Brexit effect

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21 Mar 2019 8:23 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

The problem is in Spain regional health authorities behave autonomously  Tajeta sanitarios for people on the S1 system get cards issued for five years, there's an expiry date on them .

My card ran out in February. I didn't realise since previously they were renewed automatically. Now i am required to reapply and go through the original process to access medicare which requires paper work which needs updating for 2019. They don't accept old documents such as Padron. By the time the papers are processed Brexit will have happened and who knows the result. The same thing is happening in France. People have been advised their cards (Carte Vital) expire on 29 March.

I'm sure Brexit is the reason for this hassle. It's not personal but in theory at least I no longer can prove my entitlement to healthcare. Brits are going to have to face up to the realities. Many can afford private cover but our lives i fear are not goiing  to ever be the same again. 

I've banged on here for years about Brexit because i knew what the result would be for Brits,  wholly negative..

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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21 Mar 2019 9:33 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

There's no expiry date on my SIP which I got with an S1. I've now had it for 7 years.

And I think you are reading a little too much into the negative aspects for the Brits. I've said it before, if Brits leave this area because of no continuity of healthcare then the place will be like a ghost town. 

Lot of rumours, Project Fear on both sides of the coin and many guesses and counter-guesses. 

Cheer up, read the Financial Times article below and have a glass of wine, Lidl have a nice Cava at €1.65 a bottle which should put a bit of fizz back into your life.

Spain Guarantees Healthcare for Brits


Edited: Oh, dear, it seems they've put that article behind a paywall since I linked it. However it was dated just last week and I managed to copy the gist of it

The Spanish government issued a decree on Friday that guaranteed continued healthcare access to British residents and tourists after Brexit, as long as certain reciprocal conditions for its own citizens are met. The healthcare provision is part of a contingency package designed to address issues that may arise should the UK leave the EU without a deal at the end of this month. Healthcare, education, travel, pensions, residency and freedom of movement for workers who travel between Gibraltar and Spain are among the concerns facing British expats and visitors. The contingency package involved 17 Spanish government ministries. “We hope this never has to be used, because if it is, it means that the UK has left the EU through the window,” said foreign minister Josep Borrell, adding that: “We will do everything we can to make this decree unnecessary.” The decree was announced after Friday’s weekly cabinet meeting, the last for prime minister Pedro Sánchez’s government before parliament is dissolved on Tuesday in anticipation of Spain’s April 28 national elections. A Spanish foreign ministry official described Madrid’s position on healthcare in the face of a no-deal Brexit as one of “maximum generosity” but added that it expected equal treatment. The healthcare provision is contingent on reciprocity for the more than 150,000 Spanish citizens resident in the UK and on the UK’s continued reimbursement of healthcare costs incurred by its citizens in Spain under the present terms. Tourists are also covered by the plan. In 2018, 18.5m British tourists visited Spain.




This message was last edited by mariedav on 21/03/2019.

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21 Mar 2019 10:08 PM by Mickyfinn Star rating in Spain and France. 1833 posts Send private message

Thanks Marie I have read that before and have assumed continuity would be maintained. However, dealing with Spanish bureaucracy for days can be deeply dispiriting there seems to be little logic or common sense involved.

I'm doing mindfulness and breathing exercises before I set off once more tomorrow into battle.

Time is the school in which we learn Time is the fire in which we burn. Delmore Schwartz.

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