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The Comments
15 Feb 2016 2:16 PM by valentinaradu Star rating. 69 forum posts Send private message


Just got a call from Movistar and apparently I cannot have fiber optics installed in Block 7, entrance 22, because the storage room where the phone and TV pannels and boxes are installed are located in a privatelly owned storage room. From what I understood no one from blocks 7, 8 and 11 can´t have phone or internet installed because they can´t access the storage room. The owner changed the locks and won´t allow the workmen in and the maintenance guy even told me he is in court, reposession etc. If the TV or phone lines already installed in block 7, 8 or 11 have a fault they can´t even access them for repairs.


DESPERATE HERE! Any others in the same situation????


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16 Feb 2016 12:06 PM by John 777 Star rating in West Midlands. 109 forum posts Send private message

Seems very strange that the telephone control box for your block/stairwell should be located within a private store cupboard. Have you taken it up with AEA. 

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16 Feb 2016 12:40 PM by valentinaradu Star rating. 69 forum posts Send private message

Apparenly it was a problem and a mixup and an owner ended up with all the equipment in his storage room and he is not opening it. I am waiting to see what AEA are saying. In the meantime no one can connect in blocks 7,8 and 11 and if there is a problem the maintenance can´t access either. Our maintenance guys confirmed it to me also.

I will post with the updates.



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16 Feb 2016 3:15 PM by Vcorra Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

We live in block 8 and we have the same problem.we took it up with AEA and apparently there isn't much that can be done. The owner simply doesn't want anyone to enter his storage room even if it would take less than 5 minutes to install the fiber. AEA told us we would have to wait till May's general meeting for a decision to be made and nothing could be done in the meantime.

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22 Feb 2016 10:06 PM by Eljock Star rating. 62 forum posts Send private message

I have talked about Internet on a few ocasions


there must surely be some people that have good internet and uk telly on the go



please share your experiences


thanks all

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31 Mar 2016 10:43 PM by Vcorra Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Hi Valentina

Do you have any updates?


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31 Mar 2016 11:46 PM by Eljock Star rating. 62 forum posts Send private message

I have gone with a company called Telitec 

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03 Oct 2016 11:03 PM by Vcorra Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Anybody knows if this issue has been resolved and it is now possibe to install fibre in blocks 7 & 8?

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