Penalty for non-payment of Community fees or not..?

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24 Feb 2011 12:00 AM by El Mirador Star rating in Meath, Ireland & Pen.... 73 forum posts Send private message

El Mirador´s avatar

Just received word from current admin (Mileniun) that we owe backdated fees for Nov & Dec 2009 (which we already knew about) but because of the shambolic previous admin (RPM) they never debited our account for any fees. Only when Mileniun took over we started paying fees correctly for all of 2010.

Now as I said Mileniun sent me an email last month requesting payment of backdated fees for Nov & Dec 2009 for a total fee of €138 for 2 months we owed but  a few days later they send me another email requesting a fee of €166. So naturally I questioned the added on extra money and was informed it was a 20% penalty for late payment of the community fee. I was told it was in the statues of the community that a Non payment carries a 20% penalty, but hang on a minute this was never a non payment as our bank was never debited for the fees until Mileniun sorted out RPM's mess with documentation retrieval etc last year.

So I feel we are being unfairly treated in this matter I've already contacted our president to voice our concern to Mileniun & sent numerous emails to Mileniun in the last few weeks.

Anyone have this same problem with backdated fees if so we would gladly like opinions as to whether we are right to be annoyed or just take the punishment for someone else's inept ability to conduct their business namely RPM.


Bren & Erica

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24 Feb 2011 10:05 AM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Whilst its a pain to be charged unfairly- could it be that ML feel that you have known this money was outstanding from 2009 and that you could have settled the fee in another way rather than await the set up of a direct debit?

I know people had to pay some late fee's for 2008 but the circumstances were different as the outstanding amount had never been agreed so no one could pay anything.



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24 Feb 2011 10:09 AM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

My personal opinion is that anyone who states they provided bank details to RPM should not be charged extra if they pay the outstanding amounts within 30 days of being told it is still owing.

I think the focus should be on getting the base fees sorted rather than charging expenses to people who relied on our administrators to take the money.

In saying that, my view would change if people had been contacted previously in regard to non payment of community fees.

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24 Feb 2011 11:10 AM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

I do agree SMV and Bren does say that they already knew these fee's where outstanding. Of course it could be that they had been led to believe they were going to be taken by DD at some point so didnt expect any issue with when it was actually taken. Wouldnt want to start a witch hunt on this sort of matter but it has been well documented on this site and others that people must contact their resort management compnay and arrange to pay outstanding CC fee's. Despite the fact RPM were hopeless  they've been gone for some time and we've all known that everything has to be brought up to date.

I'm glad to hear that ML are doing what they are paid for though.


This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 24/02/2011.



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24 Feb 2011 11:12 AM by golfinjim Star rating in Runcorn & Block 1 Pe.... 264 forum posts Send private message

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Think the answer was in the first line.  ..."that we owe backdated fees for Nov & Dec  2009 WHICH WE KNEW ABOUT." There's your answer.  You've had over a year to make this payment yet did not.  Ok may have been some ineptitude from RPM but myself and hundreds if not thousands of others managed to make the payments.  Using the "we gave them our bank details" is just an excuse  Thus putting the onus and resposibility onto RPM/Milenium.  But what "Conscience" efforts did you make?  Bear in mind this scenario happened to lots of other people.  Aware that one day it would catch up with them they persevered and got it sorted.

Put your hands up be honest and admit you tried/thought you'd got away with it.  You diden't.  So please just cough up the 166 Euro's.

Sorry but if you're looking for sympathy here, the only people who'll give it you are those who like yourself.  Thought they had beat the system.  For those of us who've been paying from day one - not



This message was last edited by golfinjim on 25/02/2011.

Frank Dont smack your kids.  They choose your care home.

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24 Feb 2011 6:45 PM by roadster Star rating in Belfast, N. Ireland. 121 forum posts Send private message




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26 Feb 2011 1:29 AM by El Mirador Star rating in Meath, Ireland & Pen.... 73 forum posts Send private message

El Mirador´s avatar

Ha ha first and foremost I think you need a hug Frank & maybe a defibrillator after that reply.

I appreciate you being Judge, Jury & Executioner without knowing all the facts, thank you for judging the book by the cover top man!

Anyway...while perservering all last year to sort out this matter with ML we were told it would be debited from our account when they decided they were ready to do so. After inquiring about this twice while we were in Condado last year & offering to pay cash with Ana in the prefab before ML moved to the Al Kasar we got told they had no facility to accept cash! We were told it would be debited 'soon' & no need to worry. So from this information the ball was in ML's court as far as we were concerned & they would take the fee when they seemed fit & ready to do so.

This is fun isnt it...!

So us trying to beat the system seems a bit harsh in my opinion as we were above board in all our dealings, including waiting for ML to take payment. Now getting back to my original request if anyone had an opinion on whether we were treated unfairly by adding this penalty to our payment.......An opinion Frank not a rant on how some people are trying to beat the system.

You obviously have an anger managment issue of some sort & like to paint a picture of his own ideals of some people who only asked an opinion as to whether they were hard done by. I'm sorry you thought we were trying to avail of free services from the community but on this occasion you were way of the mark, do you judge everyone you meet by just looking at them...I wonder..?

Thanks for your statement Frank not your opinion, maybe you were dropped as a kid or not loved as a child cause there seems a lot of resentment in your reply....I'm not judging I'm merely voicing my opinion.

Have a wonderful day.


Bren & Erica

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26 Feb 2011 1:34 AM by maverick100 Star rating in Ireland and naranjos.... 81 forum posts Send private message

 Well said Bren.....Here Here

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26 Feb 2011 5:11 AM by golfinjim Star rating in Runcorn & Block 1 Pe.... 264 forum posts Send private message

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Had you posted ALL the information in the first place, then it would have allowed myself and others to have formulated an opinion based on ALL the facts.  As regards being dropped on my head, or needing a hug. If you knew me then you would know that I am a very very laid back guy. So who's acting as judge and jury now! Still if you want to make it personal (obviously by your comments you do). Maybe you mis-read your bill because your head's too far up your own smug ar*e. 

Frank Dont smack your kids.  They choose your care home.

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26 Feb 2011 10:17 AM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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Come on now children, play nice or it's the naughty step for the lot of you!


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26 Feb 2011 11:08 AM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

I'm hoping then that you have now got back to ML and got this sorted because there will no doubt be others in the same boat and  they'd like to hear how it all progressed. I'm not sure if you have any records of your dealings with ML and that could be a problem to getting this resolved how you wish. I'd suggest that anyone else who finds there's been a glitch in any payments to make contact via email and save those and any replies, as this may be the only way to prevent penalty charges. I do recall in the early days of ML taking over that  people posted that they had tried to make payments direct to the ML adminsitrator but that wasnt possible and I'd merely expected that ML had made a higher demand on the next DD. I hope you manage to get this resolved to your satisfaction Bren, but I think it does serve as a warning and notice that ML are getting their act together albeit not  with 100% accuracy in this case maybe.



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26 Feb 2011 12:55 PM by El Mirador Star rating in Meath, Ireland & Pen.... 73 forum posts Send private message

El Mirador´s avatar

Hey Frank with regards to you calling me a sponger & a chancer whether all the facts were there or not you jumped the gun with your view when others didnt. Also I didnt judge I said 'maybe' you were dropped! Whereas telling someone to cough up what they owe & hold their hands up is labelling that someone did something wrong within their knowledge.

But hey I didnt make this a personal matter I asked people's opinion on our situation.

I dont particulary like being branded something I'm not & I was only fighting my corner.

I'm delighted that ML are getting everything sorted it will benfefit us all for the future. So when next week we are completly up to date with backdated fees that should be the last of it with ML & everything can get back to rosie in the garden again.

I'm a pretty laid back type of person myself & enjoy the craic on the forum.

Maybe we could share a scoop or two Frank in the fututre. Also other opinions were greatly appreciated guys but after next week will be water under the bridge win fees are paid!

Have a good day lads.

Bren & Erica

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26 Feb 2011 3:49 PM by golfinjim Star rating in Runcorn & Block 1 Pe.... 264 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Bren.  Truly I am glad you have got it sorted.  Apologise if you do feel I jumped the gun. (ok maybe i did a little).   I shall be out at Easter, and I'd have no qualms buying you and your good lady a drink in exchange for the good old Irish craic.  Being a "scouser with an Irish born mother, sure we could have a good laugh.

Frank Dont smack your kids.  They choose your care home.

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26 Feb 2011 4:22 PM by El Mirador Star rating in Meath, Ireland & Pen.... 73 forum posts Send private message

El Mirador´s avatar

Ah Frank unfortunately we're not all perfect including myself.... I'm not one to hold a grudge!

Apology accepted & I also apologise for the comments. By next week it shall all be sorted out anyway. Now being a scouser is that a red one or a blue one......? Note : This could hinge on that social drink !

I'm sure the craic certainly would be ninety. Hopefully we could hook up sometime our paths meet in the near future.


Bren & Erica

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26 Feb 2011 6:38 PM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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Ah, that's better, I can feel the love. :)


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26 Feb 2011 7:57 PM by golfinjim Star rating in Runcorn & Block 1 Pe.... 264 forum posts Send private message

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Bren, lets just say next time you trott off to the Milenium offices........ You'll never walk alone.  Yes Cappielow, I too am begining to feel the love;)

Frank Dont smack your kids.  They choose your care home.

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26 Feb 2011 8:49 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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It's time to bring an end to it when Frank is beginning to feel the love, you can tell it's a Saturday, he's undone 2 of the shirt buttons, liberally sprayed the Brut, splashed on the Old Spice,  and adjusted the big gold chain ......... Night Fever, Night Feverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr     



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01 Mar 2011 5:50 PM by duffy41 Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message


In the same boat, I've got email documentation of the efforts I made to try and pay this bill to RPM.

The lady I am in contact with in Mileniun-Levante agreed that the penalty charge should not apply in my case but said that she was powerless to prevent it.

I am up to date since December

Am still waiting on resolution of the penalty!!!

I can see why they applied the penalty, however I did not try to dodge the payment.  Money was in the bank last January to pay for fees to PRM.

Its an admin cockup,  as soon as I found out that  were in charge I contacted them. 

Yes I should have paid more attention to my bank account, I am guity of being disorganised but not dishonest.

Would like penalty donated to local spanish charity-  Think this is the best way to settle this.

No reply from Menium yet!!

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01 Mar 2011 7:59 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Have you approached your President to speak on your behalf and try to get this sorted. I applaud your desire for the excess in charges to go to a charity- but if it is someone else's fault the fee wasnt taken then.... why do you have to suffer?



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01 Mar 2011 11:44 PM by ian_golfer Star rating. 112 forum posts Send private message

I think there may be many owners in the same boat:- where fees were taken by RPM and then not by ML due to no fault of the owner. 

As it is the owners who set the rules, perhaps it would be sensible to put forward a motion at the AGM (due in May) to rebate any charges where it is clear that ML have been partly at fault by failing to deduct fees and also failing to communicate at all with owners by letter or email. 

ML are paid a substantial fee for their services. It seems that the quality of that service has clearly fallen way short of that expected.

I totally agree and understand that non-payers must be chased vigoursly. But penalising those that were paying and had the money ready is not the  way to run the Community of owners.



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