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Ok, I know the issue of Sky TV has been covered in other threads (if not yet resolved!)
But I have a slightly different question, I have an apartment in block 13 and one in block 24, in block 13 I can only get Spanish channels, in block 24 I can get Spanish and German, however a friend with an apartment in block 29 can get 3 British channels, Sky News, BBC and Eurosport!!
Any thoughts??
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We are in block 26. Up until about 24th October we were able to get Sky News and BBC News, then it went OFF, so now we have no channels at all! Louis came to the apartment and said that as there was not a problem with the arials. We have since been unable to tune in any channels. Val will be over on Tuesday and will try some different cables and if this does not resolve it, he will have to take the TV back to the shop.
Lorna & Valentine
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Good place to buy flat-screen tv is Carrefour. No problems with returns (if necessary), good selection and price range.
The branch in Murcia have a manager there who speaks pretty good english if that helps. If you speak spanish, then pop into the Almeria branch, its much closer.
Lorraine Braid. 12-3-07.
(already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)
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We bought a Samsung 20" Ultra slim ( 2 Scarts) from Lopez, it has a flat screen but it is'nt an LCD but is much slimmer and fits easily on the units supplied. We noticed that they still had half a dozen left at the begining of this month. Cost 220 euros.
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the different abilities regarding tv chanells depending on what block you are in seems bizarre to me. surely the installation must have been a standard throughtout the development. this is one issue to get seasun to advise us on. there is mention of tv attenii (not sure if that the correct plural) in the keymare welcome pack and it refers to the RITU room - keys available from Seasun - its in there that the tv chanells are modified
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