Ryanair to pass on budget pain for flights from Spain

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28 Apr 2012 6:24 PM by Abyss_Rover Star rating in Mallorca. 72 posts Send private message


Buy cigarettes, complete transaction including tax, leave purchase in the possession of the shop, collect after paying extra tax
Buy flights, complete transaction including tax, leave purchase in the possession of the airline, take flight after paying extra tax.
Doesn't sound so different to me.
Anyway, I don't want to argue, this is my opinion, nothing more.




This message was last edited by Abyss_Rover on 28/04/2012.


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28 Apr 2012 6:28 PM by lobin Star rating. 256 posts Send private message

 Abyss, the tax is not levied on the purchase of the ticket.  The taxable event is the use of the airport.  

The  tax authorities have no way of controlling when the tickets were sold or purchased.  They can control when the passengers use the airport.

Therefore this is not comparable to the purchase of cigarettes where the taxable event is the purchase and not the consumption.

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28 Apr 2012 8:21 PM by PablodeRonda Star rating in Ronda (Málaga). 76 posts Send private message

I agree with johnzx and lobin. The airport tax becomes due on the day of the flight. The airline has to pay the tax based on the mumber of passengers flying on that date. If the tax has increased since the ticket was bought by the customer it is reasonable for the airline to pass that increase on to the customer. It is not the airline's fault and they won't be making any extra profit.

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28 Apr 2012 9:44 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Instead of complaining about the airlines passing the tax on to the passengers we should complaining about the tax being increased in the first place and all the other  taxes we get mugged by the state for.



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28 Apr 2012 11:13 PM by D_B_S Star rating. 178 posts Send private message

Winging poms comes to mind.

Never flown cheap airlines as managed to earn enough to always fly upfront - but for thoes not as fortunate you seem to be blessed with several choices for lower cost flights. be thankful. and stop complaining.

If you think these taxes are too much, wait for the 'new' taxes that will be put inplace over the next year or so in an attempt to put Spain on an even keel.

Glad I'm back home.






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28 Apr 2012 11:15 PM by rumpuss Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Just a thought - will Ryan Air charge another credit card fee to pay the extra?

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28 Apr 2012 11:26 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

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I don't think so...................they don't charge a card fee if you add a bag one way after you have made the initial bookibg with no bag.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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28 Apr 2012 11:57 PM by mnj Star rating in L.A. Murcia . 37 posts Send private message


Why is this called Ryanair to pass on tax when it should be airlines to pass on tax or is it just another excuse to have a moan about Ryanair because they are no worse than any of the other cheap airlines only a lot cheaper

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29 Apr 2012 11:03 AM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Sorry mnj I have to disagree, RyanAir are the lowest of the low.   The pits.   They have contempt for both their customers and their business providers.  I used to view Michael O'Leary as an affable buffoon, but ridiculing the sacked Spanish airport workers was outrageous behaviour.

Whilst I would normally agree that on this issue they should be entitled to pass on the extra cost - I cannot help thinking that if the roles were reversed would those greedy b*st*rds would not do so.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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29 Apr 2012 11:14 AM by elaineg Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

Well I guess I would not mind being unpopular if I flew 76 million passengers a year.

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29 Apr 2012 11:50 AM by fiddlegee Star rating. 21 posts Send private message

No Ryanair are the worst... for me anyway.. at least i dont have to buy an extra seat for my small violin case with Easyjet...They state in their baggage info that they will accept musical instruments in the cabin up to a very generous size.. and the customer service at easyjet have been excellent and even given me a free baggage allowance when i had a comlaint... try getting ANYTHING even a response from Ryanair.. if you can make contact


This message was last edited by fiddlegee on 29/04/2012.

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29 Apr 2012 12:01 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

That's true Elaineg, I agree with Fiddlegree and I reckon that RyanAir's future is unlikely to be so rosy.   In recent years their profits have slumped to nothing, they've incurred a big loss in their puchase of Aer Lingus and just lost their legal case and presumably will have to pay a large back log of claims.

But probably the biggest problem they've got is that a lot of people only use them as a last resort - their passenger loyalty doesn't exist and therefore the brand is worth little.   They have to undercut EasyJet et al to continue to exist.  They are trying to combat this with these credit cards that tie-in passengers, but I reckon their days are numbered. 


This message was last edited by acer on 29/04/2012.

This message was last edited by acer on 29/04/2012.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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29 Apr 2012 4:59 PM by vrodrig Star rating in Cambridgeshire. 22 posts Send private message

We choose to fly easyjet for the simple reason that we refuse to play O'Leary's games. Most of thye time the fares are only a few pounds different so we don't lose out by much - I would personally welcome the demise of Ryanair.

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29 Apr 2012 6:43 PM by henryreed Star rating in Berkhamsted Herts an.... 154 posts Send private message

What do you think would happen to the fares charged by Easyjet et all if Ryanair ceased to trade  and how would the 76 million passengers that currently use Ryanair get to their destinations. Ryanair are not customer focussed but do provide a budget service, read the small print and either accept the deal for what it is or fly with someone else and stop whingeing

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29 Apr 2012 7:33 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

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29 Apr 2012 8:35 PM by suemac Star rating in Jumilla, Murcia. 1001 posts Send private message

 We will continue to use Ryanair if they continue to fly at reasonable times.  It's not just a matter of price: we would use other airlines such as Easyjet and Monarch (we have used them in the past) if they didn't fly either ridiculously early in the morning or late at night.  We read the small print with Ryanair and know what the rules are, so we haven't had any problems with them.  They are also very punctual, which is a bonus.


(The above was nicked from Mark's post!)


 Sue Walker

Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon

See my blog about our life in Spain: www.spainuncovered.com

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29 Apr 2012 8:44 PM by Keyboard Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

I have flights booked with Jet2, Thomas Cook Airlines, and Monarch. None if them are, or have indicated that they might, increase the prices for flights already booked.

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29 Apr 2012 9:03 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

To answer your question henryreed, if RyanAir went belly up others would enter the market, or increase their operations to take up the slack.  It is likely that these newcomers would treat their customers with considerably more respect that RyanAir and the travelling public would be better off.

It is not "whingeing" as you crudely put it.  If you read my comment you will see that I reckon RyanAir are entitled to pass on the extra flight costs to their passengers.  I'm just giving a balanced response.

The 1p flights to Malaga are a thing of the distant past.  Freddie Laker did something similar 30 years ago - just cheap advertising to buy in market share.  Personally I reckon you've got to be a masochist to want to fly with RyanAir, but we're all different, so sit back in your seat (ha ha) and enjoy it whilst you can.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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29 Apr 2012 10:11 PM by mnj Star rating in L.A. Murcia . 37 posts Send private message

not had any 1p flights this year but i have had 8 flights so far this year next weeks one is the dearest it cost me £45 return !!!         so no complaint with Ryanair from me

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29 Apr 2012 10:31 PM by henryreed Star rating in Berkhamsted Herts an.... 154 posts Send private message


I agree the days of 1p flights are long gone, Ryanair summer flights are priced very close to those of competitors. I fly to  Murcia several times a year, and use Ryanair Luton to San Javier when possible because it is convenient, in the winter I use Monarch or Easyjet to Alicante because Ryanair dont fly, and I cant say they are significantly better, you get what you pay for.

I doubt whether any company in the short or medium term could pick up the slack iand cover all the routes if Ryanair disapeared

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