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The Comments
01 Oct 2010 1:39 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

David and Ellie, always get a professional snagging company to do the checks on the apartment before you sign any completion document. They at least know what they are looking for and as these properties have been up for a couple of years there would be signs they recognise of damp- slightly more difficult when you complete very soon after the build is finished. There's a few snagging companies on here if you search.

I would expect on any big development there will always be owners who have some problems with their property. An additional problem here is that PW don't rush to do the repairs. When they still had workmen on site, because building was still ongoing, you stood a better chance of getting things sorted. Now they have receded from view and contact and this is making it difficult for owners with issues.

I think this is a lovely resort for a young family- it isnt what was on the drawing board in 2007- thats well documented. But, surprisingly we have come out of it better than many people on other resorts and I am grateful that we dont have anything half built deteriorating on the edge of the golf course. Obviously owners that bought expecting to pay their mortgage from rentals and others who wanted to make a quick profit are disappointed and angry at the recession and the turn of events. I have great sympathy for them as I am partially in that bracket myself. But, I do recognise that we have a supermarket and a bar and the golf course which is usable- we want more and I hope there is some movement on the sports zone before too long. Please other forum users dont shoot me down for sounding positive but only recently someone posted about a friend whose villa is on an unfinished development and they can't use it because the whole place has been vandalised as is mostly empty and there are no facilities at all or close by- I think we have come out luckier than many. Plus any owner with issues with PW about repairs are naturally very negative about PW but not necessarily about the resort.

Just  be willing to pay for reputable companies to be part of the buying process and that should be a reassurance for you.

David and Ellie- maybe you could start a thread asking about useful things to know about your Jardin. Not everyone who uses the forum reads every post so your query could get missed on a thread like this.

This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 01/10/2010.



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01 Oct 2010 3:23 PM by julianpray Star rating in Middx. & La Isla, Bl.... 93 forum posts Send private message

julianpray´s avatar

hi all why not start by boycotting pw pub shop restaurant and email watchdog to tell them of whats going on and that they are advertising theme parks at pw sites

Leigh, I know where you're coming from but the last thing I'd want is for something to appear on Watchdog about CDA as they'd just rip the place to pieces and give everybody watching a far worse impression of the place. Far from perfect it may be but it could be made a whole lot worse

If we are ever lucky enough for the place to move forward and become a fraction of what we bought into, anybody who had seen such an item on Watchdog would just say "Oh, that's the place that was on TV, it's a nightmare, don't touch it"... Mud sticks unfortunately so I see only negatives from such publicity.

As for boycotting the Clover and Supermarket, I really don't think PW would give a toss. They'd just close up and walk away and tell people that they'd cut of their own noses to spite their face..!!

Cheers, Julian.




This message was last edited by julianpray on 01/10/2010.

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01 Oct 2010 7:07 PM by leigh_bristol Star rating in Bristol. 243 forum posts Send private message

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hi all people are saying that pw are skint that's why there is no work going on at are place. but they are still building on the other sites [the town ]so they must have money .I'm for one is not going in the pub and shop TO GIVE THEM MORE OF MY MONEY and if they did walk away and close it then my be some one else my open it as a pub /social club and start a community for all off us and as for the tv we got stop pw ripping any more people off

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01 Oct 2010 7:29 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

They dont own the land on Condado anymore so cannot build on it. At least as far as apartments go. I agree they could build a golf clubhouse but no doubt The Clover barely manages to survive so PW aren't about to pump money into a clubhouse- they've had to close the restaurant be cause it just wasnt making money. Only during the 2months of the summer did it have regular clientel and from October half term CdA will get quieter and quieter. The Supermarket is actually run by UPPERS altho' has the PW signage.

This building point has come up before and was confirmed at the AGM; PW own some pieces of land-probably the sites for the clubhouse and the Hotel. They wont build as the outgoings far exceed the income they will generate for years to come. Actually I think they let Intercontinental deal with the Hotel side of things and its laughable to think a Hotel could be sustained on CdA at the moment (maybe if Paramount arrives) The La Torre Hotel cost 90 million euro's to build. PW also own two Jardins of apartments in Naranjos. Probably retained for sale or for rental when the golf course hits the big time. Other than that they own zilch- so no building or development till that changes,  which could come about if the Banks sell development land to another bidder (again Paramount could be the way forward here). However, PW may have an agreement that land should be offered back to them at some point. Their debts were settled before they had to give away land on other resorts so thats why they can still build there- where they get the funding is another matter and if anything sells is another matter again. If you go to Mar Menor there are a range of new and unusual apartments on the perimeter- all appear empty. I dont expect any building of apartments on CdA until the unsold glut  of apartments eases across all PW resorts and they have the money to get back some land. Maybe then, when they have workers on site there will be more success getting properties repaired.



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04 Oct 2010 5:36 PM by Marshman Star rating in Stevenage (wishing I.... 109 forum posts Send private message

After reporting the problem last year after the heavy rain and again this year, with constant chasing and phones calls over the year, PW have finally replied with the following email:-

From: customerservice [mailto:customerservice@polarisworld.com]
Sent: 04 October 2010 16:13
To: Martin Johns
Subject: RE: Damp Patch in Kitchen, Jardin 2.

Dear Sir,
There are no works being carried out on Condado at the moment.
We will contact you as soon as we receive instructions from our directors.
Best regards
Customer Service
I guess I am now left with 2 options:-

Pay a solicitor to try and get them to fix it. (Although, if PW have no money unsure what this will gain apart from me paying more costs. or,

Fix the problem myself, but unsure how difficult this would be?
I have read that this has been fixed in the past by PW when they were on site originally, but does anybody know what they did. I have noticed on my apartment that the holes on the chimney are larger than normal and slow inwards towards the chimney, there heavy rain would run inwards.

Any advise appreciated or if anybody knows what PW did to resolve their issues and what they were.  I personally dont believe it s a major problem, as the rain only comes in with heavy rain and wind.

PS - Also agree with a lot of the posts, The family and I love CDA when we are there it just these niggling issues.



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04 Oct 2010 7:15 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

Polaris Workers visited an apartment in Jardin 5 today so i think they must be prioritising the work.





I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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04 Oct 2010 7:15 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

Polaris Workers visited an apartment in Jardin 5 today so i think they must be prioritising the work.





I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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05 Oct 2010 11:21 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Yes workmen have been working in an apartment in Naranjos 8 recently but it’s one of the unsold ones, so I am presuming they are just putting problems write on properties they have buyers for?

 I don’t know who is having the work done though Banks or PW?



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05 Oct 2010 11:32 AM by Marshman Star rating in Stevenage (wishing I.... 109 forum posts Send private message

If I dont get a reply by the time I go over, I may choose a time when there are customers in the PW sales office in CDA and loudly demand why they are not fixing the structural problems with my apartment and see what they do and point out it has been a year!

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05 Oct 2010 12:12 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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As I have suggested before we should produce a leaflet hopefully with the assistance of our Presidents explaining the problems with the properties and the inaction of PW and setup a rota to hand one to all who visit the sales centre. In my opinion this would get a reaction.



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05 Oct 2010 9:50 PM by leigh_bristol Star rating in Bristol. 243 forum posts Send private message

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hi has any one ask the president about the letter yet  it be good to get it started and we will see how far that will get us

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05 Oct 2010 10:12 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Would it be possible to get the owners presently with repair issues to contribute a few euro's into a fund sufficient enough to cover an intial appointment with a Solicitor and get some proper advice? Do Spanish solicitors do a free half hour 1st consultation as in the UK? Either that or contact Maria Castro on this forum.

I really dont think making a fuss in the sales office is going to do any more than get yourself escorted away by security and possibly lose a sale for PW. Likewise I dont think you will get enough people to hand out leaflets and I really dont think they have many people going in the sales office anyway or at least not enough to warrant a round the clock rota- which you would need, to be in with a chance of catching their rare customer. It's not that these aren't good idea's but they aren't practical.

Its also not the case that I am not sympathetic because I am. I think every owner should be very concerned because none of us know if we are going to arrive at our apartment and find the dreaded damp or other problems. But I think proper advice and approriate action has to be the real way forward. If the Presidents are delaying with a letter of concern then owners need to get their act together and do their own. It seems weeks since this was first suggested.

The work on the two apartments mentioned on the thread could be little more than the result of snagging- why prioritse these empty apartments other than for sales to go through?.



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05 Oct 2010 10:56 PM by wrecker Star rating in Warrenpoint and CDA. 18 forum posts Send private message

Hi,Have purchased in Jardin 5 and am having some work carried out at present(AC Install) before travelling back Thursday for a breif holiday.I believe I am the first in Jardin 5 and as I own a Facility Management company I was able to compile an extensive snagging list which I have to admit was carried out to my satisfaction quickly and efficiently.I have been following some posts highlighting damp problems that are apparantly being caused from the apartments above and would be interested in some information as I have purchased a ground floor apartment.Thanks

I live in CDA and NI

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06 Oct 2010 10:01 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Having been directed to http://naranjosjardine1.wordpress.com/2010/10/06/building-issues/. I'm pleased to read there is some progress in the 'fight' to get Polaris to sort the ongoing problems. Whilst it may not have produced immediate results it is at least useful information for owners.

I had no intention of suggesting that the Presidents were being lax merely that there seemed to be a delay for some reason and people were still complaining that nothing was being done. This serves as a reminder to check the owners site more regularly!!



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