What would happen if UK "bailed out" of the EU after 40 years of membership. ?

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18 May 2013 12:15 PM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

I agree with most of what vikki13 says, except about being lucky to live in Spain, but I don't think we will ever get a referendum on membership of the EU and even if we do, the results will be warped by our bent politicians.  I can see that we are facing the same dilemma as Scotland, but they are being allowed a vote on their future, the English are not.  It's fine by me if Scotland wants to untie its moorings with the UK and instead tie up to a EU leviathan which is steaming directionless around the seas looking for salvation.  I would much appreciate England being given the same choice so that we could sail off in search of our own destiny.  But why torture myself with what might have been we will NEVER be given the choice offered to the Scots and NEVER be free from the accursed EU.

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18 May 2013 12:16 PM by harddunby Star rating. 21 posts Send private message

Don't panic Captain Mannering, Cameron et al have no intention of ever letting the English people have a Referendum. We were brought into it by Ted Heaths lies and that has been common practice since. If the UK establishment think they are onto a real beating expect to find censor ship and broadband blocking (just for security purposes) being brought into play.

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18 May 2013 1:55 PM by JWhite Star rating. 124 posts Send private message

For those of you who think us British are stupid for wanting to leave the EU, you obviously do not live with the negative side of the EU.   I live in a town where when you go shopping now there is a minority of British there and foreign voices on the left, right, back and front of you.    The town is sinking fast, full of £ shops, charity shops, falling into decay as the council have no money to spend on it.   Meanwhile money from the government that should be funnelled down to councils is disappearing more and more to counter the balance of poverty in the towns of Labour's multicultural nightmare.    Our children are attending overcrowded schools now 1200 in some schools compared to just 650-860 just 7 yrs ago.   London and Birmingha which is (just 6 miles from me, are now majority immigrant.   The EU has given us nothing but control, deprivation, loss of jobs, loss of housing, terrorists walking amongst us laughing their heads off as they stay here under their "right to family life" when they have two or 3 woman with kids they never see.   Our prisons are full of immigrants.   80,000 Romanians and Bulgarians in London and 30,000 are known criminals with more to come next year.

We can't afford to build houses for our already overcrowded island as we are struggling to keep up with the welfare system and the government's answer to that is to cut benefits to the British and the pensioners in order to cut benefits to the immigrants but still they are entitled to child benefit, housing benefit, housing, working tax credit, NHS (which by the way is well on the way to collapsing).

UKIP is on the rise because politicians fail to listen to us, we now live under a dictatorship where politicians drive through Bills on "Gay Marriage" which was never a part of their manifesto but now seems so important they are already undermining the institution of marriage.    Then when the public keep asking for a Referendum on the EU they come back with the comment "this is not the most important issue concerning the British public".   Says who ?   A politician, Cameron.   I wouldn't trust one of them to tell me the moon was out without going out to check.   The cost of the EU is bankrupting the UK whilst we cannot use that money to rebuild our infrastructure.   They no longer govern according to the interests of the public but according to their own self serving interests.   Gay marriage was pushed through parliament more because Cameron is financed and supported more by Gay buddies than by men in traditional marriages.   Otherwise why so important an issue which has only the consent and support of a mere 7% of the population.

The EU is another dictatorship, just this morning Brussels has decided it will ban olive oil being offered in restaurants throughout Europe as an added "dip" for meals.   Next they will be telling us when we can go to the toilet.    Absolutely disgraceful communistic institution that should have been disbanded 20 yrs ago before it had the chance to impoverish half of Europe with the rest following behind.

Thank god UKIP is on the rise !!  The people may yet get a democratic say in the running of this country that is sinking fast under EU dictatorship.

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19 May 2013 5:13 AM by 66d35 Star rating. 243 posts Send private message

Possibly your town centres are in decline because in most UK towns, it a) costs a fortune to park, and b) because for decades, out-of-town shopping developments have been given priority, and high streets have been ignored, apart from being treated as cash cows for high rents, ludicrous business rates and crazy parking fees? I suggest you take a trip to Spain, France or Gernany. Oddly enough (despite the fact that these are in the dreaded EU) you do not see the same level of decay. In Spain, for example, most towns have active, vibrant tows with numerous small shops - pretty much a thing of the past in the UK. We get free parking mostly, too. Blaming that situation on the EU is frankly nuts. It is a conequence of decades of poor planning policy in the UK.

Immigrants. Birmingham... I have news for you. Most of them (ethic minorities) are not from the EU at all, and many of them are not even immigrants. They were born in the UK. The UK allowed large scale immigration from first the Carribean and then from the Indian subcontinent. Vast numbers of them hold British passports. Many of these communities have been there since the early1950's. Some since the 1930's. They have married, had children - and now grandchildren. This is why there are quite a lot of them! Duh!

Unfortunately (for you) leaving the EU will not affect them because it is nothing to do with them.

This also applies to large numbers of people of Polidsh ethnic origin. There were 162,000 of these in the UK as far back as 1951, refuges from WWI, and the EU had nothing to do with that, either. Neither would leaving the EU.

I was not aware gay marriage was being enforced on the UK by the EU. News to me. Only UKIP fans must be in on that little plot!

Which "terrorists" are you referring to? If they have been convicted of anything, they are all in jail. Some suspects (there is a difference) are under control orders and subject to restrictions. Some have been in jail for years even without being convicted of anything.... oh, and this is nothing whatever do wth the EU either, despite the impression give by elements of the British press.

I think everyone agrees that the EU is not perfect, and some things need to change - however, blaming all the above on it is frankly ridiculous. It has no rational basis whateover. It is hysteria based on false beliefs and perceptions, whipped up by a popularist media and opportunistic politicians.











This message was last edited by 66d35 on 19/05/2013.

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19 May 2013 10:19 AM by kevin473 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

 My wife and I have recently returned to the UK after spending nearly 10 years in Spain and from what I see and hear about the objections to leaving the EU are that EU members and non EU members except the British tend to take priorities over social housing and the ability to be able to claim UK State benefits from the off, unlike the majority of EU countries where, surprise surprise, you have had to contribute to their economy before taking anything out. I for one will not vote to come out of the Eu as I feel that there are more benefits with free movement within the EU. What it needs here in the UK is for the government here to start looking at ensuring that people from the EU are able to support themselves whilst seeking and gaining employment thereby contributing to the UK economy. It makes me laugh that the UKIP want out of the EU although in the case of Farage and other UKIP MEPS they are paid very well by the EU, almost like 5th columnists of WW2. I agree with 66 that the town centres are in decline because of the high charges shops have to pay. Also the roads here in the UK are probably among the worst in the EU


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19 May 2013 11:12 AM by JWhite Star rating. 124 posts Send private message

Kevin 473 -

The EU directly affects the following which has a negative effect on British people who have lived and paid into the UK all their lives:

a)   Jobs - Well known fact that companies give preference to immigrants newly arrived who work for less than minimum wage freezing UK citizens out of the job market.  Immigrants send their money home to their own countries and work on the black market so as not to pay tax and NI.   

b)   Sex gangs are on the increase amongst muslim communities.   People trafficking from the EU is becoming more common, all care of belonging to the EU and importing 3rd world criminals.

c)   Housing - although government now state that policy says councils can offer housing to UK citizens who have a tested allegiance to areas they wish to live in i.e. family who have lived there for generations etc., councils still have to house newly arrived immigrants, therefore putting a neverending (Jan 2014 ring a bell?) strain on money allocated to councils which should be spent on rebuilding their towns.   

c)   School places /Education -  Schools are now very overcrowded with schools struggling to find places and using playing fields for classrooms, meanwhile they are too busy teaching foreign students English to give the time they need to UK children to provide them with a good education.    The current level of grammar, writing, mathematical talent, and poor educational achievement over the last 20 yrs can be easily identified just by reading some popular newspaper forums and the millions of kids out of work !

d)   Benefits / welfare - the reducing level of welfare to UK ctiziens is directly linked to the fact that the government is struggling to keep up with the 7.5 million immigrants that have come in during the last 20 yrs and who, despite many coming here and bringing in their elderly aunts, uncles and grandparents with large numbers of children and not working have claimed child benefits, housing benefit, working tax credits, council tax credit etc. and so the government is left with no alternative but (due to EU rules) reducing benefits for ALL citizens residing in the UK.

e)   Birmingham is highly populated with immigrants, majority are not British born as in London, it is now becoming a minority British city.

f)    Town centres to a large extent suffer the problems as you say of out of town shopping centres and poor planning but you still have to have MONEY to change that concept, reducing business rates to half and abolishing parking charges is not going to rebuild shopping centres I am afraid when huge amounts of money is needed for public services to an ever increasing population in those towns.   Why if as you say this is poor planning and not due to high immigrant populations in the cities, do rural towns seem to cope well and manage to maintain a busy shopping presence for locals without turning half the centre into charity and £ shops?    There is a direct correlation between major cities which are overwhelmed with immigrant nos. and rural areas where immigrants do not live and the amount of money councils can spend on their communities, for example where I live is deemed high deprivation and poverty (6 miles from Bham), it is no coincidence that we have a high immigrant population here.    Much more money is going to house, educate, and provide public services to high immigrant populations in major cities than in rural towns which leaves far less for the UK citizens in those cities who have worked all their lives and now find they are faced with poor NHS services (overloaded), school places, jobs and housing prospects.

Dress it up anyway you like but being in the EU and allowing mass immigration into this country together with rules which stop us from controlling our borders and implementing our own laws is what is destroying this country - that plus over £11billion per year paid to the EU which should be going to rebuild this country.   Eventually as it happening now, there will be huge overspills from Birmingham and London, I moved to where I am because it was an upwardly mobile prosperous area, the housing considered more expensive than poorer areas.   Now housing prices have dropped over the last few years as the immigrant population has moved outwards in a ripple effect from Bham.   Areas are becoming deprived as they are in the outer areas of Birmingham.   

I will be moving out soon as have thousands and thousands moved out from London and Birmingham. to somewhere that has decent public services and where I will not be left to die on a trolley in a hospital waiting for someone to treat me where they are overloaded in A & E trying to work out how many interpreters they need, whilst people are bleeding to death waiting to be seen.   My son recently took my granddaughter to the local A & E which was full of immigrants, none of whom could speak English,  she was there with serious abdominal pain, after waiting 4 hrs she was sent home with paracetomol, went back the next day, more or less the same thing, no consultant on duty to see her, so he ended up taking her to a private hospital where they gave her an MRI scan to find that she had a huge cyst about to burst on her ovary.   She was admitted and operated on soon after.    He now has BUPA and said he will not bother with the NHS again !   Who can blame him.

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19 May 2013 4:32 PM by 66d35 Star rating. 243 posts Send private message


You seem to be very confused. I have no idea where you get your "information", but I suggest consulting more reliable sources.

Minimum wage. If an amployer (British, presumably?) is paying less than the statutory minimum wage to any qualified worker they are breaking the law. Report them. www.gov.uk/minimum-wage-different-types-work It is a criminal offence to do this. It may be a "well known fact" to you, but the real figures do not support your contention. There are, on average, only a small number of prosecutions each year for this, despite a large increase in monitoring of industry for compliance. Blaming this on the EU and "immigrants" is 100% baseless.

Sex gangs and muslim communities? I fail to see what this has to do with the EU (yet again).  According to official sources, people trafficking (which is a very serious criminal offence throughought the EU) has averaged less than 10,000 persons annually, for the entire EU. I suspect very few were muslims.... the bulk, it appears, were of Russian origin.

Housing. This again has nothing to do with the EU. It is a failing of BRITISH law. I promise you, if I turned up in Spain broke, the local council would not find me a home... fix the British law. Stop blaming the EU for every local failing.

Schools in the UK are over-crowded for many reasons. Lack of investment is one. Immigration can place a greater strain, but again, you have to identify which sector of immigrants is causing the problem, and have strategies to deal with it.

There is absolutely no evidence that EU immigrants bring their "elderly aunts, uncles and grandparents" with them. None whatever. That's simply ridiculous. Most arrive to WORK, and in fact, many also return home eventually. The pattern you describe more accurately applies to immigrants from other (non-EU) countries. Leaving the EU would do nothing about that at all, because they have no connection with the EU! As for benefits - simple. Fix the benefit system. Other countries in the EU do not have this problem.

Birmingham. Mostly immigrants of non-EU origins from non-European ethnic groups. As stated previously, nothing to do with the EU at all. No connection whatever.

Town centres. Blaming this on "immigrants" is completely loony. Your claim that areas without large numbers of immigrants are not similarly affected is simply wrong. I lived in a Pembrokshire coastal town for several years. Hardly any immigrants (apart from the English!) and yet the same decline was present there. Charity shops, pound shops, closed shops. Blame those really responsible, local councils with crazy parking fees, traffic wardens everywhere, excessive business rates and the Tesco on the bypass... not on the EU and immigrants. The Spanish town where I live has a very nice, busy "high street". In fact, it has several. Not the EU's fault, I'm afraid. Look closer to home.

It is also a fact that the vast, vast majority of EU migrants to Britain are modern, well educated, Europeans. There is no massive "culture" clash. We have people here from Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Poland and such-like too - no problems at all. Why should there be?











This message was last edited by 66d35 on 19/05/2013.

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19 May 2013 5:13 PM by JWhite Star rating. 124 posts Send private message

All the things you say are not the fault of the EU ARE and for the one and only reason that :


All rights of British people also BELONG to EU residents who come here and this is down purely to EU law that dictates whatever British people are entitled to, so are EU citizens even if they have not paid one penny piece in.   If we were not in the EU this would never happen because we would have our own laws of residency.


By the way, you see to think there are no immigrants working here for below minimum wage, what  ajoke.    I can take you to at least half a dozen EU "gangs" who operate car washes within 2 or 3 miles from where I live who pay cash in hand.   I can also take you to 2 or 3 local markets that immigrants use to peddle black market goods.  I can also take you to a couple of dozen Indian restaurants who pay their staff cash in hand.  All this within 2 or 3 miles only of where I live.   Multiply that by the hundreds of other towns that employ them.   There was even a spokesman on TV for one of the political parties who said she was concerned with the growing problem of immigrants being exploited to work on the black market or for below minimum wage.

You need to get out more !!!!!    Just because YOU don't live where it happens does not mean it doesn't happen.

I suggest instead of living in "coastal" towns which have a natural decline in times of austerity when people cannot afford to go on holiday, you instead spend a spell in "Sparkbrook" in Birmingham, full of druggies, potential terrorists, prostitutes, criminals, sex trafficking gangs.  It is where the recent los of terrorists were from who were jailed recently. I worked for a manager (ex social Services)  who lived there and in Smallheath, another lovely area.    I have worked in multicultural problem hell holes so I know what I am talking about, i worked with the immigrant families and saw what went on.    Fraudulent benefit claims for different families living in the same accommodation but making multiple claims for the same accommodations under different names (you try finding out which Khan and which Singh live where they say when there are literally thousands with the same names and they change them when it suits them!).   Immigrants renting out social housing to another member of their family or friend when they buy a business and move out.   (Also this is a big problem in London where there was a whole apartment block of Iraq's doing the same thing in the news recently, they were all rented out to people who were not supposed to be in them).

As I said I have been there, worked amongst it,  seen it all and know what goes on - I suggest you do not !


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19 May 2013 5:53 PM by lenox Star rating in Mojácar. 39 posts Send private message

If the UK, full apparently of immigrants, were to leave the EU, wouldn't it still remain full of immigrants? Or would they all be deported? Along with the fruits, communists, tree huggers, hunt saboteurs, liberals, jews and anyone else the whiter than white UKip supporting English nationalists don't appove of. The whole thing is silly.

For those of us who live in Europe, it's clearly better to be part of Europe than a third-worlder. The Europeans would treat us just as any other European if we were to leave the Union, you might say. They didn't even let the Romanians and Bulgarians work in Europe when those countries joined the EU, so don't hold out hopes from non EU Britons trying to get health coverage, social security, jobs, the vote, schooling and any other normal every-day EU benefits. We could always move to Florida, I suppose. Or India, maybe.

Spanish Shilling dot blogspot dot com lenoxnapier dot blogspot dot com

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19 May 2013 5:58 PM by 66d35 Star rating. 243 posts Send private message

All rights of British people also BELONG to EU residents who come here and this is down purely to EU law that dictates whatever British people are entitled to, so are EU citizens even if they have not paid one penny piece in.   If we were not in the EU this would never happen because we would have our own laws of residency.

Good grief.... you really have been at the UKIP Kool-Aid, haven't you?

You DO have your own residency laws! A British person cannot even marry a US citizen and bring them in without an income of around £23,000 a year.... more, much more, if there are children. There are also provisions right now that would allow the UK to require even EU Citizens to have adequate levels of income, savings, and proof of medical cover before moving to Britiain. Guess what - the UK does not enforce this. Their choice. They could. Easily. Other countries (including Spain) do. You seem intent on blaming "the EU" for all your social and economic ills, when in most of the cases you cite it is either nothing whatever to do with the EU, or is down to gross negligence and incompetance by BRITISH GOVERNMENTS. Not by the "EU".

As I said before, if you know of people working illegally - report them! There is even an official UK hotline for that very purpose. Use it. Not the fault of the EU. If you know about it and do not report it, guess what? It's your fault.

The "terrorists who were jailed recently" were NOT EU MIGRANTS.  No connection at all to the EU. Why you keep on insisting there is a connection entirely escapes me... oh, and Iraq is not in the EU either.

You are pretty obviously anti-immigration in a fairly extreme way, you are entitled to your views - but stop pretending your grievances are all the fault of the EU. They are not. Your references to "Khan and Singh" suggest you are mixing up immigration from areas that have nothing remotely to do with the EU, with EU migration - which is really very silly indeed.

You need to take on board the cold, hard fact that even a total withdrawal from the EU would have zero effect on the "multicultural" issues that seem to be your main concern. This is because, as I have repeatedly tried to point out, this is nothing to do with the EU at all and never has been.










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19 May 2013 6:02 PM by Kathyslad Star rating. 329 posts Send private message

I have never read such a load of bigoted rubbish. All the examples you quote are nothing to do with the EU. They're to do with the immigration policies of successive government of different persuasions not the EU. As for your comment as to the rights of EU citizens being the same as British citizens under EU law, this is what the law actually says

"Right of residence for more than three months

The right of residence for more than three months remains subject to certain conditions. Applicants must:

either be engaged in economic activity (on an employed or self-employed basis);
or have sufficient resources and sickness insurance to ensure that they do not become a burden on the social services of the host Member State during their stay. The Member States may not specify a minimum amount which they deem sufficient, but they must take account of personal circumstances;
or be following vocational training as a student and have sufficient resources and sickness insurance to ensure that they do not become a burden on the social services of the host Member State during their stay;
or be a family member of a Union citizen who falls into one of the above .


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19 May 2013 6:18 PM by Patdean Star rating. 45 posts Send private message

Some reasons people are voting UKIP and talking about leaving the EU.

The UK citizens are fed up watching 'very dangerous' militant Islamic clerics run rings around our legal system and the EU court of human rights whilst the taxpayers are paying the legal aid bill for all the expensive human rights lawyers to represent them and the state.  At the same time, the law abiding citizen has as much chance of getting legal aid as winning the top Premium Bond prize.  Why does the rights of one 'very dangerous' cleric supercede the rights of 60 million law abiding citizens - EU court of Human Rights decision - to live without fear of being bombed when going about their daily lives.

Barack Obama has the audacity to say we should 'fix' what's broken rather than withdraw.  This comment from the President of the state that introduced the Patriot Act to protect it's citizens. I am not suggesting we do anything as drastic as that but I believe we should be able to deport undesirables after they are approved for deportation by our Supreme Court - not the most right wing body  I do not know if any other EU state has a militant Islamic cleric or similar they managed to deport and if so did they manage to do this without spending millions.  Also are they able to deport illegal immigrants in spite of the human rights court. 

The other problem we have is the lack of policing of the gateways to our NHS system - GP's and A&E.  We are scared in this country to challenge the entitlement of patients to NHS treatment, without paying.  It seems the Spanish are much better at this as even many tourists with a valid EHIC are being told they have to pay and/or need travel insurance.  If our receptionists did this they would be accused of racism.  In or out of EU will not change this only acknowledgement of the problem by our political masters will lead to the challenges necessary.  They too are scared of being called racist so do not admit to the numbers of east Europeans using our hospitals.  A recent visit to my local hospital and Moorfields was like visiting an eastern bloc hospital.  I just could not believe the numbers.  Most were probably there legally and entitled to NHS treatment but I could see how the extra numbers are straining the NHS and the same people are probably causing our schools to panic as they do not have the capacity for their children.

If Scotland vote for Independence, we shall all be immigrating there as they do not seem to see a need for UKIP and our kids will get free education.

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19 May 2013 6:25 PM by Patdean Star rating. 45 posts Send private message

Are we being lied to by our political masters?

I understand that a member of the EU living in this country is entitled to the same medical treatment as any British citizen - is that true?

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19 May 2013 6:33 PM by 66d35 Star rating. 243 posts Send private message

I only have to read this far to know that yet again, we have someone not understand even the basics of what they are complaining about:

Why does the rights of one 'very dangerous' cleric supercede the rights of 60 million law abiding citizens - EU court of Human Rights decision - to live without fear of being bombed when going about their daily lives.

There is no "EU Court of Human Rights", OK? Does not exist. There is a European Court of Human Rights, but this has no connection to the EU as such at all. It is a completely separate institution based on a totally different treaty. It is worth reading the history of this Court:

I would point out that even if the UK pulled out of the EU entirely - completely - it would still be subject to the European Convention on Human RIghts. It - like many other issues raised by UKIP fans - has nothing to do with EU membership. It operates within a completely different legal framework.

Yes, incidentally. Spain does detain and deport very large numbers of illegal immigrants. Regularly.


Your last paragraph is absolutely mind-boggling....

If Scotland vote for Independence, we shall all be immigrating there as they do not seem to see a need for UKIP and our kids will get free education.

After complaining about other immigrants using "free" services?......

Maybe the Scots might feel the same about you as you seem to feel about others? Just a thought...


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19 May 2013 6:38 PM by 66d35 Star rating. 243 posts Send private message

I understand that a member of the EU living in this country is entitled to the same medical treatment as any British citizen - is that true?


It is conditional. Furthermore, there are reciprocal mechanisms in place for each country to in effect 'refund' the costs incurred.

For some bizarre reason the UK has rarely bothered to enforce this. Other countries do.




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19 May 2013 6:40 PM by Patdean Star rating. 45 posts Send private message

The figures for prosecution of employers paying less than the minimum wage is just a fraction of the numbers actually paying less.  The employees accepting less than the minimum wage are so poor and frightened to complain and the employer is not going to.  The car washers are reporting to a gang leader and this is all under the radar.

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19 May 2013 6:45 PM by JWhite Star rating. 124 posts Send private message

No our problems would not now be sorted by exiting the EU because it is too late, the UK is finished I am afraid.    The instances I quoted refer to IMMIGRATION fraud and not EU specifically and although we have already curtailed the immigration from outside the EU, I used this as examples of mass immigration that was allowed.  

Residency laws in the UK you refer to would be adhered to and not be affected by EU immigrants if the borders were closed, you are right but we still need to close our borders.

The USA examples you quote have nothing to do with the EU - who is it that is now being stupid and using examples that are not connected to the EU.   You quote examples that fit your one sided argument, we can all do that according to you.

Whether or not much of this is the government's fault which no doubt it is as we ignore our right to defy the EU laws like other member states to "play the game" and we are the only ones who do, so getting out of Europe will sort the problem once and for all.

UKIP will get my vote along with the other  19% which it is now reported in the press today by two surveys, they have gained, so one in 5 people will vote UKIP because of the mess the Tories have left us in by not giving us the Referendum which the people wanted and were promised by both this government and the last which never materialised.

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19 May 2013 6:52 PM by Patdean Star rating. 45 posts Send private message

Your last paragraph is absolutely mind-boggling....

If Scotland vote for Independence, we shall all be immigrating there as they do not seem to see a need for UKIP and our kids will get free education.

After complaining about other immigrants using "free" services?......

Maybe the Scots might feel the same about you as you seem to feel about others? Just a thought...


This was not a serious comment.  It is too cold up there and they hate the English and are not afraid to say so.  They would not resort to the ECHR to get rid of us they would toss swords and scians at us.

I have heard the correction on the ECHR not being an EU institution before so apologise for being so uneducated and ignorant.



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19 May 2013 7:00 PM by 66d35 Star rating. 243 posts Send private message

The USA examples you quote have nothing to do with the EU - who is it that is now being stupid and using examples that are not connected to the EU.   You quote examples that fit your one sided argument, we can all do that according to you.

You made the blanket claim that the UK does "not have its own laws of residency". This is simply false, and I gave one example (I could give many) that proves you wrong. The UK (as others have pointed out too) can also impose conditions on EU Citizen migration. It chooses not to. This is (again) not the fault of the EU.

Other EU states do not have to "defy" EU law at all. They can simply follow it. It is British governments that 'opened the door' with zero controls. They were not forced to do this. They chose to do it. Other EU countries did make use of limits and controls available to them. Perectly legally.

Getting "out of Europe" will not "sort" your problems. It will make them infinitely worse, as UK citizens who want to leave will be (largely) unable to. It will also devastate your service industries, your financial sector (it wll move to Frankfurt), your agriculture, and pretty much leave you as a cold, wet little island without any power in the world whatsoever. It is financial suicide. Sheer madness, based on ignorance and fear.


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19 May 2013 7:01 PM by JWhite Star rating. 124 posts Send private message

"It is conditional. Furthermore, there are reciprocal mechanisms in place for each country to in effect 'refund' the costs incurred."

As you say the government does not enforce it so all people visiting A & E are treated irrespective of their status.    Yes it is stupid but then successive governments are very stupid when it comes to taxpayers' money and would rather "buy votes" by sending out the message that everything in the UK is free rather than bring in the money, perhaps Spain does not want to buy their votes or they are too thick to realise how powerful the tool is !   

This used to be a tolerant country and I have immigrant friends but even the 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants now see the foolishness of allowing in mass immigration to a country on its knees.

There are a million kids here at the moment without jobs, 52% in Spain - do you really think this is going to improve with free labour throughtout Europe when 3rd world countries peoples can roam freely and take what they want from countries who have something better to offer at the expense of people who already have no jobs or if they do they are low paid.   Government politicians couldn't give a fig if there are 50 million more to come here, they have their rural retreats, their gold plated pensions, they fiddle what they need and they have their second homes which they rent out, improve and then fiddle the profit when they sell them.   Why would they be bothered about immigration?   They don't live amongst them, they don't get robbed by them, their daughters don't get dragged into prostitution or raped in the posh areas of London and they have their rural retreats they have kept for themselves.   They have their private education and their private health and that's all they care about.

The times they are a changing though, people have had enough and who can blame them.   I don't, I grew up in a ver different world, where jobs were plentiful, houses to buy, holidays to go on, careers to forge and lots of promotional opportunities for all.

My granddaughter has excellent qualifications and left college 4 yrs ago and for 4 yrs all she has been able to get is part time in a supermarket on the check out, in the kiosks, part time in Argos.   Her partner cannot get a job, they cannot buy a house and are living with his family who themselves are working part time and his father who works as a roofer cannot get work.

This country has had it and all the politicians can think of is "let's have more of the same".   Well they would, they sit on the boards of energy companies in Europe, the NHS pharmaceutical companies, they own businesses and are  land owners throughout the EU who take farming subsidies from the UK government coffers.    Are they going to want to leave the EU ?    Of course not, Turkeys don't vote for Christmas.

Democracy has to be brought back to the people and I hope to god UKIP can do it, otherwise I am out of here.

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