The Comments |
As a past devout conservative all I can say is .Hear Hear and so say all of us. Vote UKIP lets see if they stand by their manifesto.
As an employer I am continuously told that I cannot differentiate who I employ. But I do. Differentiate there's a word. I am sure there is another word that politicians use. I will race anyone.
What is the meaning of migrant as apposed to immigrant. Which one are we complaining about. Is not a migrant worker a transitory bod from within the EU. Is not an immigrant from outside the EU. Do politicians actually know the difference.
_______________________ Antonp
It is not "50 years ago". Things have changed.
Production methods have changed. The population density has changed. It is among the most densly populated countries in Europe.
You seem to be stuck in some kind of time-warp.
If you seriously think you can return to the "way things were" you are in for a major shock - UKIP or no UKIP.
The problem is I cannot afford the chauffer, gardener, house keeper unless I pay cash. Minimum wage put paid to that. But then my eyes were opened the old ways are still there just underground. Every time I go to the ATM it says Anton it is safer to pay by card. Trouble is they charge me for every transaction. Getting cash out is free.
So cash it is.
We as a country are lost within the bigger machine. Reality of exit would be that we would get chewed up.
1914- 1918 / 1940-1945 / 2007-20??
_______________________ Antonp
Antonp -
You have just confirmed what I have been saying, employers are employing people on the black market which means that people employed by you are paying no tax or NHI into the state to fund public sector services and money the government use to build the infrastructure which is needed urgently in the UK as millions coming here has flooded the NHS and housing, schools etc. and jobs have disappeared with immigrants coming here to work cash in hand which is what I would stake my life is what is happening on the farms which is why they are complaining about not having Eastern Europeans to work for them. Most come here and are NOT in the system so can work cash in hand. UK nationals that are unemployed are already in the system claiming jobseekers, so when they sign off to take a cash in hand job and it is temporary, the Job Centre want to know when and where they were working and obviously they will need to start claiming again. The risk is that they will find out that you have been working cash in hand.
In have never believed in this immigration Utopia all of you pro-EU people believe in, people coming here from 3rd world countries are used to fiddling the system and do not believe in paying into a system when they earn low wages and there is no way to make them when they come here.
The tax take in the UK is at an all time low, whilst benefits and welfare is at an all time high with the NHS crumbling under pressure, temporary workers who come and go offer nothing into that pot and never will and this is what the EU is based on, flexible workforces.
In have never believed in this immigration Utopia all of you pro-EU people believe in, people coming here from 3rd world countries are used to fiddling the system and do not believe in paying into a system when they earn low wages and there is no way to make them when they come here.
There ARE NO "Third World" countries in the EU.
Please! Educate yourself a bit before spouting such complete and utter drivel. Furthernore, what "immigration utopia"? No-one is suggesting uncontrolled immigration from everwhere.. just free movement WITHIN the EU (which, I repeat - contains ZERO "Third World" status countries).
So people who live on rubbish tips in Romania are not living in a 3rd world country ! Nice ! It is 3rd world compared to the UK.
If this were a modern country with welfare and public services, where good education and housing were available they would not want to come HERE ! Fact.
Free movement within the EU means every country's people in the EU that does not enjoy the benefits and welfare of the UK will want to come here - FACT as has been seen when we were expecting 10,000 from Poland in the first year and 370, 000 came. Also :
"Migration Watch UK reveals that 100,000 dependants of EU nationals resident in Britain entered the UK in the last five years with no conditions attached but with full and immediate access to benefits."
We have enough of our own to keep without importing benefit dependants.
Also people who do not live in the major towns and cities here or do not live here in the UK at all are all happy for unlimited immigration into the UK. Go into any one of those towns and cities and they are swamped with immigrants. My town is unrecognisable. It might not be so bad if they forced immigrants to settle in rural communities. At least then immigration would stop when politicians leafy rural retreats were threatened by poor immigrants bringing their poverty, crime, prostitution, sex traffickers to their nice posh areas. Reality is politicians are making millions out of it and not touched by it and therein lies the problem and why it will never be halted. By the time it reaches their areas (which obviously it will in perhaps the next 20 to 30 yrs), they will be retired out of the UK and in their nice posh houses in Southern France or Switzerland where 3rd world immigrants will never be able to afford to live. They don't and will never live with the problems of mass immigration.
I have not been to Romania, but I have been to Bulgaria, and from what I saw, the hospitals there put the ones I have seen in the UK to shame. Cleaner, better maintained. Neither of these two countries is "third world". That is nothing more than a xenophobic, racist insult slung around by people who are too ignorant to know any better.
Have you seen the tv documentaries of some children's homes in Romania? The treatment these poor souls endured could be termed third world.
"and from what I saw, the hospitals there put the ones I have seen in the UK to shame. Cleaner, better maintained. "
That is of course if you have private medical insurance !! If you haven't tough !
Northing whatever to stop the UK from having similar rules. It is the same in Spain too. You only qualify if you have paid into the system or have private insurance (excepting temporary visitors under the EHIC system).
It is hardly the EU's fault that the UK continues to operate a system that is wide open to abuse. They could do something about it quite easily - if they chose to.
Given the access some UK children's homes gave to Jimmy Saville, I hardly think they are a great advert for best practice...
Point is we need to close our borders as the abuse won't stop and the government cannot stop abuse by immigrants without stopping entitlement to UK citizens, UK citizens who have paid in all their lives for the priviledge of using public services. Classic cop out every time when I have this discussion with people in Spain or other EU countries - "oh well it is your government's fault". As you well know the government cannot introduce new rules for immigrants that they don't have for UK citizens. The difference is they don't get these things for free anywhere else in the EU which is why they come here.
Why should the government have to punish our own people for the fact that the rest of the EU use us as an easy target to take what they can get, where would it end - stop giving housing for UK citizens, stop NHS for UK citizens all so we can stop it for the immigrants. This is the exact reason why the government are cutting benefits for EVERYONE including disabled, because 2 million immigrants who have come here under Labour rule have been taking out benefits they have not paid for and we cannot afford so the government is punishing the disabled to pay for immigrants coming in and taking what they have not paid for. Our only recourse is to close the borders and get out of the EU.
What the hell has Jimmy Saville got to do with anything, completely unconnected with what we are discussing ?????? Complete and utter drivel by someone clutching at straws to justify the gravy train for people who come here for handouts who have paid nowt in.
You obviously didn't see the documentaries then, or you would not have made such a facile comment.....
Our only recourse is to close the borders and get out of the EU.
To get this back on topic. I have three questions:
1) If you "close the borders" where exactly can UK Citizens move to if, say, they can't stand the dismal UK climate or simply prefer to live and work somewhere else?
2) Or, do you seriously believe that this would be some kind of "one way" closure? In other words, despite the UK closing its borders to say, French citizens, France would not respond in kind?
3) What exactly would you do with the 2 million UK citizens presently living/working in the EU?
Jesus, will people never learn. We just got rid of that crap.

Note to UKIP supporters. The Party you support is an umbrella organization for most of the far- right-wing groups in the UK, including the EDL, BNP and the rest. They are the same people exposed by Channel 4 News in Hungary last night. The more support these people get the more trouble we are heading for. Whatever you think about the crooks running the EU, the alternative is much, much worse. It only needs a little thought to see what is going on. Don't be fooled!!
Frightening, isn't it?
This message was last edited by kropotkin on 28/05/2013.
Well, there it is then, because of the rise of the far right in Europe, which incidentally has been going on all over the continent for years, UKIP must be a closet fascist group just waiting to give succour to the BNP, EDL etc. And the proof? Clearly, none is required, just mentioning the name in conjunction with some racist group of nutters is enough to smear an organisation who currently espouse the aims of thousands throughout the UK. Yes, it's scary, this is just one more reason why we should be out of the EU, The writer of this post exhibits the same sort of sensationalist traits as the makers of the programme (who incidentally made no such link) and has no evidence whatsoever to tie this to UKIP. Incidentally I am currently not a supporter, but this sort of trivia is likely to make me think about it.
What a load of rubbish, kropotkin. I wouldn't vote UKIP but even I can see the difference between them and the others. As fascism had it's roots on the left, why equate UKIP with that? Europe is quite comprehensibly socialist at the moment. Maybe it needs a little right wing politics to balance it up a bit. But please don't equate UKIP with BNP /EDL. Totally different entities unless you also link the Labour party with communism. I won't vote UKIP. They have no chance of forming a government or even taking a seat or two at Westminster. What they will do is take votes from the Conservatives and ensure Labour get an easy ride at the next election. Then there'll be no chance of a referendum, no chance of any changes in the EU way of working and a complete collapse of the UK economy as witnessed by Hollande in France.
I beg to differ with the last two posts. UKIP is the acceptable smiley face of the umbrella under which the extreme right-wing and other fascist organizations reside.
"The greater the lie, the more enthusiastically it is believed and greedily swallowed." William Hazlett in 'Political Essays'.
Golden Dawn in Greece! See last nights Channel 4 News report!
It would seem that all one now has to do is to shake hands with someone who is later alleged to be racist to be labelled racist ones self as if it's some virus that leaps from person to person at a touch. Innuendo and rumour has really become the currency of the liberal elite, who would control us all with political correctness. personally, I have shaken the hand of many racists I am sure, but it does not mean that I am racist. It is seen as a polite form of introduction in this country, even to ones enemies. As I said before, where is the proof?