A Bad Report about DV in Trip Advisor

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21 Nov 2012 1:33 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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 Just came across this report in Trip Advisor


As the references to pot holed roads and empty village I started to suspect it was from 2008.  But no, its based a someones holiday in July 2012 !.

It does not give DV a good name.  

Just posted this so that owners who are looking for rental income might want to think about getting some of their renters to post some better write ups !

Personally i don't care too myself.  The more empty is DV when I visist the better - i like it quiet. Very quiet.  And I do not rent out and I'm not thinking of selling any time soon.


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25 Nov 2012 6:36 PM by helenr Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

 Oh dear, i long term rent in DV since August and i like it here , cause it is quiet but it is a shame to see so many apartments empty , so from a holiday point of view i suppose i can understand why it got a bad review , 

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04 Dec 2012 5:16 PM by antonio1 Star rating in UK Chester. Spain, C.... 61 forum posts Send private message

I like quiet too but this tripadvisor comment could put people like myself off buying, am looking at various places at the moment. Less people buy and rent and the community finances suffer, is a downward spiral!

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04 Dec 2012 5:58 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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Over the years it has been gradually getting better here.

The gardens are coming on very nicely.  The road here within Dv is now tarmaced.  We have good security and a fine choice of pools.  There is no noise from major roads and there is little potential for any further development in the immediate surrounding area.

The view of the sea is spoilt by the five tower cranes in the valley - they have been there, unused for about 5 years but surely at some point in the further they will come down.

There is no risk of flooding here (which is a problem to be considered for some sites).

We have a resident President who is active and enthusiastic and we expect a the paintwork to get sorted (and the underlying cause of the flaking paint).  

I too like the quiet - it is very restful.

As for the pot holed road down to the port - there are three routes down the hill.  Only one has pot hole issues and they are not too serious.  But the route past the hotel has a land slide issue to be resolved too. But being Spain these issues take time to get resolved - long desputes between council and the developers I guess.

Another plus is that the apartments are good build quality and well fitted out.  

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19 Dec 2012 7:05 PM by sunseaandsand Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

I think it is absolutely beautiful in DV, the quality of the build is excellent, and I too like the peace and tranquility it offers... no beachside resort for me with all its associated noise and bustle. No fears about rising tide levels. However this report is potentially damaging to the reputation of DV, unchallenged, the last time I looked at it, and seems to come up every time one types in Duquesa Village whilst using the search facility. And those cranes??? they are far off in the distance, and this far from unique scene, is one you might notice all the way down the coast. I believe the photos were taken with a long lens which would make the cranes appear closer than they really are.

The more our community is built up and talked about in a postive way the better. The more owners care about how their apartment is presented the better. Weedy window boxes and dangly cables? - not good. I am not currently interested in letting, but I might want to in the future or to sell, who can predict? anyone seeing this report might be put off... So encouraging renters and friends who stay to contribute their favourable experiences would definitely be a positive move in the right direction.

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20 Dec 2012 2:04 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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 there is another and much better trip advisor review of DV  here = for another apartment?


It is lower on the google rankings but making reference to it in places like this raises its profile.

I noted that two of the four photos on the bad review were shots of Cota Real so I will report that fact.

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