We have just returned from CDS to see for ourselves the damage caused by the recent deluge - we were one of the lucky ones in PM4 as we only has 2-3 inches in the store room. However if you are in blocks 28 and 29 your store room has been under water by at least 5' 10". They have now pumped everything out and pressure washed all the floors and store rooms that have been opened - However there are several store rooms still locked and these rooms have 2-3 " inches of sludge which needs cleaning out - If you owm an apartment in blocks 28 and 29 and have not made any arrangements to go across to CDS we would suggest re-considering
On a separate issue can anyone tell us when the next meeting for PM4 will be - Gary if you read this can you give us plenty of notice - I would like to be there to convey my points on security - which has to be the number one priority at the moment along with the gardens and rumours regarding reduction in pool sizes
If anyone in block 28 or 29 wants to see the photos of the underground store / garage drop me a line