Yeah I knew what you meant!
Yes it does piddle me off, I know we in general have a bad name but behind the scenes a lot of work goes in to push and promote a property, it costs monthly just to keep a website up and running and then there is the time factor and petrol going somewhere usually miles away, taking the details and pics then loading it up, sending it out to all clients, ringing people about it and trying to generate interest.
And yes you know you wont sell everything, its the name of the game and circumstances change, people change minds etc, but just a bit of respect that if a property is sold or taken off, that all the agents that were pestered for weeks with tears and begging to help sell it cos they cant feed the kids (and in this case I kid you not, this was what was happening - stopped me gettting to sleep one night feeling so helpless for them) would be contacted and informed of what was happening.
Happened the other week as well, a villa we have for sale, client over wanting to see it, cant get hold of owner so driving there to another property we saw a window open. Being concerned in case of a break in, I rang the bll. A stranger came out and informed me he was about to buy it, hadnt signed as yet but the owner had let him stay there! Now considering I had emailed the owner a few days prior with wanting a viewing for a different client, you would think he would have told me what was happening! But no!
The main reason I get annoyed is that Im trying to be professional and how is that possible when properties on ones site are sold or withdrawn - and yes we do call owners up roughly every 6 weeks to check on the status just in case - at our expense as well. Makes me look stupid in front of a client whom you are trying to get on with and build a rapport to hopefully fidn the right property for them but if not in the hope they may mention you to others!
'Customer service' should start from the sellers!