Contrary to the poll I set up a while back, which put the Spanish first in the list of the worst drivers in Europe...
They are in fact the second worst, not too far off then.. According to French motoring foundation Vinci Autoroutes and the Europe-wide market research firm IPSO surveyed 7,000 people in seven European countries, and 50 per cent believe Italians are the most dangerous drivers.
A total of 16 per cent felt Spaniards were the worst, and 14 per cent considered the French to be the most dangerous.
Swedish drivers were seen as the most responsible drivers, with 47 per cent naming them as the safest, followed by the Germans, who got 26 per cent of the votes, and the British, with 13 per cent.
Survey subjects were asked about their own dangerous habits, and it was found that 86 per cent regularly broke speed limits whilst 62 per cent failed to respect safety distances.
Spanish drivers are more likely to use their horns in stressful situations – 67 per cent of motorists in Spain admitted to doing so, compared to the European average of 47 per cent.
Two-thirds of French and German drivers admitted to insulting other motorists, whilst the European average is just over half.
The seven countries in which the survey was released were the UK, Spain, France, Italy, Sweden, Germany and Belgium.