Why wont they listen to the rescuers?
Rescue first, solutions after, we helped that dog but it’s just a plaster.
We are on our knees ‘no more’ we say to the government
Please, this is in Spain is an animal disaster
We see the fight in each other’s eyes we see the pleas in the abandoned eyes.
We are on knees to the government please; there are too many cases too many that need,
There are no resources so when will you listen, when will you care? You disregard us, it isn’t fair
To the government please, we are on our knees, our hearts are sore with more and more.
The dogs are sick, alone, and at our doors, we are scraping the barrel, we are on the floor
This curse we have, our love for dogs, it is a torment here, not a blessing for us; only to the dogs we save and love.
We are tired, we are sick, we no longer live...we are rescued out, our minds lost and frayed but still we cannot turn away,
If we did the guilt will kill us, so another day, not normal or right and no time to be normal or play
We just don’t know how, to save another, where to put more pups and their mother
We are on our knees, oh can’t you see; we pray to the government, give us our day
Please see their plight and see ours too, we are on our knees because of you
You believe that killing an innocent bull is fun to watch, though we tell you it’s cruel, We are on our knees and you are too brutal
You let the hunter starve his dog, hang from a tree, take a life they should not
You say nothing, you turn away, your culture is cruel, not part of modern day- you fool
You leave us lonely fighting and sad, you hurt the animals and it’s much too bad.
When will you see how much suffering is caused, not just to the animals but to the humans cause.
Take care now, for what you have done, because one day for sure our cause will be won.
But for now we plead, we are on our knees...can you not hear us and for the animals we plead?
By Vivienne Wharton
President of Actin-Spain
Taken from Actin-Spain