Good news in Spain!

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03 Jun 2010 12:00 AM by redsam79 Star rating in Los Pacos, Costa del.... 192 posts Send private message

With so much negativity on the site and people claiming they want to leave Spain, there is no work, the housing market is corrupt, politicians are corrupt, euro is down the tubes,  etc etc.

What about posting some good news and some of the good things that go on in Spain.

If I can just tell you of my neighbour in our community as an example. We own a ground floor apartment  which we use for holidays. Our neighbour is Spanish and it is his pemanent home where he lives with his wife and young son.

During the past three years he has been so helpful to us and on occasions has went out of his way to help us. He keeps a key to our apartment, opens the windows before we come, keeps a check on it when we are away, lets the gardener in (also a Spanish neigbour and easy to pay). He tells us where to buy goods etc at the price locals pay rather than tourist prices,etc etc  so I say hats off to him and thanks a million Yago. He is also the reason we are learning to speak Spanish (he speaks English).

So yes, like all the countries in the world Spain has its problems, but come on lets stop complaining and start praising the good things, the people we meet, the places we visit, the area we live or holiday in, the food, the country side, the beaches, the mountains  and anything else that we enjoy in Spain.



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03 Jun 2010 11:20 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

I read this post because I enjoy the success stories and thank people for them

but how very silly to tell victims not to complain when the person concerned has apparently absolutely nothing to complain about except perhaps that they don't know where they live.

Head in the sand or what??????????

Anyway three cheers for Yago



N. Sands

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03 Jun 2010 11:56 AM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

Sorry, redsam, but it's absolutely pointless posting anything upbeat or complimentary about life in Spain.  As soon as you do, you will be accused of having your head stuck in the sand, not going round with a very sad face feeling extremely sorry and guilty for those for whom it didn't go right, called an ar**ole or worse and generally made to feel as if you are making it all up.  We all know that every builder/developer/lawyer/notary/banker is an absolute crook and will rip you off as soon as look at you.

So, optimism does not rule on this site.  I guarantee the thread will be hijacked (oops, I see it already has been) immediately.

Good try.


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03 Jun 2010 12:07 PM by 1962 Star rating in Iznalloz. 181 posts Send private message

Hi redsam 79,

Ignore normansands, he jumps in everywhere and calls people silly or  "the sillies"  he has ignored the topic of lthe thread once again to knock somebody down.  When I go to my place in Granada, which is at the moment an ongoing renovation, my neighbour Soli always makes myself and my husband so welcome, she always wants to feed us and offers to do our washing as we do not have a washing machine there yet. She also has our key and keeps her eye on the place for us, she is a widow who lost her husband 14 years ago when he was involved in an accident while working in France.  She speaks only Spanish yet we find we can always communicate and we constantly learn new words when we go. I find all the people within the area very helpful and friendly, and no they don't do it to get money, they do it to because that is how they have been brought up.  An instance of generosity was a trip to the builder's yard where we only wanted to buy 6 bricks, and they would not take money for a mere 6 bricks. Also a few weeks back we had a really scary problem re. our property and we were saved by an extremely hardworking and HONEST lawyer.  Now that must be "good news in Spain".



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03 Jun 2010 12:27 PM by maylin Star rating in Andalucia and Hertfo.... 71 posts Send private message

There are many happy and enjoyable moments we can recall. We have had a property here since the 80's and have enjoyed our life with our Spanish friends. We have been to Weddings, Christenings, Birthdays and Funerals. All memorable in different ways.

Over the years we have "seen 'em come and seen 'em go". Times have changed, so do people, but nonetheless we still enjoy our life with our friends. We have been helped considerably by Spanish neighbours, who are now friends. From helping us with the dreaded 'gas contract' years ago to assistance with house subsidence after an 'earthquake'. Nothing asked for, just friendship. Visits to their houses are always met with a smile and mostly an impromptu meal.

We have friends and aquaitances here from the UK and many countries.

I do dislike it when people moan for the sake of it. Some have a genuine grievance and should be heard, that's for sure.

We have been 'ripped off' by Spanish and Ex Pats alike. Been screwed by the system and seen EU money squandered on the 'Roads to nowhere'

Therefore it is right for people to warn others on any perils they may know of. To give advice if you are able. Being helpful and friendly is not negative.

As somebody once said "It is alright to have an opinion, as long as you know what it is"

Anyway we're happy but still cautious. The best thing we did was to learn Spanish. I think that's what we speak, although our friends do laugh at us sometimes. (or should it be with us)

Anyway time for lunch. Onwards and Upwards..................


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03 Jun 2010 12:58 PM by neutral Star rating in Dublin/Benalmadena C.... 172 posts Send private message

 Nice to hear the good news well done Redsam 79

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03 Jun 2010 3:05 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

for my part I much enjoy the successes in Spain and hope to hear more of them including pics' if possible.

why the "sillies" can't leave the misery threads alone and need to chunter on endlessly is a mystery.

they must feel so inadequate in their "success".

If I had success to tell I would not need to bolster it in any way - just spread the word.

as for criticising the victims and not facing the truth, even when a "failure" tells you they did not want to leave

that seems like the world of "the screw loose" to me.

Keep the good stories coming



N. Sands

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03 Jun 2010 3:44 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

Norman, please GO AWAY and stick to your misery threads.  Leave this one alone and stop hijacking everything.  You call those who like their lives in Spain "sillies".  Well you are now just getting an "annoyance" by jumping in and spoiling every positive thread that is started.  I say again, GO AWAY, you are simply becoming a nuisance.  You stick to your misery threads and leave the rest of us in peace.  Thank you.


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03 Jun 2010 3:48 PM by wend691 Star rating in Lincoln & Rojales (C.... 178 posts Send private message

To all the positive threads / comments ..... keep 'em coming!!!!

This thread is titled 'Good News in Spain' so I hope that the theme of the thread continues and is not hi-jacked. If people want to discuss the downside of Spain - or UK/any other country for that matter - then I hope they will add their comments and contributions to the right thread.

If I am feeling frustrated about still being in UK and not my place in the sun (where I plan to be ... SOME DAY), I wil be drawn to this thread to read the uplifting stories and peoples experiences (not the 'other side of the coin' comments, which are easily identifiable on other threads!)



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03 Jun 2010 4:23 PM by redsam79 Star rating in Los Pacos, Costa del.... 192 posts Send private message

Hello all,

It's hard to know what motiavates those who only knock others and their ideas. Is it jealousy, ignorance or perhaps their upbrining which leaves them with such a pesimistic and negative outlook.

I looked up pesimist and the definition is 'A tendency to stress the negative or unfavorable or to take the gloomiest possible view'

I have no gripe with Norman if he has a positive input but his ramblings do seem a little incoherent (Lacking cohesion, connection, or harmony; not coherentunable to think or express one's thoughts in a clear or orderly manner) I looked it up!

So to the Normans of this world, I started this thread and it's for the optimist, 'a person disposed to take a favorable view of things' so lets keep it there and agree with bobaol if you want doom and gloom stick to the misery threads or start a new one.






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03 Jun 2010 5:45 PM by esteban19120 Star rating. 182 posts Send private message

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Is  Yago, from Spain or Argentina.

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03 Jun 2010 8:00 PM by TechNoApe Star rating in Duquesa, Manilva. 1277 posts Send private message

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I looked up eternal optimist and the definition is 'Read TechNoApe's posts on Eye On Spain!"

Whilst I was there I looked up pain in the @rse, ultra pessimistic gloomy git and the definition is "Read Norman Sands posts on Eye On Spain!"

I also have no gripe with Norman if he has a positive input but as you says his ramblings do seem a little incoherent, if not rantings and ravings of a looney! I looked that up as well, and guess what it said????

So, to all the pain in the @rse, ultra pessimistic, gloomy guts in the world, and I say this on behalf of all "sillies", you are quite welcome to stick around the positive threads, as long as you post coherent, optimistic outlooks and opinions.

If you can't, then please stay in your own drab and dreary world of complaining about everything!

Most of you will already know, as does Norman,that  the Mrs and I made a successful move to Spain and are loving every day of it.

We have made some lovely Spanish friends, and when I say friends, I mean that we are now part of their family... the entire family.

There is a lovely tapas bar in Sabinillas and Andreas and his wife Snow are some of the most honest, hard working, sincere and lovely people we have ever met, and the Mrs are very proud that they call us friends. Every time we go in we are made to feel as part of the family, and have a good old chat about this and that, we learn more Spanish and they learn more English, and most, if not all of the other patrons are also very friendly and again chat to us and call us friends.

And everyone always seems to look on the bright side, which is why we love the Spanish people and hold them in high regard, why? Because, as a nation, they have gone through so much in the past, especially the Franco years, and still put up with the flack that they get from other Europeans.


This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 03/06/2010.


Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!

We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?

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03 Jun 2010 9:21 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

one sensible post followed by the demented "sillies" in full voice

surely that is not what this thread is about?????????

the disturbing thing with both Bobaol and Techno is that they have split personalities, they are sometimes sensible, just sometimes I am afraid, well not really afraid, poisoned dwarfs have never really bothered me.




N. Sands

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03 Jun 2010 9:33 PM by samcampbell Star rating in Costa Del Sol. 136 posts Send private message

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I do have a nice story to tell which happened to me the other day.  I bought a beautiful top in a shop in the Myramar Centre on Monday, wore it on Tuesday and when I took it off in the evening i noticed that it had a faulty seam on the shoulder.  Now I have never had to take anything back to a shop before, so picture the scenario, as I am going up the escalator I am practising my Spanish to explain what had happened, and  unfortunately that  I had thrown my receipt away.  Getting nearer to the shop I was imagining what it would be like not to be able to shop in there once they had told me there was nothing they could do if I did not have a receipt..  (mind you, I think my husband would have been delighted!!)

5 mins later I walked out of the shop with a massive grin on my face and a brand new top!!!   So as much as we all like to moan about the lack of customer service, every now and again a little ray of light appears to show us, it will and can only get better!



Sam Campbell Business 1st...


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03 Jun 2010 10:35 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message

more good news

weather has now settled. swimming in the pool is comfortable.

local Romaria last Sunday enjoyed by both Spanish and other nationalities.

first barbecue enjoyed with friends and Spanish neighbours

pound is 1.20 euros.

Goodstich has not posted with his tongue in cheek im very happy you are all enjoying

Spain but have you heard about my problems,have you got a week.

As for Norman i think we should start a thread called Normans Sillies i would be

proud to be its founding member.a foolish man brought down by greed.

where is the owl of minerva to put him in his place?






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03 Jun 2010 10:47 PM by Sanchez1 Star rating. 853 posts Send private message

I actually enjoy reading Norman's posts.  He speaks a lot of sense, at least most of the time!!  The only criticism is that he posts on inappropriate threads, such as this one


Read my blog: Spain Money Saving Tips and Offers 

Use TransferWise to send money abroad. A lot cheaper than the bank and other online currency exchanges!.



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03 Jun 2010 10:49 PM by samcampbell Star rating in Costa Del Sol. 136 posts Send private message

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Ermmmmm, what happened to my nice story?


Sam Campbell Business 1st...


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03 Jun 2010 10:51 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

It’s nice to hear of some positive points when dealing with Spanish shops as most of the stories seem to be doom and gloom when trying to get things done.  However, I have also had a good experience with the (horror of horrors) Carrefour.  I keep getting told of how their customer service is terrible but I bought a chair from them a while back and found a mark on it (it was a white one) when I unpacked it.  Trundled it back and, expecting the worst, got excellent service.  They asked if I wanted my money back or a new chair and I opted for the new chair and got it there and then.  Also extremely delighted with the service in the furniture shops in Spain.  Go to a UK one and you’ll get the sucking in of breath and “6 to 8 weeks, squire” bit.  In Spain they apologise if they can’t get it to you that afternoon but will send it out the following day.  Excellent.  Same with when we purchased the white goods (Fridge, cooker, ceramic hob, washing machine, dishwasher).  Ordered them on the Monday, delivered on Tuesday.  Happened to be one of the worst downpours of the year and roads were completely flooded.  The chap came on the Wednesday to fit them all in and apologised over and over because he had been delayed due to bad weather.

My next door neighbour had a floor tile in the living room that had gone a bit wonky and out of alignment.  Even though it had been over 2 years since she bought, the developers sent out a guy the very next day and completely replaced the floor at no charge.  Marvellous service.

Oh, and I see the annoyance couldn’t stay away.  At least you acknowledge Techno and I sometimes come out with sensible posts.  Wish I could say the same about you as you are getting more and more demented.  Does it really annoy you so much that even a minor positive statement about life in Spain turns you into one of those people who sits on benches shouting at buses

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04 Jun 2010 8:59 AM by LaCanadaGirl Star rating. 11 posts Send private message

Great news about your developer, who are they as they deserve to be known.

I agree it is nice to share good news more.

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04 Jun 2010 10:51 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

once again, for the record I am only on this thread to learn and encourage,  as far as I am concerned the more good news the better.

I have wondered about the silly attacks from the "sillies" and have had a thought.

Are the morons carrying their children's computer games into real life??????????

Do they really think a click of a mouse will zap frail old Norman??????????? no chance!!!!!!!

A slight worry is growing that the good news is a bit slow in coming - more please.



N. Sands

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