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Does any body know if there is a Spanish Forum similar to this . If so, they are probably having a good laugh at all the British squabbling!
What is it about the Brits. We expect laws for everything. In Spain , they made a law to ban smoking similar to the British ban. Do they bother? NO. They ignored the Law .
In Britain all you see are streets littered with cigarette butts outside pubs. You cannot enter a building without walking through a haze of smoke from the employess stood outside.It looks worse now than it ever did before. And no, I dont smoke so I do agree with having adequate provisions around so that I dont have to breathe in secondary smoke. In Spain though , on the whole you dont have that problem unless you frequent some tapas bars where sometimes you could cut the air with a knife!
As regards to banning dishes, dogs, noise, children, lets just stand back and look at ourselves.
Would we be doing this in the UK?
I don't think so.
If you do. I am glad I am not a neighbour of yours in the UK!!!
This message was last edited by leeandnicola on 11/12/2007.This message was last edited by leeandnicola on 11/12/2007.
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In many areas in the UK Satellite Dishes require planning permission, where there are no restrictions, the area can look hideous and the properties become less desirable.
As a dog lover, I welcome them. However, owners must be responsible and keep their pet on a lead within the community and always clear their mess. If an animal continually barks, the problem should be addressed as a matter of good neighbourliness.
It is beyond me that some people think they have a right to make make as much noise as they wish. It is as anti-social and selfish in Spain as it is in the UK.
I am unsure as to complaints regarding children, but if the UK is anything to go by, some children might be better off kept away from decent people. However as most children are well behaved, responsible parents will welcome rules designed not only for their offspring's protection but to ensure they do not spoil the enjoyment of others.
In the UK, anti-social behaviour in many areas is the norm. Don't allow it to happen on your development.
If anyone has doubts about having sensible rules, take a look at the mixed holiday and residential estates in Florida. The reason they are pristine, is due to their Community Association setting up mutually agreed regulations and enforcing them.
Finally, the other nationalities may well be bemused by the antics of some on this forum, because despite all the posturing, rules will be made by majority voting - I believe the majority are not from the UK.
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Yo soy el hermano de Kenshaz y también tenemos un apartamento en Al Andalus Thalassa, y creemos que Grumpyoldgit es correcta.
Joseshaz This message was last edited by kenshaz on 11/12/2007.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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Soy el primo del Kenshaz y también tenemos un apartamento en Al Andalus Thalassa, y creemos que Grumpyoldgit es correcta. Creemos en la comunidad y nos respeten a las demás y creo que los que han ilegal platos deben expedirse con ASBO, s.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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Estoy seguro de que will.I realmente quiere Al Andalus Thalassa a ser realmente special.We tienen más de una semana 13 de noviembre, cuando es su siguiente visita?
Me gustan sus comentarios y humor.
Su vecino
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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Estoy seguro de que lo que hacemos. Me gustaría crear un sentimiento positivo.
El problema es que algunos son egoístas y otros están encantados de formar parte de la fence.They tienen su propio orden del día.
Grumpyoldgit tiene razón cuando nos habló de las comunidades en la Florida, con una estructura de las penas es, en mi opinión, esencial.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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I think the whole point of this thread has been misconstrued. Everyone lighten up. I would prefere it that people get on, than come to the first community meeting looking for the "pig" etc.
How many British are actually living on Thalassa?
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Sorry Grumpy pero debe atenerse a English.I realmente no puede comprender cualquiera de los escritos en alemán su entrada.
Temp 123345 sentimos también. This message was last edited by kenshaz on 11/12/2007.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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für meine deutschen Freunde:
Gute Nacht, schlafen fest, wenn, etwas Kakao nicht zu essen
para mis amigos españoles:
La buena noche, duerme firmemente, si no tiene un poco de cacao
For all others:
Night night don't let the bug(ger)s bite
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