Hope has become a little doggy celebrity amongst some animal lovers locally to where she was treated at our vet’s Happy Pets …. as well as amongst her many supporters from far and wide who have followed her story on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/wherethereislifethereshope
Found by a local ACTIN supporter, Hope was lying lifeless and badly injured in a field. One leg was completely severed, the other also very badly injured.

Hope didn’t look to have much of a chance. Covered in ticks and in terrible condition, she had also been severely neglected prior to whatever awful incident had happened to her. She was taken by her rescuer to our vets where they examined and X-rayed her. We began an anxious wait for the results and advice from the traumatologist.
Her sorrowful state had touched so many hearts; everyone was praying she would be OK. Hope is just a pup at 3 months old. The vets’ advised that her badly injured back leg should be amputated and part of the toes of the other leg also.

Many would say that with so many needing to be rescued it would have been more economical and kind to put her to sleep. However, we believe that where there is life there is Hope. There is so much suffering for animals in Spain, that we want to give each and every animal that we can the chance of a happy life.
The suffering and abandonment, cruelty and unnecessary deaths of animals is overwhelming. We believe that the answer is not to sacrifice animals that have a chance of a healthy life … but to promote sterilisation and improved animal welfare. If only the municipal pounds would take this on board and help to promote it, it would save the 500 dogs a day that are healthy, from being put to sleep. Sacrifice is not the answer to controlling the animal population … and it also costs money. Why can’t they put the money spent on euthanising healthy animals towards a sterilisation campaign?
So, fully aware of the amount of dogs that don’t get a chance, we make every effort to help; it’s part of our fight against the injustice to animals. If an animal is sick and suffering, and has no hope, of course the right action is to humanely put it to sleep, we always trust our vets’ advice and our instincts.

In Hope’s case we now feel sure she will have a happy life. She has such a cheerful and contented disposition, in spite of her disability. You would have to meet Hope to see what we mean. When Hope was at her worst she never whimpered, cried or complained, our vets’ were very surprised at this, as she must have been in such pain. And just one day after her operation she was attempting to walk and wag her tail. She is such a sweet natured little girl, full of character and determination to survive. She helps make all the work we do worthwhile.

Hope will soon be available for adoption. It goes without saying we will be looking for a very special adopter. Could that be you? Please check out our adoptions website http://www.adoptaspanishdog.com
So please can we say thank you to Rosa the rescuer, to Happy Pets for taking such good care of her, to her foster Mum who is now doing a great job in giving her confidence … and of course our many local and more distant Facebook fundraisers and supporters. An extra special thanks to International celebrity medium, Colin Fry and partner Mike Fry for helping to raise funds for Hope’s operation and ongoing care and for their support to ACTIN with rescue and fundraising locally. We at ACTIN are indebted to you all.
If you would like to donate to Hope’s future care and to the many other dogs we have in our care and future rescues and projects, please go to our donation page.
You can see more photos and videos of Hope and follow her progress on her special facebook page, Where there’s life there’s Hope. https://www.facebook.com/wherethereislifethereshope
Video of Hope and Pete