Are you thinking about adopting? Would you consider a dog that has been ill-treated, has behavioural problems or needs a daily tablet for leishmania and yearly blood tests? Find out more about Actin’s Special Needs Dogs below…
We have recently set up a Special Cases section on our Adopt a Spanish Dog website where we list the dogs in our care that need special attention, they usually have injuries or illnesses they need treating or are recovering from and sometimes behavioural problems that they need to overcome. These animals are receiving our special care with the support of our members as we couldn’t do it without you, we need your donations and sponsorship in order to help them and continue their care.
Some of these special cases are now ready for their forever homes.
One such such special dog is Derek, who needs loving care and a patient and kind owner.
Derek is a Sharpei of the original kind. He has recently been very unwell and what was thought to be a skin allergy turned out to be Leishmania and had affected his organs. He was given a 20% chance of survival but he made it through and now needs a loving home.
He is around 2 years old, is friendly, well behaved, prefers other female dogs to males and has a great and loyal character. He has such a lovely nature and has proved that he is a survivor. He is castrated & vaccinated.
Are you that special friend for Derek?
Please read about Derek >> here << where there are many more photos.
Derek the Sharpei Update:-
Well, we were as happy as expected with Derek's results, the vet had told us they really had no hope for his survival, so he is a complete miracle.
He has put on 8 kilos, has his full appetite back and his mischievous and I dont care what anyone thinks demeanour has returned. His skin looks worse than it is. What you could see before under his skin were the horrible ulcers but they have healed up.
Derek's vet's bills were high with hospitalisation, we have published it below and we still need help to cover, as we have so many other dogs to pay for too. If anyone would still like to help us with Derek's October bill, our paypal account is admin@actin-spain.com or on the website where we have a link to the donation page.
Our October bill was 2,352.48€ so any help we can get will be so appreciated.
Our VETS HAPPY PETS have a tin and can take donations directly. Thank you once again to our vets, for saving Derek and all the other dogs care they have given and to you for the help you have given us to get this far - we cannot do it without your donations.