green fees

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20 Oct 2010 12:00 AM by Dave & Carol Star rating in Stockport & Penthou.... 112 forum posts Send private message

Can anyone tell me how much the green fees are at the moment , are there any offers on ,we are over in a couple of wks , also are they still doing twilight deals .      thanks alot .

  Dave & Carol    

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20 Oct 2010 9:37 AM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Dave,

Just returned from CdA after a short 5 day break.   The twighlight offers have now been removed, as it is now classed as 'High Season'.  So you have to pay the full wack of €50.00 + €30.00 if you need a buggy (not really needed to be honest - the walk is very pleasant in the current temps.

The greens are cery disapointing at the moment - they have been hollow tinned recentley & seem to be taking much longer than usual to get back to normal.  Greens are soft, with a lot of top dressing still effecting the role.    Society on Friday is still ay 40.00

Lot of other maint work being done - good to see





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20 Oct 2010 10:33 AM by geoff359 Star rating in 220 forum posts Send private message

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 I was told that residents pay €30, which I and my guests paid last month and if you want a weeks green fees it's €150 unlimited play, as far as I'm aware this price is still available................. Regards. Geoff

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20 Oct 2010 10:44 AM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Not available any longer Geoff.   Twighlight fee of €30 is withdrawn until May of last week.   It's fact, I was their yesterday !!



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20 Oct 2010 11:14 AM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

So they withdrew the residents rate at same time as removing the twilight rate??

From reading some views and some rumours I am slightly concerned that the course will become very expensive once the "rough" is sorted and a clubhouse in place.

I love the course and look foward to playing it but I hope that they look after the residents/owners going forward.



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20 Oct 2010 1:07 PM by Star rating in Condado De Alhama, l.... 27 forum posts Send private message

 The residents rate has never been €30 to play last year before the low season for golf residents always paid €55 now you pay €50. Anyone who isn't a resident pays €65 like last year unless they book through me where they will get rate at €55 saving them €10 per round. 


The prices may go up however when the clubhouse is in place. I will find out for you on that one




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20 Oct 2010 1:57 PM by fozzie Star rating. 73 forum posts Send private message

when I was there in Aug/Sep, I was certainly given a residents rate as I had to take a bill with me to prove I was the owner.  Cost then was €25 for the round (no buggy), and this was all day, not a twighlight offer.

Maybe lowered the price then due to the rain damage??  They never said that was the reason tho, so cant be sure if it was or wasnt

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20 Oct 2010 4:18 PM by zoso1971 Star rating. 47 forum posts Send private message

According to leaflet picked up yesterday in pro shop the prices are

resident 50 euros, non 65 for 18 holes

resident  30 euros non 45 for 9 holes

4 green fees for residents 180 euros, non 224 euros valid for 10 days

6 green fees for residents 258 euros  non 324 euros valid for 15 days

12 green fees for residents 480 euros non 576 euros valid for 30 days

buggy 18 holes resident 30 euros non 35 euros

hope this helps and contact number to book is 0034968328008

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29 Oct 2010 9:30 PM by geoff359 Star rating in 220 forum posts Send private message

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 Hi Rob, Olagolf must have changed the low season residents rates since you last checked, because myself and my guests were charged €30 each for 18 holes as I showed proof of address at CDA, but unfortunately they seem to have withdrawn these prices. It would be interesting to find out the dates when the green fees change, does anybody know when the high season starts? Geoff.

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30 Oct 2010 12:18 PM by petercbeck Star rating in Reigate via Wales & .... 65 forum posts Send private message

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When we were there in September, we were told that the Olagolf prices changed on Oct 1st.  We were also told this when we visited Mar Menor

The CdA course was closed for the last few days of September for hollow tining and other maintenance, and when it reopened on Oct 1st, the new prices were to be in force.

As we didn't play once the course had re-opened, we never got to find out whether the new prices came into effect or not, but that's what we were told.


Peter & Pam - Jardines 1

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01 Nov 2010 8:55 PM by andypin Star rating in Dublin and Naranjos .... 78 forum posts Send private message

I played Condado the first week of October and was charged €30. I was told that the new prices should have been charged from the 1st October, but that they had discounted this to €30 due to the maintenance.




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01 Nov 2010 11:06 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Cant actually help with the final figure but my husband played last Tuesday and we took a buggy round too, when I queried how much it was,  he said 'you dont want to know,but its gone up!' As he played several times through our various summer visits he'd know the difference and I suspect a round with buggy was 80 euro's- and a lay down!!!



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02 Nov 2010 10:04 AM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

If you play with the society either Friday or Monday it is 40 euros including buggy.




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02 Nov 2010 1:42 PM by Martin & Hannah Star rating. 41 forum posts Send private message

I played mid Oct and the rates then were 30 Euros for 9 holes and 50 Euros for 18 holes + 4 Euros for the trolley, the twilight rates have finished for this year as I understand.

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02 Nov 2010 7:56 PM by geoff359 Star rating in 220 forum posts Send private message

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 €40 with a buggy sounds great value.............

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11 Jan 2011 4:05 PM by rich&bops Star rating in Fleet . 266 forum posts Send private message

Have we got the 2011 Green fee prices yet?


or are we still on with the €40 euro with the society monday & friday and €50 any other time.


I thought they where going to hike the prices up this year to €100 a round.. and not give discount to owners / residents.


I could be wrong, can someone clarify?




This message was last edited by rich&bops on 11/01/2011.


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11 Jan 2011 4:28 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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 Hi Rich,


You are absolutely correct.  Current ( Winter ) fees are :-

18 Holes - €65 non-residents, €50 for residents.  

9 Holes -  €45 non-residents, €30 for residents.

Society rates for Monday and Friday are €40 including a buggy.  + €3 entry fee.












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11 Jan 2011 4:29 PM by rich&bops Star rating in Fleet . 266 forum posts Send private message

Hi Phil


do we have the 2011 summer prices yet.?




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11 Jan 2011 5:46 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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 Nope, not published yet.











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