What would happen if UK "bailed out" of the EU after 40 years of membership. ?

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19 May 2013 7:01 PM by Patdean Star rating. 45 posts Send private message


I understand that a member of the EU living in this country is entitled to the same medical treatment as any British citizen - is that true? No.


It is conditional. Furthermore, there are reciprocal mechanisms in place for each country to in effect 'refund' the costs incurred.

For some bizarre reason the UK has rarely bothered to enforce this. Other countries do.



The reason we have not enforced is because up until now most immigrants were black and asian and our hospital and GP receptionists were afraid to challenge their rights in case they were afraid of being accused of racism.  It is only with the increasing popularity of UKIP that it has become acceptable to raise issues like this.

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19 May 2013 7:10 PM by JWhite Star rating. 124 posts Send private message

"Getting "out of Europe" will not "sort" your problems. It will make them infinitely worse, as UK citizens who want to leave will be (largely) unable to"

Not so, I could leave tomorrow if I like and it needn't be to the EU, in any case who wants to live in a communistic hel hole, where soon they will be telling you when to go to the toilet, they have released another rule - restaurants in the EU cannot put bottles of olive oil on the table, of course Spain will ignore it again as they always do.  

It is still a free world if you have money, etc.

" It is only with the increasing popularity of UKIP that it has become acceptable to raise issues like this."

Another load of rubbish, UKIP has had nothing to do with that, people were challenging this PC rubbish long before UKIP came on the scene, the only difference is the NHS and other authorities didn't listen and instead liked to call the police to deal with it.   In no other EU country would this have happened as racism is rife throughout Europe.   France is the worst example.

However, UKIP have highlighted the crap that has been forced on the people by government left wing propaganda mostly inflicted by Blair's government and the people have finally found a party to campaign and to give them a voice and a say in their own destiny and democratic rights.

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19 May 2013 7:43 PM by JWhite Star rating. 124 posts Send private message

If you really want to see why we need out of the EU, read this, which also explains why Obama is so keen for us to stay in the EU !!  :


"The dirty little secret" eh ?

Explains a lot !


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19 May 2013 8:42 PM by 66d35 Star rating. 243 posts Send private message

The document you cite originates with a shadowy far-right organisation called "The Freedom Association".


"a right-wing pressure group which was set up in the 1970s by a group of businessmen, aristocrats, military figures, journalists and politicians on the far right. In its early years it played a prominent role in disrupting campaigns for workers rights and racial equality led by trades unions and anti-apartheid campaigners"

Yes. You're right. It does explain a lot.

Racist, anti-workers rights, pro- nuclear weaponry,  fans of the 'Franco method' of running a country, accepted funding from the Apartheid regime in South Africa, want to dismantle the BBC (they seem to think it is a communist organisation!), and founded by a very seriously weird group of genuine 'swivel-eyed loony" types including the very peculiar (indeed!) McWhirter twins.

No wonder you have some odd ideas about the EU if you rely on the garbage they put out.


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19 May 2013 9:03 PM by JWhite Star rating. 124 posts Send private message

So that's who wrote "swivel-eyed loons" about the Tory right wing backbenchers.   I can see the drivel you read too AND the BBC is a communist organisation, completely and utterly biased operating as it does as the left wing propaganda machine for the Labour party (well it is full of strong Trade Unionists isn't it and a public sector body - say no more), as many will attest to who refuse to go on their Question Time programme.   Many people now are refusing to pay the TV license due to their biased reporting of the news and I am next !!

David Dimbleby should be sacked, he is a complete waste of space, supping up,supporting as he does and agreeing with left wing views to the exclusion of all else, he always gives anyone other than Labour spokesmen and women a hard time and the show when Nick Griffin was on was despicable and I was ashamed to say I supposedly lived in a democratic country.  His shows ensure his audience is hand picked to make sure they support the questions raised on Tory policy are slagged off, until just recently they were completely embarrassed when a woman managed to get included in the audience who spoke out and put a certain Professor in her place when she was voicing the benefits of mass immigration and what it added to the town of Lincolnshire and what benefits it had bought,  the woman who lived there stood up and told her she was talking rubbish.   She ran a business there and as she said the town of Lincoln was absolutely swamped with immigrants, all the shops were owned and run by immigrants she said and their town hall could not cope with the additional public services needed to support the immigrant population, they were strained to breaking point.   Of course you will say that is tosh too, in fact anyone who LIVES WITH THE PROBLEM and speaks the truth about immigration is talking tosh to you and I to be honest am completely uninterested in someone's opinions who only reads left wing propaganda and does not live in THE REAL BRITAIN !   I have quoted real life examples of people who are suffering from mass immigration and you have poo pooed the information. You are incapable of having a balanced debate so I think I will end it here.   Until you LIVE HERE do not presume to have an opinion on how people are coping with immigration in this country from your comfy armchair in Spain.


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19 May 2013 9:07 PM by JWhite Star rating. 124 posts Send private message

Doesn't make it less true because it didn't come from the Guardian ! 

So that's who wrote swivel-eyed loons" about the Tory right wing backbenchers.    I can see the drivel you read too AND the BBC is a communist organisation, completely and utterly biased operating as it does as the left wing propaganda machine for the Labour party (well it is full of strong Trade Unionists isn't it and a public sector body - say no more), as many will attest to who refuse to go on their Question Time programme.    Many people now are refusing to pay the TV license due to their biased reporting of the news and I am next !!   David Dimbleby should be sacked, he is a complete waste of space, supping up,supporting as he does and agreeing with left wing views to the exclusion of all else, he always gives anyone other than Labour spokesmen and women a hard time and the show when Nick Griffin was on was despicable and I was ashamed to say I supposedly lived in a democratic country.   ; His shows ensure his audience is hand picked to make sure they support the questions raised on Tory policy are slagged off, until just recently they were completely embarrassed when a woman managed to get included in the audience who spoke out and put a certain Professor in her place when she was voicing the benefits of mass immigration and what it added to the town of Lincolnshire and what benefits it had bought, the woman who lived there stood up and told her she was talking rubbish.    She ran a business there and as she said the town of Lincoln was absolutely swamped with immigrants, all the shops were owned and run by immigrants she said and their town hall could not cope with the additional public services needed to support the immigrant population, they were strained to breaking point.    Of course you will say that is tosh too, in fact anyone who LIVES WITH THE PROBLEM and speaks the truth about immigration is talking tosh to you and I to be honest am completely uninterested in someone's opinions who only reads left wing propaganda and does not live in THE REAL BRITAIN !    I have quoted real life examples of people who are suffering from mass immigration and you have poo pooed the information. You are incapable of having a balanced debate so I think I will end it here.    Until you LIVE HERE do not presume to have an opinion on how people are coping with immigration in this country from your comfy armchair in Spain.

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19 May 2013 9:13 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar
Shocking, the way the rest of the Europeans gang up on us. Little blocs of countries ganging up to do us down. Countries like Germany and France joining forces to ensure our bits are shot down in flames. The Eastern European countries huddling together to ensure their interests are fully protected and each is being looked after to the detriment of us especially. Nothing we do appears to be right, we are voted down time and time again by these countries. No matter what we put forward, we can never gain enough support from the rest.
I now agree, it is time to pull out from the European Song Contest!

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19 May 2013 9:19 PM by 66d35 Star rating. 243 posts Send private message

Absolutely hilarious.

I must say, I have never felt much sympathy for David Cameron, but, congratulations. After reading your rabid diatribes I am actually beginning to feel sorry for him. "The BBC is a communist organisation"!!! You don't like the way Nick Griffin (National Front, criminal convictions for publishing race hate material,also hates gay people, hates jewish people, and believes the holocaust and nazi gas chambers were a "hoax", etc.) was questioned, and you think anyone who disagrees with you and points out factual errors in your claims is "incapable of balanced debate"........

If indeed people with views like yours are in the ascendent in the UK, the place heading for very big trouble, and I'm glad to be out of it. We can only hope that the majority do see sense...and turn away from this twisted stuff before it is too late.





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19 May 2013 9:28 PM by JWhite Star rating. 124 posts Send private message

I love the way people who DO NOT LIVE HERE have so many opinions about what we should do.  Talking about diatribes you would win a gold medal for the rubbish you spout from sunny Spain.   That must be where all Blair's supporters flew too when he got tossed out when people found out he had abolished the treason laws just before he brought in mass immigration, signed the Lisbon Treaty without a vote from the people and then took us into an illegal war.

Like i said we are supposed to live in a democratic society and I am glad there are increasing numbers now willing to vote for UKIP to fight for it, if you had your way, "everyvon vud haf to obey the command of the German rike - yavol ! "

Christ, I thought Hitler was dead ! 


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19 May 2013 9:57 PM by DonLochnagar Star rating in Mazarron. 161 posts Send private message

PatDean, we do not hate the English, but after 300+ years and after the majority of Scots didn't want to join with England in the fiirst place, we just want to run our own affairs, much as you Little Englanders feel about the EU.  So it  is better that we go our own way, because we have three principles in Scotland, 1) you educate your young for free, 2) you look after your old and sick and you don't stick your nose into other peoples' countries for the sake of big business, like in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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19 May 2013 10:10 PM by Patdean Star rating. 45 posts Send private message


I searched the NHS Choices website and found loads of stuff on what Brits were entitled to in EU countries but nothing on what EU citizens are entitled to in Britain.
I then searched for 'EU visitors' and found details of benefit entitlements.  The same happened when I entered 'immigrants' in the search field, lists of pension credits and other benefits.

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19 May 2013 10:14 PM by DonLochnagar Star rating in Mazarron. 161 posts Send private message

JWhite, can I remind you that this forum is run by eyeonSpain, if you are not here WTF are ou doing on this forumn?  And, BTW, I would rather have chopped off my right arm that vote for Blair.

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19 May 2013 10:15 PM by lenox Star rating in Mojácar. 39 posts Send private message

'I can see the drivel you read too AND the BBC is a communist organisation, completely and utterly biased operating as it does as the left wing propaganda machine for the Labour party...'

Blimey, where did you find this bloke?

Spanish Shilling dot blogspot dot com lenoxnapier dot blogspot dot com

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19 May 2013 10:22 PM by JWhite Star rating. 124 posts Send private message

First, I am not a bloke, plus I did not start this thread which was to discuss what would happen if the UK bailed out of the EU after 40 years of membership which issue concerns anyone that is either British ot Spanish and is registered to post on this forum.   As my family have property in Spain I feel I am entitled to comment on this issue.

Everyone has a different perspective on the issue and their opinions are going to be very deeply felt (especially from the perspective of where they are resident) so emotion plays a big part in that.    Someone that lives in Spain is not as emotional about the UK leaving the EU as someone that lives in the UK and is experiencing first hand the negatives of all that it involves, which I do at the moment so I apologise if I have offended the sensibilities of some people.   I have lived here for 63 years and so have a very strong allegiance to the country I was raised in, not the one the government is turning it into for purely selfish political and financial gain.

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19 May 2013 10:49 PM by Patdean Star rating. 45 posts Send private message

PatDean, we do not hate the English, but after 300+ years and after the majority of Scots didn't want to join with England in the first place, we just want to run our own affairs, much as you Little Englanders feel about the EU.  


You gave Nigel a very warm Scottish welcome last week, I'm sure he'll not return any time soon. 

After 300 years - why has it taken you so long. Will you have border controls when you are Independent.  I hear that Sean Connery hopes to become President of the Republic of Scotland. He will have to return from his tax exile if he is elected.





This message was last edited by Patdean on 19/05/2013.

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20 May 2013 12:41 AM by DonLochnagar Star rating in Mazarron. 161 posts Send private message

PatDean, I am sorry to say that is the type of comment I would expect from a 'little Englander'.  You belittle yourself and your arguments making dispariging remarks about border controls, Sean Connery and the leader of a party which has never got anymore that 1% support in any election in Scotland.

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20 May 2013 12:46 AM by 66d35 Star rating. 243 posts Send private message

I'm afraid that's a typical attitude.... once (if) they have achieved their dream of leaving the EU, they'll not have them to blame for anything anymore, so everyone else had better watch out.... because they'll be next.

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

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20 May 2013 10:30 AM by observing Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

From what I've read, it seems that migrant workers from Eastern Europe are an important reason for the UK wanting to leave the EU. That is a bit ironic since it was the UK under Major etc. who insisted on letting those countries, like Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus, .. join while they were clearly not ready for it. Also, many EU countries opted for a long transition period during which free movement (to work) of people from those newly admitted countries would not yet apply. Not so the UK. One would almost suspect it was a plot by bosses to put downward pressure on wages.. Not being British, I'm not involved and it is clearly a decision for the UK alone to take. Perhaps, if they leave, some progress can be made again towards a US of Europe. Finally, I'd love an independent Scotland to join the EU.

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20 May 2013 11:09 AM by JWhite Star rating. 124 posts Send private message

Eggcup -

So you don't regard the Guardian then as left wing?     Pleeeeese !!    There are left wing papers and right wing papers, all media is politically biased towards one or the other, it is called democracy except for the BBC which is left wing media and not democratically run as we are FORCED to pay to support it, although of course I wouldn't expect people in Spain to agree as they do not take part in this force-fed political propaganda machine as no-one buys a BBC license - something I hope to do myself too as I refuse to pay to support the left wing political machine for the Labour party.  (lol)

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20 May 2013 11:50 AM by 66d35 Star rating. 243 posts Send private message

A major drawback of the internet, for all its benefits in commerce and making good information available, is that it has generated a situation where crazies, the ignorant, the foolish and conspiracy theorists can spew out an endless stream of inflamatory nonesense and can contaminate any debate they become involved in....


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