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27 Feb 2007 3:46 PM by Gillespie Star rating in Costa Calida Area. 608 posts Send private message

Gillespie´s avatar

Mmmmmm... they may have gone quiet but I can hear their woolly socks russling in their sandals, theyré here alright

I´m having an early doors now cos you´ve made me hungry, think I´ll have a cup -a-soup from Mercadonnas. Well how can I match Cesars salad and Tinto Verano in Puerto Banus!!

See ya all tomorrow folks moooahhh X


Business advice and consultancy - Visit www.calidain2business.com

Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.


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27 Feb 2007 3:57 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

Enjoy your day - I think Ill go early too, but still hankering after a choccy eclaire!

See you thursday!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!


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27 Feb 2007 4:24 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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georgia´s avatar

to rixxy,gillespie,smiley and justin.

Fantastic entertainment,you should be on the stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sitting in the back office laughing outloud!they all think i have gone mad due to client depravation.


www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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27 Feb 2007 4:28 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

Hi Georgia - glad your enjoying it. I think we are actually being rather quiet and nice  today.

Think the clients have read this and decided not to come here to buy. Anyway, with the weather like it is, its nice to have a quiet time.

Anyway its either teasing the others of doing the website updates YAK

Hey ho - yomorrow is another day!!! Enjoy


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!


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27 Feb 2007 4:49 PM by Darren Ward Star rating in Lytham St Annes & Ju.... 277 posts Send private message

Darren Ward´s avatar

Afternoon all,

The chat about food has brought back a painful memory, wifeys birthday and I ask what she wants to do....."I'd like to go somewhere I've never been before" she says, .......so I showed her the kitchen !!!!!!  Blackeye number 1

So...to make up, I bought her a big expensive bouquet of flowers, what did I get....." suppose I need to open my legs for these", my reply ...."why, haven't you got a vase large enough" !!!!!!   Blackeye number 2

Therefore guys, much safer to forget her birthday.



Darren & Michelle R17 - No.54


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27 Feb 2007 5:14 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

Darren - thats awful! Your poor wife!!!!

My sides are aching after laughing so much and the others are wondering what on earths happening in the office...


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!


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27 Feb 2007 5:22 PM by Darren Ward Star rating in Lytham St Annes & Ju.... 277 posts Send private message

Darren Ward´s avatar


Love her really....wouldn't swap her for Marmite either !

All though her cooking isn't so much Cordon Bleu........more Cordoned off !!!!!!!!



Darren & Michelle R17 - No.54


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28 Feb 2007 12:48 PM by Juan Pánzon Star rating in Marbella. 156 posts Send private message

Juan Pánzon´s avatar

Darren !! JUAAASSS!!!!!  Black eyed man....

I´ve been away from the internet as I am looking after a relative virtually non stpo at the moment.....

I am sorry JeanSis got angry...  and as much as I like her...... we, the "rotten agents" have this little spot on the coast to moan and complain..... I think we should be allowed...

People should lsten to the other side of the story... there is allways 2 sides of it.....

Anyway, today is an easy day, so I am going to tell you a funny story that happenned in Casares, when that area was just starting to develop after de"making " of the N-340 into dual carriage way.._____________________________________________________________________________________________

This is around 2002 and I was in charge of the sale of a complex in the "hill" of Casares ( that enormous rock that stands in the coast)... so, the family from England comes on Thursday to "Inspection visit" the development where they were buying an apartment,  I drive them around, Show Flat, etc..... show them the beach, the plans for the area, etc...... Juan is not a bad salesman so he sells..... remember we are in a Thursday afternoon...

Well, clients were due to return on Sunday afternoon so they gave me a call in the MORNING ( SUNDAY) to ask me if I could show them the apartment again before they went.... Okey, I live in Cabopino and the place was in Casares, so I called the girl who was "on duty" in the sales office that Sunday, obviously, she was very happy to show them around on a Sunday in which she was absolutelly bored to death...

So, the family arrives and Jill goes very happy to show them the apartment under construction again before they went back !

Here comes the funny thing !

Jill opens the apartment and the wife, with one of the children goes in directly to the terrace to see once again the view..... and as the husband and the other children comes in...... they hear a "hisssss"..... they look into the middle of the lounge and they horrorized stare into the eyes to a SNAKE.... all gloriously green, about a metre long and adopting the form of a coil, with her head up and hissing....

YOu can not imagine the srceaming and disaaster in which the story ended up....... since that people was not "local" they did not know that there are not poisonous snakes in Spain and that the poor reptile was even more scared that they were....

The wife had to be taken almost to hospital..... out of a nervous breakdown and off course they cancelled the purchasse.....

She was so nervous that they had to cancel the trip back to the UK and stay a couple of days longer during which we managed to sell them another apartment in Cabopino, so now they are my neighbours.

I think that this proves that even when you aorganize everything, S...T can always happen !!!

I must recognize that everytime I remember this story, I laugh my pants down !!

I´ve got some more stories on the pipeline, I will try to bring them in as soon as I have some time.




"I knew a lad that went to sea and left the shore behind him, I kne...

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28 Feb 2007 1:00 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar
That´s really funny Juan!!  I can just imagine the screams.  I'm not particularly keen on snakes myself so I would probably have been the first one to run out leaving the wife and kids behind to deal with it!


Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain

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28 Feb 2007 1:30 PM by Gillespie Star rating in Costa Calida Area. 608 posts Send private message

Gillespie´s avatar

Nice on Juan 

I bet next time the clients ask for a second viewing you will go in first and check under the beds.  You could always say I´ll open the blinds so you can see, then if you see a snake you could get out your "Crocodile Dundee knife" and flip it out of the window! on to some bathers near the pool!!!

I once climbed the staircase to a tower on the showhouse in a very posh resort.  The clients followed me, it was a very hot afternoon.  I opened the tower door and without looking in gestured my arms towards it and said to the clients, "this is an ideal room to have study with computer etc"  I looked at the clients face and they were horrified, so iI looked through the door only to see a huge equadorian builder doing a poo in his cool box


Business advice and consultancy - Visit www.calidain2business.com

Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.


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28 Feb 2007 1:45 PM by Darren Ward Star rating in Lytham St Annes & Ju.... 277 posts Send private message

Darren Ward´s avatar
Euuwwweee !!!!!! 


Darren & Michelle R17 - No.54


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28 Feb 2007 3:32 PM by Juan Pánzon Star rating in Marbella. 156 posts Send private message

Juan Pánzon´s avatar

Another one !

I was working in the Elviria office of Interealty in 2000, around March and things were going well, I´ve started selling well and fast so I was ful of enthusiasm so I would work ten extra miles if necessary.... anyway, this young couple, about my age comes to the office, sits down with me and we start choosing properties from the database, we had keys for every single one of them, but anyway, prudence says that you should call in advance to see if the owners are not there, etc...

So this apartment in Calahonda, a 1 bed unit, was for sale, I call the local number.. nothing..., Okey, then now the UK Ph number... voice mail... (leave a message)....

Anyway, we go to the apartment, come to the door, and just as an extra precaution, rang the bell..... nothing....

So comfortable enough, I open the door to the apartment, a girl was standing by the doorway, dressed only on a very small bikini and a transparent sort of "veil".... I will not mention her race not to be taken as prejudist, but let us say that her English was very limited, she listened why I explained her that I had the apt fro sale from mr  XXXXXXX and that´s why I was coming.... and she ansewered sayin... while she pointed her index finger to her mouth and with the fingers of the other hand was numbering...

"one, seven thousand, two, ten thousand, three people ( we, me and the clients) twtenty thousand !!! 

Off course I was red as the blood in my veins....... but thanks to God, the clients laughed so much that we ended up friendly, actually we laughed so much that our stomachs were hurting, we couldn´t stop laughing.



"I knew a lad that went to sea and left the shore behind him, I kne...

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28 Feb 2007 5:06 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar
Oh by the way JP there are venomous snakes in Spain - dont think they would kill you but we have Vipers and Adders here - would give a nasty nip - not to mention our very own version of the Black Widow Spider!!


Smiley - patrick@marbellamortgages.com  www.marbellamortgages.com   www.comparetravelcash.co.uk

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28 Feb 2007 6:54 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar
A snake in the living room?  Didn't you tell them there would be another agent there?

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01 Mar 2007 11:01 AM by pnward Star rating in Puerto de Mazarron. 19 posts Send private message

pnward´s avatar


This message was last edited by pnward on 3/1/2007.

Paul WardIn The Sun Property Investmentswww.in-the-sun.com

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01 Mar 2007 11:04 AM by pnward Star rating in Puerto de Mazarron. 19 posts Send private message

pnward´s avatar

OOPS, logged in as the wrong person again.

Hate it when that happens.

Paul WardIn The Sun Property Investmentswww.in-the-sun.com

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01 Mar 2007 11:06 AM by PAINTS Star rating. 14 posts Send private message

Nice one,

Wake up its March 1st or February 29th in Ireland.

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01 Mar 2007 11:58 AM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

Hi Guys - well here we are back at the desk again. On my own as all the others have buggered off elsewhere! I think the best rental story I had which still makes me laugh anyway was a few years ago. The business is a family one with myself, hubby and at the time hubbys son (its my second marriage - yes I know, mug!!!) who was at the time early 30's and his gilrfirend. It was decided on this particular day to send the men off cleaning together and actually they are very good, very thorough and can do the windows etc.

So, this particular day a client was arriving, single guy and friend of the owner. I had explained that due to our schedule, he was arriving quite early and the cleaners would meet him to give over the keys, he could put his stuff in the apartment then leave them alone to finish off. A time was arranged and he rang me 3 minutes after the time to say where were they. I told him they would be with him soon, they were just parking up.

Anyway, about half an hour went by and I thought I had better ring him back to see if all was ok. Only turns out he was witing in vain for a couple of busty blondes, so when a 6ft 3 and 6ft7 pair of hairy guys turned up, he was all embarrased and flustered, grabbed the keys and scarpered!

Everyone had a good laugh about it, he reckoned they were the hairiest cleaners he had ever met and even left a tip - of 10 dollars each!!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!


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06 Mar 2007 9:36 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

OK - thought I would bring this one up to date with todays little gems. We have 5 units in the same urbanization for sale - same owner.

The president also does management in the complex and looks after all 5. We rang him last week to arrange collection of 2 sets of keys to show the props.

Duly cleaned the car, dressed smartly and collected the clients at the appointed time this morning. Took them to 2 other units which they loved and then onto theis complex.

Only to find the 2 sets of keys left out didnt work!!

Result - embarassed agent and put out clients!! The chap is trying to sell them himslef - at a ridiculously higher price than us - of course doesnt declare his income, or have any overheads.

On calling the guy, his wife answered saying hubby had left the phone with her and she was in the hospital!!

Still, every cloud has the silver one and the clients look like they will go for one of the others.

Hey ho - a day in the life of...........


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!


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06 Mar 2007 9:40 PM by Darren Ward Star rating in Lytham St Annes & Ju.... 277 posts Send private message

Darren Ward´s avatar


Was the wife in hospital visiting her husband 'after' you'd got to see him first....or just happened to be there ?



Darren & Michelle R17 - No.54


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