Perhaps people are reading too much into that, but irresptive of their motives, PW seem to have an obligation to resolve what our insurance company report states is a defect...
Milenium are also saying that the cause of the problem is PW responsibility to fix but under the community insruance Axa will fix the effects (in our case this means them dabbing a bit of emulsion on the walls where damp pataches are now showing - not really what I'm worried about!).. This is an extract from an email Milenium sent to us :-
" However, since we could include your building insurance with AXA through the community, we can help you and all the other owners with his matter. In fact, we know that his kind of problem is automatically rejected by the insurances companies, but we are working to get Axa repair the inside damages. The inspections are currently being done and the workers will come in further days.."
I'm not really bothered about trying to understand PW's motives (have given up trying to second guess anything they ever do), but I am interested in trying to get them to resolve an issue which it seems they have a legal obligation to do. As has already been posted on this thread, it seems that the best chance we have of making them do that is to get everyone affected together and tackling it as a collective via the Community and/or adminstrators - if that means taking action (or threatening it) then thats what we need to do.
My question is how do we get this onto the appropriate agenaa for discussion an agreement? There seem to be alot of people agreeing to this course of action, but debating it on this forum isn't going to achieve much !
This message was last edited by Russ Smith on 16/09/2010.
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Yes, I agree no point in trying to guess what PW are up to- was just a thought about the Paramount position.
One of the difficulties PW have is that they sub contracted all the building work out and so many of those sub contractors have gone out of business. Never the less it remains PW's responsibility.
Maybe a line or two to Hernadez is the way forward, either individually or via Milenium!.
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Polaris have hundreds of workmen on La Torre Sur (formerly La Terrazas) buildings its town centre and new apartments so don't take any nonsense from them about having no one to do the work. I wonder if you stood outside their sales office with a placard warning other would be buyers about their after sales service would these problems somehow get resolved ?
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Hi jeb321,
Think we could arrange a mass convoy of peeps to PW head office to protest not only for repairs but club house, restaurant, sports club and anything else that takes our fancy on the day. You just never know it might work and well worth a day out.
I would certainly go, might even tie myself to a railing while lying on my sunlounger .
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues![](/userfiles/content-moved-to-https/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/new_silenced.gif)
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Sounds a good idea to me, count me in if I can arrange to be out at the time.
Another option is to have it as a monthly or fortnightly event whereby we have a rotor of say 6 people at PW HQ or at the onsite sales office handing out leaflets explaining our course and warning people to consider this before they buy, it would definitely get a reaction. We would just have to make sure we stand in public areas so not to be accused of trespassing.
This message was last edited by PGM on 17/09/2010.
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If we were to get a legal letter drafted by a solicitor (there must be one amongst us) could we not do a massive mail drop on their front door - one letter to represent each owner. There must be some way of getting them to listen to us. We could drop the letters at their headoffices and each of the resorts in their on site offices!!
Carla and Dave.
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Has anyone got any news regarding the damp issues on Condado, we are still trying to contact Polaris World which still appears to be a complete waste of time. We are most willing to join others to take Polaris to court sooner than later.
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hi all why not start by boycotting pw pub shop restaurant and email watchdog to tell them of whats going on and that they are advertising theme parks at pw sites But there is none yet and may not be so thats false advertising if people signed up for a new home and pay there deposit do they get it back if the theme park dont happen .with pw NOT A CHANCE IN HELL .I WAS MEANT TO BUY A DREAM WITH 3 GOLF COURSES AND A TOWN AND WE DIDNT GET IT THEY SOLD ME A LIE
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They didnt necessarily sell you a lie. Although I have no doubt they kept selling right up to the moment someone said 'this aint going to work!' I'm sure through 2008 they mostly knew the news wasnt looking good.
However, most likely at the time of sale they anticipated that within 10 years CdA would be the 3 golf course, Oasis, Foro and Agoro resort with fire station, medical centre and school that we all expected. No court anywhere will be able to 'force' PW to build anything they can no longer afford. We found that out when we expected the golf suites to be built!
Too many people cannot accept that PW are not the force they once were and own very little of Condado. Thats not said in support of PW but it's reality. I think it's appalling they are not doing repair work as that should have been the one thing their public relations should have focussed on them doing, having customers who could at least say 'they didnt really finish the resort but they did make sure all the properties they built were maintained in 1st class condition' should have been their aim. But, no, Polaris shoot themselves in the foot again.
Forgive me as I am not really for going to the media either- its a death knell to any resort or development. As soon as CdA hits the screens/papers as a Polaris disaster any faint hope owners have of future buyers and development and positive advertising hits the fan. From then you cant expect any financial input to the land PW gave the Banks or future sales of properties. New purchasers should survey and snag prospective purchases and if they find a problem look at a different property. I'm afraid I think owners are going to have to pay for repairs themselves or end up with properties they dont want to use and are a real problem. People are waiting for PW to deal with damp- I dont think its going to happen and so the damp will get worse. Not saying this is right, just this is the way it is.
Just my opinion
( in one of our previous properties the drain blocked and the apartment kept flooding through the bathroom, over time we couldnt get the developer back to do any repair but eventually the problem affected the upstairs neighbours as the drains backed up. It was disgusting and in the end we had to get in repair men ourselves to dig up the back terrace and replace a broken drain that should have been within the 10 year building cover)
If, and its a biggish if, we get the Paramount Park it may kick start things or PW may sell us to Paramount- but until we know I think cutting losses and digging into your own pocket is the only sure way.
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Leigh, the problem with a boycott is the lack of any viable alternatives.
If a golf clubhouse of any description is built, or the sports area snack bar is re-opened, I am sure you will see a lot of people staying away from the pub.
Personally I don't think PW are that worried about how the pub does so not sure if a boycott would bother them.
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Sorry if this is the wrong forum - you'll see that we're new to this!
We recently did an inspection trip to CDA and were proposing to put down a deposit in the next couple of days - on a 3 bed apt in Los Narajos. It's a repossessed property, unfurnished as if off plan. I couldn't see any issues with damp or the like when we looked around but them i'm not a surveyor.
We have 3 young children (under 5) and have rented villas on MM and LT over the last couple of years. We really like the area and saw this as a foot on the proverbial ladder. The intention is just to use it as a holiday home, the kids love the beach and swimming and i'm a terrible golfer so the issues about the clubhouse etc won't necessarily put me off. As long we the kids have somewhere safe to play and sleep we should be ok.
However, reading this forum makes me a little nervous. Is there anything we need to be wary of - not least the possibilty of structural problems.
Any replies would be greatly appreciated.
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I think most people have had no big issues with their apartments. The big issue is with Polaris not fixing what has gone wrong. Most people aren't resident on the resort, so often they are left stranded trying to fix a problem from a thousand miles away. Often something that could be reasonably easily fixed by PW. Even worse is when you have no key holder and a simple problem is compounded by not being discovered for 6 months.
I haven't heard of major structural damage to apartments but as always if you have concerns best bet is to get an expert in to have a look. The apartments aren't that big so I wouldn't expect it to be too costly.
I too have a 3 bed apartment and have two kids under 4 who just love the place. As many people have said, the upside on the slowdown in the resort is a nice quiet and relaxing place for families.
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