The PAES National Animal Welfare Conference is being held at the Costa Narejos Hotel, Los Alcázares, Murcia 16-18 October 2015
Saturday, October 3, 2015 @ 10:39 AM

The PAES National Animal Welfare Conference is being held at the Costa Narejos Hotel, Los Alcázares, Murcia 16-18 October 2015 and is believed to be the first of its kind in Spain. Three animal welfare organisations from Murcia and Almeria: ACTIN, San Animal and Cruz Azul, are collaborating on the PAES (Protección Animales España) Project which is creating great initiatives and programmes, including the National Animal Welfare Conference.
The conference is aimed at those who would like to learn more about running their own Trap, Neuter and Return campaigns; volunteers involved in shelters, sanctuaries, rescue groups and foster pet parents, as well as anyone who loves animals and wants to get involved.
Delegates will be able to learn about the lifesaving changes taking place across the country and the organisers are confident that they will take those ideas back to pets in shelters, and with rescue groups, in their home towns.

More info on the Facebook page
And in Spanish...
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