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Hi all,
could anyone tell me if the najanos penthouse are still on builders water supply or have we swithched to proper supply? im am over in jan and dont want to find out ive got no water cos i havent paid a bill
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Unfortunately we no longer have free water. We are in Penthouse Block 10 and have our water meter fitted. We are now just waiting on them taking the connection fee.
I suppose all good things come to and end eventually.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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How are we supposed to know we have a meter fitted? I live here and have seen no activity or had communication.
Until Simon posted I had no idea ours in block 10 was fitted. Have to rush to Camposol now to put money in bank!
Barry & Sue
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Barry & Sue
Urbaser don't give any warning..!!
The important thing is that they have the right bank details from you. We checked ours with them last week when we were over and they were wrong. This meant that they would have taken the meter back out because payment couldn't be taken.
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Hi Barry
Have you checked in the water meter cupboard? I checked the other day just before we left and they hadn't fitted all the meters in block 10 just yet as our apartment still didn't have the meter. I don't suppose it will take them long to fit them all though!!
This message was last edited by smivs on 31/10/2010.
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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Thanks Jackie. Just checked and we have a meter that hasn't registered anything yet. Bit haphazard - some have them some don't. Yours isn't fitted yet.
Barry & Sue
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Can anyone tell me exactly how to check my bank details with urbaser. Can I call them and talk in English or do I have to try and email in Spanish!
We are in block 14 and don't know if the meters are in yet, but any advice would be appreciated as we are not back until next February.
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Take a look at the post on, theres a post with the email details of the local Urbaser office that speaks English.
Email them with you name, address, nie and bank details and they will check your contract.
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If you have a meter fitted which has not registered anything and you are using water the meter is probably labelled up incorrectly and is actually for another apartment. We are on La Isla and the meters have a key tag with the apartment number on but these do not correspond with the numbers written on the small green plastic supply pipes which run to the apartments. In our block the numbers written on the pipes are also incorrect. In other words a complete c*** up. If you have access to the meter cupboard you can check by turning the stop tap at the meter off and checking whether you still have COLD water at your sink. If you still have running water you will need to try turning off other stop taps till you find the one that stops the water running in your apartment. Obviously turn the other stop taps back on or you may have some unhappy neighbours with no water!!!
Regards, David
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Hi Chesneyvile,
I too have an apartment on La Isla. I did not know the water meters were installed? However I have seen today that 9.19 Euro (small amount has been taken by Urbaser?
does this sound right?
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Not all of the apartments have got meters fitted yet. Those that are fitted could well have the incorrect apartment numbers on them if my experience is anything to go by. The small amount I presume is a charge for water used or maybe a standing charge. Urbaser will also be taking just under 200 euro for the connection charge. I have had both taken from my account last month.
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Can anyone tell me if meters have been fitted in penthouse block 14 or payments taken for meter installation. I am at home in Scotland and have not had a payment taken and am not due back until next February, so am a little concerned that when I get back I might not have water!
Any information appreciated
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HI jane
I'm in P14 as well .
I contacted Urbaser via email who informed me that I had been connected.
They told me that they had my account details. In order to be sure that we were talking about the right address, I sent them a copy of the hab cert with all my address details attached to the email.
The email I sent to is '' and '' . Sent to both and use the google translate page to get the message across in spanish and you should be ok.
I hope this helps
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As you know Urbaser have now fitted water meters to all the apartments in Naranjos. Assuming the correct bank details were passed onto them from Polaris World you should of had the €199.94 connection fee taken from your account. Over the last couple of days I heard of owners coming out to find they have no water, nor a meter fitted. This is probably due to Polaris passing on incorrect bank details. So, if you have not paid the connection fee then I would recommend that you contact Urbaser either by email or phone and check that they have your details.
The mail for contact with Urbaser in Alhama is, Alfonso speaks good english, or Telephone 0034 91 121 8000
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Hi All,
If I recall correctly, when we were all eventually transferred from builders electric to Iberdrola, it went quite smoothly with a few exceptions. I assume PW passed on our bank details at the time. Why are we seeing so many cock-ups with the water?
We're in P16, and not yet connected (last I heard).
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We are also in penthouse 16 and are going to CDA tomorrow. I have tried to find out if Urbaser have the correct billing information as given to PW when we signed the contract 19 months ago, but with no luck.
According to PW Urbaser installed water meters 22/9-2010, but they are unable to say if they informed Urbaser about the bank account number. I was told to contact Urbaser. After several attempts by phone and mail I received an answer from Alfonso at Urbaser today saying that they have not received billing information from PW, but that they were promised to get them shortly. I do not know who to believe, but are hoping that we still have water tomorrow.
If not, I guess they will have one angry Norwegian there on Monday.
_______________________ Claudia and Thorstein
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I have been in touch with Urbaser by amail and they got back within 24 hours. They confirmed meters are now fitted in block 14 and money will be taken from bank soon. They also confimed my bank details back to me, so Polaris have passed some details on.
Thanks for the help
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Just walked over to P16, and nope there are no meters installed at all. P15 and P14 are ok so don't know why they have missed out P16?
This message was last edited by ptan on 20/11/2010.
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