Is it ever not sunny in Dubai, John?? Arrived back here at about 1am and walked off the plane into about 33c and 80pc humidity!! Oh I miss Spain!! I just did not want to leave!! I was like a bear with a sore head for days after arriving back, wishing we were back in Duquesa!
I think it's probably more convenient to have the AGMs in summer, at this moment in time - more people will be able to attend. Also, it gives them time (lots of it!) to have the accounts audited at year end and prepared for approval by us all. And at that time they can also, realistically, prepare and produce the budget for the following year, for approval at the AGM.
I did notice that AEA have listed me (Sr. Jan Beaumon!!!!) as representing a Mr Vineyard instead of you on the list of people in attendance! I know it's only "typos" but I would like to think they are a little bit more careful on other details!! I'd hate to think of us all approving a budget of 2,000 euros for, say, pool maintenance, only to find out it's actually 20,000, etc!!! I know I'm nit-picking but a little bit of attention and correction stretches a long way .....!
This message was last edited by Pitby on 9/1/2007.