Our Celebrity Patron, Colin Fry from TVs The 6th Sense series
Thursday, September 25, 2014 @ 4:28 PM
It is with great pride and pleasure that Actin can now announce that they have their very own Celebrity Patron, Colin Fry from TVs The 6th Sense series. What fantastic news!

Above: Colin Fry of TVs The 6th Sense, with Viv Wharton Actin’s President....
Colin Fry has already been promoting Actin’s work and asking for donations during his recent tour, and we have had some great support from his followers. Colin recently met with Actin’s president Viv Wharton and agreed to become Actin’s Patron as he is very interested in our Animal welfare and animal defense work in Spain. He agrees that the way to change things for animals in Spain is work towards an Animal Welfare Act, stand against cruelty and abandonment and also promote sterilisation for all pets.
We hope to achieve great things with Colin on board and look forward to a year of growth for Actin. You can find and follow Colin on facebook here, he has also recorded a short video blog explaining simply who Actin are and why you should support them which you can view on youtube below or on his facebook page. He also supports Noah’s Arc of Mazzarón a local animal rescue that Actin also works alongside. You can find Noah’s Arc on facebook.
Everyone at Actin, our friends and supporters would like to offer Colin our sincere thanks for agreeing to work with us.
Television Spiritualist Medium, The Rev. Colin Fry, and his partner Mikey, live in Spain. They have both been made Patrons of the animal defence charity, 'Actin Spain'. With their commitment both Colin and Mikey wish to establish awareness of the charity and raise needed funds in order to help support the charity. Unlike the UK, Spain does not have anything like the RSPCA or PDSA. Animal welfare is down to individual groups.
Source: Actin-Spain
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