The Comments |
Have just purchased on ph.1
Contacted Resortalia about general info. on Resort and was reminded that they had sent me a "Welcome Pack" and that they were only responsible for the Administration. I did say that if the information I required was not part of their remit perhaps they could suggest who could supply the information They suggested the Golf Club.
Their idea of a Welcome Pack just consists of information they want from you for Admin purposes, plus a list of useful telephone numbers.
The sort of information I want is ; When does the site shop open ( on two recent visits no sign of life,not even a note with some info) Large sign above club house all lit up so we walked up there on a cold winter night for dinner only to find the place closed at 5.00 pm.were not best pleased . We pay for three utilities, which are obviously metered, where are the meters? and do we have access to them?. I assume the community has a President, who is he/she?
These are just a few of the things we would like to know. Perhaps the selling agents should have supplied me with more information, I don't know, but either way I would like to be more informed about the Resort. A real Welcome Pack full of useful information would be a boon to new purchasers instead of having to seek out what should be readily available.
Our previous property on the Costa del Sol was on a much smaller community where information was easier to obtain, with a huge notice board in the Foyer telling you everything you needed to know.
Perhaps there is a similar Notice board on Roda that I don't know about, if so why didn't Resortalia tell me when I asked them?
We love the Resort ,but at the moment it all seems like " disconnected jottings" with a little "mystery" thrown in for good measure.
Any help in my quest would be much appreciated
This message was last edited by rexana on 31/01/2015.
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Ha ha a great piece of marketing, not too relevant these days I fear.
The truth is the name Roda Golf and Beach Resort is a bit of a misnomer for a start.
Do not get me wrong Roda is a great place and improving all the time with the work done by dedicated volunteer owners, but firstly it is not a Resort in the sense we understand a resort with a central information and enquiries office.
Roda is in fact an Urbanisation with a small number of residents, many long term rental tenants and a large number of short term visitors, both owners and holidaymakers, the owners normally supply their guests with Welcome Packs, we are all part of the town of San Javier.
Though it is made up of Communities an Entidad who are responsible for Town Hall land and of course we are all included in the local IBI charges.
As an example, if you decided to live in a town would you expect anyone to tell you when shops were open or where services were.
No you would have to look at opening times on shop windows and ask selling agents where meters were placed.
Roda was never really built as a resort though a number of facilities were built, they are all leased to private enterprise, the shop, the gym, the clubhouse and now the Beach Club, which by the way is no longer exclusive or free to Roda owners, are all run as separate businesses.
It would appear that the developer is only interested in selling assets NOT running a resort and now they insult all the owners they sold to, by not contributing to a large number of their Community and Entidad fees.
Yes Calidona Rentals do market apartments and golf to visitors from the thatched Sales building, you could ask there for information.
Yes Resortalia are working with the Entidad Board in an attempt to send out weekly emailed information and a new EUCC website is near to completion which will have more information in one place.
Resortalia are the Administrator for the Communities and the Entidad and can help with meters etc but your agent should have checked these, readings can be taken with the assistance of Security.
Resortalia will provide you with detailed information on your Community such as budgets, AGMs and who your President is.
Due to the lack of a "Resort" feel, the Entidad Board are in fact getting more involved with the supply of facilities and provision of Community events.
The current TV supply is controlled by the Entidad Board and many members are heavily involved in the very successful Roda Golf Fiestas, held in August every year.
Golf is organised by dedicated volunteer owners as the golf course is effectively pay and play.
Limited sports facilities can be booked through Roda at the golf shop.
If the clubhouse is closed there is always the Roda Bar and Campbells just outside the resort in Roda village turn right outside the entrance and a multitude of bars and restaurants in Los Alcazares as well as a magnificent beach and promenade.
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Hi Rexana
There is also a social organisation called www.ClubRoda.netand the people who run that are extremely helpful. They run a whole raft of social events - such as boules, trips out to places of interest, dinners at great restaurants, kayaking, etc etc etc. Please pm me and I will let you have their contact info.
My view is that you will never be disappointed about spending time at RodaGolf - sad about the way the developer has apparently abandoned the promises they made way back in 2004 when we first signed up -but there we are - we try and make the best of it and so far so good.
The Entidad Board and the Sub-community Presidents do a fantastic job - our gardens and facilities are immaculate.
Your meter cupboard should be just outside your apartment but if you contact me I will pass you the name of someone who might be able to help you locate your own meters. Unlike the UK you do not have access to the meters - the Administrators should have a key to the meters and of course the utility providers will have a key as they read the meters now and then.
Your community President is currently Mario Mompean - you should email him via the administrators who will pass on your communication.
Please do get in touch if you need any more information.
Kind regards
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Thank you Sandrab and Hugh_man.
Firstly my apologies for splitting the post, as you will see, I'm new to this game.
To answer some of Hughs comments. You have certainly enlightened me on the Roda situation and I can see where you are coming from. I live in a large village,same neighbours for decades,any one of whom could tell you everything you need to know about the village. Roda is seasonal, and the three times we have been there (off-season) we've hardly seen a living soul,and the people we've spoken to seem ill informed. We were not so rude as to ask them if they were owners or renters. If they were renters, you could understand their lack of interest in the community.
Having had my battles with utility companies both here in Scotland and in Spain over the last 40years I would think easy access to the meters would be a must. My last property in Spain had a meter room where you could inspect your meter at will, allbeit accompanied by the Porter who was always at hand,and happy to oblige,I suspect it wont be so easy on Roda. In Scotland both my meters are attached to the house and accessible at any time.
Before you say it---different country, different culture,etc.etc. but surely some basic info. about the site instead of a Welcome Pack which literally welcomes you and then proceeds to ask for direct debit/bank info etc would be more helpful to everyone.
I am well aware of all the facilities outside Roda,and have used many of them over the years,and commend them for their level of service and most of the time,reasonable prices. I am a new purchaser on Roda but have been visiting the area for many years,hence the purchase.
It would appear the developer has divorced himself from Roda (or has he?) and left things to the usual bunch of volunteers, to whom I am indebted, and please be clear, I am not having a go at them,they do a great job.
I have no intention of ever living in Spain only holidaying,and when I'm holidaying I don't want to waste a lot of time problem solving,as I have done in the past, I rather naively thought this time it would be plain sailing,which comparitively speaking it has been, but still far from perfect
Everyone we have done business with (purchase of goods,such as furniture etc)have been excellent.
Even the Banks have improved!!! you don't have to wait until they finish their cigarette now before they notice you standing there, and I actually got a smile once, or was it a smirk?
Again,thank you for your replies, I am now considerably more enlightened as to the infrastructure of Roda than I was previously
Kind Regards
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As you spend more time here, I am sure you will discover answers to many of your questions as have all of us as owners.
The developer never actually supplied us with welcome packs.
Do not take this the wrong way, but I am wondering who it is you think should be supplying one, if it is not a resort as such.
I repeat, it is a rural town, with volunteers and some businesses attempting to improve the social aspect, as well as overseeing day to day running of the facility.
I can assure you, things get much busier here in holiday periods, especially at Semana Santa and in the summer holidays when it is heaving.
The more we visited, the more we discovered and the more friends we made and the more we learnt and are still learning about being in a foreign country, you are correct, it is not like home.
Sandra has provided information on meters, the apartments do have meter cupboards and Security will accompany you and Resortalia will be able to assist you with these and Community functions BUT not info on private businesses or utility suppliers, where there is normal competition.
Many of the Community and the Entity AGMs are approaching, always a good time to find out what is happening onsite, again Resortalia can update you..
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Thanks to you, I now know Roda is not a resort as such, but by the same token you cannot liken it to a normal village or town. In most towns there are more permanent residents than renters, with nothing approaching the sales activities and changes of ownership you have on Roda. The various "Resorts" around Murcia province remind me of transient camps rather than villages or townships, where I suspect, Roda fares better than most ,which is why I bought on Roda. You can go round the rather large village I live in and you will be lucky to see more than two "for sale" signs and probably no "for rent" signs
You ask who should provide the information,? that I can't say as it would not be fair to put that responsibility on any person or group of persons who are not being financially rewarded for anything they do except for the personal satisfaction they get from creating something.
I first bought in Spain over 40 years ago and believe me it is a cakewalk now compared to then, the whole process has become more transparent, with less language problems for instance,and less corruption?????.
I appreciate many owners who are renting, compiling their own Welcome Pack for their clients as they have a pecuniary interest,and the information will be used many times over and will reward the time spent.
However there is no guarantee that all the info. is correct or up to date which is why I'm suggesting a General information pack created by someone "in the know" where everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet. Even if it meant paying someone, such as Resortalia, to create such a document.
I appreciate what you say in your opening sentence,and in the short time I've been at Roda I'm quickly catching on, but wouldn't a helping hand make it so much easier in the early days of ownership. I've been down this road before and Roda integration has been relatively easy (possibly in part due to the efforts of you guys who've been there for some time) for me with only a few minor niggles, but it must be fairly daunting to someone completely new to Spanish ownership,and the systems they have to adapt to.
I'm not having a go at anyone ,or trying to belittle any of the achievments made to date, just making a suggestion.
My daughter is going out soon with her two children and asked if the on site shop will be open and I can only say "I DONT KNOW" I should be able to do better than that.
This message was last edited by rexana on 31/01/2015.
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Hi John
I think Hugh_man was being terribly fair about the status of the resort. As far as the information pack is concerned - I am sure lots of us would be most interested in what you have in mind. But,the one I provide to the lovely people who stay in my apartment is of a general nature rather than specific but it does give them a huge flavour of the area and any info they require can be given either by me or my property managers. I am also sure if you have specific questions Resortalia, the administrators, would be able to at least point you in the right direction.
Just so you know, the site shop is privately run - nothing to do with the Roda Golf "resort" management (as is the gym) so a bit difficult to give precise information about their opening times. What I suspect that given the dearth of flights into the area in the winter the shop owners may well have adjusted their opening times. However, surely you have noticed the Lidl and Consum are not far from Roda and a bit further on Mercadona is just down the road (which may be another reason for the site shop not opening "all hours".)
I would respectuvlly suggest that the time and the place to bring up useful suggestions would be at the AGM for P11 which is in the not too distant future (Resortalia would be able to provide you with the exact date) and I am sure your helpful suggestions would be warmly welcomed - especially if you also volunteered to do the job (given your experience of ownership in Spain over a long period).
I am sure you will enjoy being an owner at Roda and look forward to possibly meeting up in the future.
Best wishes
This message was last edited by sandrab on 31/01/2015.
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The Minimarket is usually open in daylight hours - so obviously longer in the summer.
The Clubhouse has always been open until at least 22:00 winter and 24:00 Summer.
This is the first year that they have closed early in the winter - mainly due to lack of custom!
I'm sure as spring approaches they will open for longer hours. But as you say there is no notice at the mo saying when the longer hours will re-commence.
I'm sure that by Easter things will be open later.
To be clear on meters.
There are various sets of meters in each block - all on the ground floor - for water, gas, electricity.
ELECTRICITY - all meters for all apartments in the block are in one cupboard. Located on the outside of each block
WATER - again all in one cupboard, also on the outside.
GAS - there are 3 sets of meters - one for each "riser" (so all A apartments, all B's etc) - located by the relevant apartment on the ground floor.
All meter cupboards should be kept locked - but access is always available via security (at the main entrance) who will accompany you when you want to read your own meter.
Readings for all should have been taken by your estate agent on purchase.
But good luck finding your meter.
The labelling isn't very clear and it is a bit of a witches art to work out which is yours.
For example we are apartment C on the first floor. Our legal address is XX-2-C
Our Electric and water meters are labeled XX-1-C - our gas meter is labelled XX-2-C.
If you get your meter numbers off your bills it makes life a little easier in finding your meter !!!!
As Hugh_man said - there is no single point for reference material, most of us had to find it out for ourselves. And yes a resort guide would be great - but as you say "someone" would have to put it together. Unfortunately that someone does not exist - we are a disparate bunch of owners who do our own thing.
When I moved to my last house in the UK in a small village, no-one told me where the meters were, what hours the local shop, post office and pubs were open. I just had to find them myself. That's life!
It's much the same in Spain - and Roda is no different.
This message was last edited by pommers on 01/02/2015.
_______________________ Cheers
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Thanks Pommers
You have been most informative,and I take the point about finding out for ones self,I am not short of resourcefulness. We have an intimate knowledge of the area, from ferreterias to restaurants to supermarkets and now every furniture shop within a 30km radius of Roda I'm pained to say. Most confusion nowadays is caused through lack of communication which seems to be the problem here,by which I mean Roda, not the forum. We have visited Roda three times in October, November and January. We went to the minimarket on several occasions each time we visited with no sign of life and no notice to enlighten you,definite lack of communication. We only want to know when they are open and what they stock with a view to giving them our custom.We are business owners in our large village and know how important it is to have local support. It wouldn't worry me if they were slightly more expensive than Lidl or Mercadona,I would use them if for no other reason than the well being of Roda going forward. If I owned a business on Roda I would be watching this Forum like a Hawk. Every business likes to know how they are performing,and pay companies to do it for them, when here, all they have to do is keep an eye on the Forums. I suspected the meters would be a minefield. There was nothing overlooked at point of purchase,that was all taken care of by the lawyers, being a Scotsman I just like to keep on top of things. On Sandras point about getting involved, I'm afraid that, much as I would like to, I would not do it justice. Unfortunately business demands, and a seasonal hobby(not Golf) dictate when we have holidays,so attending AGMs and such like would be a stab in the dark.Unfortunately I dont think weve met any other owners on our thee visits( I didn't realise you could lose weight shopping,as that's all I seemed to do) so can't even use a proxy vote. I rather naively thought three women could furnish an apartment in a week,how wrong could I be.
To reiterate what you have all said, I'm sure Roda will grow on us, and I apologise if it seems like I'm nit- picking, criticising, or taking "the high moral ground" that's not my intention, I just want to see the Resort going forward, after all it is, for us, a lifestyle investment.
Thank you all
This message was last edited by rexana on 01/02/2015.
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Hi John
I think you will find that a lot of us are in the same boat as you - working in the UK either in our own business (moi) or in employment and juggling all that life has to offer. We were in fact one of the very early owners on Roda and saw it develop from a piece of land to the lovely "urbanisation" it is today. On the way from then to now we have met lots of lovely people and have got ot know the area intimately by taking lots of trips out, shopping, investigating, and generally talking to people - its fun!
I, like Pommers, and many others are only to happy to share the 'knowledge' - over a bottle of wine or two is much nicer and the conversation tends to flow!
Enjoy the journey John - and don't be afraid to ask!
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May I just say that it's people like Sandra and Hugh that make the resort work. They clearly care about the community on Roda. I no longer have a property in Spain and have no vested interest, but think they are great!
Edit - just paying a complement 
This message was last edited by mrunhappy on 02/02/2015.
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