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11 Sep 2024 10:53 AM by Aleeee Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

Hey everyone. I'm Ale and I'm interested in installing a solar kit in my house. I just noticed this new launch and I'm excited to share with you here!

Anker's Solarbank batteries are available in Spain and Portugal. It's the latest technology in power storage. Solarbank 2 Plus and Solarbank 2 Pro is super advanced. It has an integrated design, including battery, micro inverter, and a controller. It saves your time to install the components and save room in your house. So far, I only see Robinsun is selling these 2 models in Spain and Portugal.

Solarbank 1 serves as a battery and you need to connect it to your solar kits. For now, I see Robinsun and Tornasol are selling it.

Contact me for more information. We can talk more about it. I leave my WA here:  +34 640 91 31 51. 

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18 Sep 2024 12:39 PM by brunoballi Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Hi Ale, I was also looking for an easy-to-install and affordable kit. I found that brand you mentioned, Robinsun, and first bought the 2-panel kit (800W) with a microinverter included. After seeing my savings on the energy bill, I decided to invest in one of their battery systems. It works really well, is pro technology, and I haven’t had any problems. I recommend investing in the Solar Bank 2 Pro because you can add more panels later. I made my purchase in Spain with free shipping. Do you have any other question? 

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18 Sep 2024 12:48 PM by electroboris Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Hi there,

I have had such a solar kit installed at home since 2022, first of just 1 solar panel. It cut my power bills in half, but I was producing more than I used (giving the rest for free to Iberdrola). I then certified the kit and added another panel. I went from €85-90/month bills to €20-22/month. Safe to say that these kits pay off very fast. And I see that since I bought, they have launched much stronger and all black solar panels from Aiko. A friend that works in solar distribution told me Aiko is the Prosche of solar panels.

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18 Sep 2024 4:49 PM by Aleeee Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

Thank you for the information. I think the batteries are powerful as well. Robinsun seems professional in solar industry in Spain. Cheers.

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