RIP dear Teddy
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 @ 10:01 AM

I've written many blog posts about Teddy, a blind puppy who was adopted from Spain to Scotland, the last one with links to previous posts is
All at Actin were devastated to hear the news that our beautiful blind rescue boy Teddy Trueheart died suddenly on 23rd September whilst out on his daily walk with his family in Scotland. Although it comes as a great shock, and none more so than for his family Colin and Marie Southon who gave him an amazing new life, we take peace from the fact that he was doing what he loved, walking and exploring his world.
Teddy arrived at Actin as puppy with glaucoma, his owner was going to take him to the Perrera to be put to sleep and Actin were called to try to help save him. From the start it was clear that he was a happy and very brave boy. He endured a lot as a puppy, and bravely overcame it all, making everyone who met him fall in love with this huge lovable pup. When he had the operation to remove his eyes and ease his pain he turned into the happiest cleverest boy who loved life.
Sherlie Bradley his foster mum did a fantastic job caring for him during and after his operation, and then he found a fantastic new home in Scotland and undertook the huge journey from Spain to Scotland. We all have followed his story and progress along with many others in his facebook family, with anticipation and wonder. What an amazing life he had with his brothers and sisters, and Marie and Colin, running in the fields, playing with sticks, getting into mischief. We all feel stunned that he has gone from us so soon.
Teddy Trueheart had the most glorious life because of Marie and Colin and we know he will be very sadly missed by them, and by Teddy's brothers and sisters especially Bear Braveheart who was Teddy's best buddy and also blind. All we can do is send them our love, hugs, condolences and so much gratitude. We have all had such pleasure in seeing Teddy's joy of life and he will remain special in many peoples hearts.
Teddy is now running free at rainbow bridge and this time he can see his new world. We'll all miss you Teddy.
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