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26 Jan 2008 12:00 AM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

ajw´s avatar
Has anyone managed to get a definitive answer on what Polaris mean by this statement?  If we have to purchase aircon then what do we need to get?  I am not very well-versed in this area so any advice welcome.  Thanks.


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26 Jan 2008 6:44 PM by lytton Star rating in Bath & North East So.... 422 forum posts Send private message


I've mentioned this matter several times before but no-one has ever got to the bottom of it. The Phase 1 Jardines contracts apparently say pre-installation which means just the plumbing but the Jardines de Naranjos say pre-installed which I was told means that it should be there complete. I know we aren't getting it as it would be a brave man to take PW to task over it. I have myself e-mailed them several times but have failed to get a response.

Perhaps if someone is going over to see them shortly, they could get a definate answer once and for all.


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27 Jan 2008 11:18 AM by 077violet Star rating. 63 forum posts Send private message

hi.having installed many air-con units in south africa i can tell you that pre installed in our case means that the pipework consisting of two small bore copper pipes will be already ducted into the walls along with the wiring.this will terminate wherever the outdoor unit is placed(in my case on the roof terrace).there are outdoor units that can handle 1,2 or three indoor units.the pre installation is supposed to be one unit in each bedroom and one in the lounge.the units can be purchased and fitted by pw or from many outside companies via the internet.prices vary and you should consider buying heating/cooling combination units as it gets cold in the winter.the heating side of the units only provide background heating but should be enough to heat our sized apartments.     

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