Debt status certificate

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17 Aug 2019 12:55 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

In response to your misinformation relating to the Banking industry Kavanagh, or perhaps you wish to remain unchallenged?

Enough of this nonsense.

Each to their own.



This message was last edited by ads on 17/08/2019.

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17 Aug 2019 1:16 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1302 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

** EDITED - Against forum rules **


This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 8/17/2019 1:49:00 PM.

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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20 Aug 2019 4:46 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Just further confirmation of the difficulties faced by Administrators and Owners when dealing with these banks.

Firstly, internal changes to management delay paying of Community Fees.

Then owners have accounts blocked and Community Fee Direct debits not honoured for NO good reason.

Sorry but these banks really are the pits.


From our Administrator in response to a question why banks were not paying fee again.

Good afternoon, 


We are working and pressuring them to get up to date and regrettably it is slower than hoped.

This year we have not issued bands to those tenants of block xx as was done last year. 


Some banks appear to have been doing internal account updates which has caused issues with the community charge. Also there have been several owners that have had they accounts completely blocked and were not informed by the bank of any issues, mostly down to paperwork. 


I hope this has clarified your queries. 



This message was last edited by hugh_man on 20/08/2019.

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20 Aug 2019 6:03 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Hi Hughman

Sorry but I’m confused by your posting. Is this connected to communities that have introduced discounts for timely payments? Or is it nothing to do with that? What are the bands that you refer to?

Who is not paying in this instance that you have identified.....the Banks or owners?

Does this mean that Banks are blocking some owners accounts without any forewarning which would then prohibit any direct debits from those accounts being paid to the Community of owners?

And is this being done when the Community of Owners make changes to the Community rules applying to delayed payments, so that those who make timely payments are given discounts?

Does this mean that the Bank are purposefully being obstructive when they as owners of repossessed properties are not being given discounts for timely payments as they are not making any payments when properties have been repossessed, until such time as the properties are sold?

Just wondering if they are trying to obstruct by blocking direct debits (thus compromising the Community) by preventing the benefit of discounts being correctly applied to those owners who make timely payments?

Or perhaps I have misunderstood? 

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20 Aug 2019 7:39 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Yes Ads, our Community has a discount scheme, so no the banks involved will not receive any discounts.

We also introduced wristbands for use of pools to owners who have no debts, so no the banks tenants in these apartments will be asked to leave the pools by security.

The apartments referred to have been repossessed by banks for some time and previously they were paying on time and receiving discounts. This latest delay is apparently due to a change in their internal affairs.

only a small number of owners who previously had dds set up to pay fees have been affected, unsure if its all the same bank but no reason other than sheer incompetence that dds have not been paid this time.

No not deliberately obstructive, just plain stupidity of the banks.

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20 Aug 2019 8:06 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

So will this now mean that the Banks by not paying on time will be penalised by not receiving the discounts?

But because they have also compromised a few owners, presumably they will not have their discounts affected as it wasn’t their fault that they couldn’t pay on time? Bit of an administrative nightmare???

As though you haven’t already got enough to do.sad

But by blocking owners accounts what about their ability to pay other d/ds, or is this just the d/ds for community fees that are affected?



This message was last edited by ads on 20/08/2019.

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21 Aug 2019 12:06 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

Of course,  the banks just like any other owner who does not pay on time will NOT receive the discount offered, so yes when they pay they are penalised by not receiving discounts.

The non payment of dds is, hopefully a completely separate issue and one which many owners have suffered from in the past, seemingly banks block accounts fir apparently no reason.

For this latest quarter it is around 10 owners account.

The Administrator is forced to contact all these owners to inform them that the dd has not been honoured and to make payment by transfer or other means to ensure paying on time to receive the discount.

No idea about other dds for utilities for example which could result in owners being cut off IF they are not aware that the dd has not been paid.

Home owners need to check on their overseas accounts regularly.

In the same way that the Administrator has to keep pursuing the banks for not paying the last one or 2 quarters due to these supposed changes in internal management.

So yes more work for the Administrator and more involvement in making decisions for a President and Community Committee.

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19 Mar 2022 9:35 PM by AmyTopeteoOww Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

There are many "dangerous" apartments on the secondary real estate market, the purchase of which can turn into problems for the new owner. Once, when buying a property, I did not request a certificate of debt, and when I documented the apartment, I received a notification that there was a debt in the apartment. This news put me in utter bewilderment. Because of this debt, I had to take out a loan by viewing the best interest rate through laan penge to not be much at a loss and pay this debt. Therefore, before buying, be sure to request a certificate of debts to be safe and not to overpay extra money.


This message was last edited by AmyTopeteoOww on 3/21/2022.

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12 Oct 2022 9:57 PM by Jacobiani Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

"In practice, tax debt should be established in each case concerning a separate taxpayer for a separate tax and not based on legislative provisions or information and communication systems of the State Tax Service, in which such features are not reflected.
It is better to contact a broker with such questions. I would parade Mortgage Broker Ipswich.
It is often the case that a taxpayer needs to obtain a certificate of no-tax arrears. If we order in electronic form, it speeds up the process of obtaining it and leads to the fact that we do not need to contact the tax inspectors directly.


This message was last edited by Jacobiani on 10/23/2022.

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