All PM4 owners should have received thier info pack regarding the AGM. I have looked at mine and have several queries regarding the budget.
e.g 12,000 for repairs - what was this for , I was told that Interlarken were picking up the costs for the pool repair last November, there was some structural problems and I do not think this should be paid by the community. Whilst I was at CDS in feb structural supports were being put in around the pool /toilet area to provide extra support. - this must be paid by Interlerken not the community.
We need to advise Ammex of any additional items we want to discuss at the AGM so it can be included in the agenda. Please therefore fpost any items you would like included to be bought up . You can contact Amex direct but I think it would be good to share concens before the meeting as well.
Item for the agenda so far
So far 1. Budgets - do we sign it off as this will be expected - I think we need to query payment of some of the costs.
2. Swimmingpool opening times for the comming year - I would like to see the times extended budget allowing
3 Life guards - expectations - why do they disappear during th day etc .
4. Security on site and overall development. PM2 are being very proactive regarding the long term goals for security and I think we need to be clear that all the PMs should be following and support as a whole . The security guards are totally ineffective really at present. Gated development is really the only way to go and PM2 president is meeting with Town hall to discuss this.
5. Cleaning - reduced daily cleaning on PM4 - other PM have reduced thier cleaning and chanell the moneysavedinto the gardens.
6. Gardens - Need to deceid a plan of action regarding the gardens and how much it is going to cost to bring them up to the standard we expected.
7. Do we consider taking legal action against builder ,Med lux hoomes etc against failure to deliver tropical luxury development.
8. Porter activities - i have soem concerns over 'Martins' maintenance - I think he needs clear objective and task list because finding him sweeping the garage when ther could be so much more he could be doing is a waste of our money.
9. Rubbish bins - at site entrance
10. Street lighting at night
Please add to the listing for the agenda.